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Why does washing my hair(head) give me a cold or cause a headache?

I have short black hair. At night when I'm done washing my head in the shower. I get a headache or get sick. I wash it with warm water not cold water.

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Washing your hair cannot give you a cold, but if it gives you a headache, the headaches may be migraines or tension headaches. Read about headaches here.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    "On How Stuff Works" they talked about "brain freeze" and how by eating very cold drinks, ice cream, ice, milk shakes or water can cause the vessels in the top of your mouth to swell and send a message to the brain they are being attacked! You can get an immediate bad head pain and sometimes it can travel to your face and neck and last from a few seconds to 3 or 4 minutes, depends on how much and how fast you took something really cold ... it can seems like a hour when it happens and kids have sworn off eating ice cream, until next time. So, by the time you can reach for a hot cup of tea or coffee to reverse it, it can go away, but the pain comes fast and hard. We all have had this. No wonder our folks told us to eat slowly.

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