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B&B who thinks Steffy needs?

to just be commited....

seriously they are making her look beyond pathetic...worse then brooke even and thats pretty be soooooooooooo madly in love with Bill one day then wala the next shes sooooooooooooo madly in love with his son liam....wth...and shes chasing him now like a dog in heat...why cant they just find her, her own guy.....have her with a strong guy who knows what he wants good to her yet put her in her place so to speak....i cant stand this storyline....

she went after ollie, bill, now liam...and NO ONE finds this wrong...her parents basicly are ok with it and even encourage it and even bill today is like ok kewl go for it chase him...sick and twisted....

hope is just to much of a goody goody but it is sorta refreshing to see somone stand up for some degree of purity and not a bedhopper....i think liam needs to suck it up and be a man if he really needs hope grow a pair and be strong and dont let that manchaser phsyco steffy ruin things.


lol i like the duct tape idea...

ty both , both answers are good....

i do understand that it can be hard on liam BUT, if he truely loves hope he should stand by her and support her in her choice, be there at her side during the press and all that, not be so damned embarrased....he needs to man up or get out....

but yea the sex life of this girl is getting boring....they need someone like amber or shelia to stir the pot

13 Answers

  • Dharma
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    poor Steffi has some serious Daddy issues. It's not her fault really, just look at the way Ridge always bats for Hope, and Hope isn't even his daughter. Steffi just wants to be loved. Once Taylor takes over Forrester, Steffi should have more responsibility and no time for chasing that lame Liam.

  • 10 years ago

    Steffie needs a mother that can put her foot down on what she is doing and a father that can be there for her. As long as the man is attached Steffie will do every thing she can to prove that he should be with her. Her parents are only ok with her hanging onto Liam because he saved her from drowning in the tub, but I think Steffie is getting the wrong message when her mother told her she should start hanging out with Liam. At least Hope isn't letting Steffie get to her, I hope Liam can do the same.

    I was saying last week, they need to find a single man that Steffie can play with.

    She needs help from some one, maybe James Warwick can try to fix her.

  • 10 years ago

    You are right about how hypocritical and pathetic they're making Steffy on this show. I mean the writers here really know how to ruin a really good bad girl and make a mockery of good ethics and decency. And this whole storyline is just lame. So what Hope's a virgin and wants to wait until she's married. And after months of holding hands with her Liam suddenly pops a spark for Steffy and impulsively propose to Hope, now he's climbing the walls because he wants Steffy but is stubbornly hanging on to his commitment to Hope, a girl who isn't willing to give it up so easily to him. Now Bill is in the mix and what makes the storyline even dumber is that he's using his ex-girlfriend to seduce his son because he thinks his son's girlfriend is taking advantage of him because she refuses to have sex with him. He actually sees this as Hope taking away Liam's manhood. Duh!!! Having sex doesn't make a boy a man. Most parents would think their son bringing home a girl like Hope would be an admirable thing. I mean who wants their son with a girl who has been with her sister's ex-boyfriend (Rick) who also happens to be their uncle and who is so willing to chase after other women's men. I mean the logic of this show is dumbfounding. But I think Steffy and Liam deserve each other. Liam fell in love with Steffy during the time she was with Bill. I say let Steffy have Liam for a while and let Hope be with Oliver. For goodness sake this poor guy has been apologizing to Hope about the whole Brooke thing forever now. Even though she said she's forgiven him I think she still holds it against him in some way, because he failed her high expectations. Now she is holding Liam up to those same standards. I think the writers should write it so that Liam fails her expectations and she would learn with Oliver that people make mistakes in relationships and that you should be big enough to forgive them and move on.

  • Dippy
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    But Steffy is right! Hope is using her "morals" to manipulate Liam. Good grief! The soap opera is set in LOS ANGELES, people! Any high school kid could tell Hope that there are "other" ways to keep her man happy without losing her virginity. She's not even offering any alternatives to him. She gets him excited and then leaves him high and dry. Poor guy. He needs to grow a pair because the ones he was born with have probably turned blue and fallen off by now.

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  • 10 years ago

    Some days I think half the characters on that show need to be committed! She sure did get over Bill awfully quick, considering they were "planning a life together". Now he wants her to go after Liam? I would rather see her meet someone nice who is really into her, for herself, and not see her continue to chase after people who are not available. Taylor really has blinders on when it comes to Steffy, and she is encouraging her. Ridiculous. I like Hope's message too but I understand it's tough on Liam. If he can't wait for her, he needs to break the engagement and move on with someone else. I also get that it's embarrassing for him because everyone knows what's going on, because it's part of the campaign. Hard for anyone to take.

  • JennyH
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    As much hate Steffy has for Brooke....she sure is following in the same foot steps as her. First his son...both of them committed to somebody else....Oliver when Hope was with him. I think it's very off that her mother that psychiatrist finds this normal behavior. She is condoning Steffy persuing Liam....and of course now she's screwing around with Ridge's brother. They are not any better than Brooke in my opinion, maybe worse sinse they complain what she has done in the they are doing it themselves.

  • Jule M
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    You are right, it is pathetic. She is just a big spoiler. She can't stand to see anyone happy. I think she hates that Ridge puts Hope on the same level as she is: DAUGHTERS. She just spends all her time trying to make Hope unhappy she has no time to truly make herself HAPPY. That plus the limited cast of a 30 min show makes finding her own man difficult.

  • 10 years ago

    The writers are surely writing Steffy as someone with no potential for growth on the show! It's like she just has to do Brooke's and Hope's bidding!

  • MAK
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I think for B&B to dwell on Hope's virginity for three weeks is totally RIDICULOUS........every day...... day after day....these people (Forrester's and Spencer's) are big company fashion, executives and their standing around talking about this girls sex life?

    Steffy needs a LARGE strip of duct tape on that BIG mouth of hers.

  • ~FROG~
    Lv 7
    10 years ago



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