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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Why does media try so hard to convince us Ron Paul is Unelectable?

Have you noticed that all of the media from TV to even Talk Radio (both liberal and traditional conservative talk radio) are all saying the same thing; Ron Paul Can't Win and Ron Paul is Unelectable? Isn't this synchronized repetition focused on just one candidate just a bit to consistent to see it as being merely coincidental?

When was the last time you witnessed both of the 2 major political parties working this hard and this often to tell potential voters how one candidate is unelectable? Not a day goes by that some talk show host hasn’t commented on how Ron Paul is not going to win. Despite the fact that Ron Paul has as of July 2011 received more campaign contributions from active military than any other candidate; Despite the fact that Ron Paul has won the coveted CPAC star poll for the last 2 years; Despite the fact that Ron Paul is in a 3 way tie for having won the most State Straw Polls to date; despite all of these undeniable facts (I’m sure some government hack lick yMember NGC6205 or some mindless Republican Party zombie will try to deny these anyway ) we still repeatedly hear every day about how Ron Paul just can’t win.

Should the question be why is the media making such an organized effort to promote the Ron Paul Can’t Be Allowed To Win mantra?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ron Paul is a racist who would destroy all our social programs, including Medicare and Social Security. His domestic plan is every man, woman, child, and infant for himself. He wants to make this country look like Somalia.


  • 7 years ago

    Exactly what happened in the election? Oh yeah, Ron Paul lost and lost by a large margin.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    The Mainstream Media is taking care of its CUSTOMERS:

    The advertisers/customers who buy airtime are all CORPORATIONS.

    The Corporations are predominantly owned by the Global Wealthy Elite.

    The Global Wealthy Elite like things just the way they are --slanted in THEIR favor.

    Case closed.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because of his honesty, he's the biggest threat. Don't let the media fool you though--his followers are everywhere.

    Unlike Obama and the rest of the GOP candidates, he's not a puppet. Unlike Obama, he would end the wars and he would have done it a long time ago.

    Ron Paul 2012- Save the Constitution and restore liberty. REAL change.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    We don't need the media to convince us on this one. When he says he'll get rid of the Federal Reserve, it's like Roseanne Barr saying she'll make corporate elite pay their fair share first, and if they refuse, then guillotine them. I mean, there's just no credibility coming from serious candidate when you say things just to appease people.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The media is out of control. They are all owned by the same people (Zionist trillionaires) and are arrogant enough to think they can shape the opinions of their viewers. They are successful with weak minded people who can't think for themselves. However, some of us are too smart to be manipulated by them or their fear mongering spin and gossip. Real news reporting is a lost art.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    because he is. I think he would be awesome but realistically his ideas scare people who are comfortable with things the way they are.

    and the people who really control things dont want him he like JFK would go against them and what they want

  • 10 years ago

    because the people behind the scenes that run this country don't want him to be elected or even noticed

  • S
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    1)nobody's gonna read all that

    2)he IS unelectable. you don't need the media to tell you that

  • 10 years ago

    They can't seem to get past his prior dismal election results.

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