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Have good manners and courtesy in children "gone by the wayside" in what you see in your world?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No most kids 10 and younger are sweet and respectful. Teens and tween push the boundried of what is ok and what is not ok on purpose. I could care less about that because when these young people get out of college they will change it around and be more polite at least. Some people will always be rude but not everyone.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    There is so much to say on this one! My answer is yes and no. I was born in 74 so I can see things from both sides. We have to teach our children good manners by being examples. Also we have to understand these are very different times. Our elders thought the same thing about my generation (we were rude and weird).

    You also have to remember the power has been taken out of the parents and teachers hands and the government not only wants to tell us whats good for our children they also want to tell us whats best for us as adults.

    Instead of solving problems we implement a program and sit in groups and complain week after week, instead of curing we medicate because theres profit in illnesses and instead of welcoming change we see it as a threat.

    Its deeper than manners its the times we live in! We have the power to make it better but we point the finger when really its all of our responsibility (it takes a village to raise a child). We laugh when our fellow man fails and talk about them instead of lending a helping hand.

    This generation learned by watching us (do as I say and not as I do) our actions say "i couldnt care less" and so niether do they.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


    Yes, there ARE some good kids - without doubt. However, they seem to be outnumbered now by those who have no discipline imposed, either at home or at school. They dress in totally inappropriate clothes for their age, are allowed way too much freedom and, in seems, are never told NO. They are given too much, too early in life without having to earn it, have little or no respect for elders, are unable to write or speak the English language properly and are far too fixated on their appearance and gadgets.

    What can be done about it? Who knows. Perhaps when parents realise that the softly-softly, give-them-everything-they-want approach is creating a generation of greedy, arrogant youth, they might rebel themselves and start imposing a little 'tough love'. It certainly works in countries where the Government and do-gooders don't interfere in the way parents bring up their kids.

    As a 'for instance' - when I was young, if I DARED to turn my nose up at a certain food, my father would say 'EAT IT' in a firm tone. If I then argued again I got a whack - no messing. I ate. Result - I can now go anywhere and eat anything that is put in front of me without grumbling. I didn't hate my Dad for it - I just learned to DO AS I WAS TOLD. We need that kind of approach - not 'Well what WOULD you like then?' - pandering to their every whim.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    For the most part, yes. However there are still some pockets where children are taught manners and respect. For example: My son is in Taekwondo- respect and manners are a must, both at class, school, and at home, or advancement in rank could be held.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Some parents still make an effort to teach their children manners, but unfortunately, too many have taken the "let a kid be a kid" sentiment too far, and allow their children to run wild.

  • 10 years ago

    I agree with Vee! Seems like today's generation of parents just won't instill consequences for bad behavior and follow all the way through with them. Sad thing about it is THEY'RE actually the ones who are ultimately creating the monster.

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