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Fellow elitists, help! I think I'm becoming.... open minded...?

Just a few months back, I was the perfect elitist. I knew that my 'opinions' were facts, and I was amazing when it came to pwning music n00bs online. But then, something weird started to happen. I started liking music that had more than 20 views on Youtube and more than a $5 production budget. I started respecting others 'opinions'. I started buying CDs and tapes that weren't limited to 666 copies or less. What's wrong with me? I cry myself to sleep every night because of this. In fact, I'm bawling my eyes out as I type this. Please help me become the elitist a**hole I once was.

BQ: Tiffany vs Vomitory?

BQ2: Diabetes vs Cancer?

11 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You, my friend, are getting older. Plain and simple.

    Embrace it.

    BA: Vomitory

    BA2: Cancer - I'd rather die a slow painful death than go through dialysis and have limbs amputated only to die anyway.

    Source(s): metal
  • 10 years ago

    Well I'f you want to become a elitist just start listening to bands no one has ever heard of.

    Here click the link and that's you become a music elitist :3

    But honestly being a music a elitist sucks, just enjoy music and be opened minded.

    I used to be all like " all this music **** sucks"

    But them I started slowly liking new music.

    **** I grew up listening to slayer and I though asking Alexandria was the gayiest band ever and one day I had to learn one of their songs on guitar.

    I was like "wow this is simple but it has some interesting rhythms it's actually not that bad"

    And since I was learning the song I had to listen to it over and over an over again.

    And eventually I started liking asking Alexandria :P

    Well that's just and example.

    Just give music a fair chance and it's actually not as bad as you make it out to be.

    I listen to so many styles now that I'm not a music elitist.

    Anything from pop, to Norwegian black metal to jazz to deathcore to post hardcore to oldschool punk and classic rock.

  • 10 years ago

    Don't be a douche man. Good music is good music, and if pwning music n00bs online made you feel amazing, i think it's good that you feel you have changed.

    Source(s): satan
  • 10 years ago

    Oh my god that's terrible. You need to watch excessive porn and masturbate all the time.

    BQ: Who?

    BQ2: Type 1 or 2 diabetes? Either way though i'd rather have diabetes.

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  • 10 years ago

    Oh no ! That is truly a tragedy , sir. It's rather baffling that you took a 180* turn and became open-minded in a matter of months ! Tell me , how does one achieve something like that in so little time ? What is it that made you switch to the dark side ?

    BA : What?

    BA2 : Oh dear ! Cancer definitely ,it causes more fatalities.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I have found that being open minded is far more enjoyable then being an elitist because you can enjoy alot more music,but I do have a feeling that your trolling



  • Jon
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Just think of your new outlook on music as "If it sounds good, it's good,"...At least now you can get things like a Wikipedia page, reviews, iTunes exclusive tracks and really clear music videos

    BQ2- Cancer. Most that die from Diabetes die from complications of the disease, but most who die from Cancer die from the disease itself.

  • 10 years ago


    Just do what most of the metalheads on this site do and you'll be back to being an arrogant and narrow-minded elitist in no time. :)

  • 10 years ago

    Happened to me too kiddo.

    Just means you're getting your "big boy hair" in special places.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i like your sarcasm

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