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Have you ever been to a funeral?

Do you mind sharing who's funeral it was & how you dealt with it? thank you.

32 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    The first was when I was 16 for a friend who died of cancer.

    Then my grandmother; father; mother.

    It's very hard to lose those you love so much.


    Source(s): . Angel Designer
  • 10 years ago

    I've been to soo many funerals throughout my fifteen years, that I don't know if I could even remember them all. The last one I went to was my grandparents' funeral, three years ago. My grandma and grandpa died within 24 hours of each other. I can also think of five other funerals I have been to off the top of my head, the earliest one being when I was less than five years old.

  • Yes, a few of them. My brother died when he was 5 (and I was 7) and that was by far the most difficult. It's 22 years later and there's still some pain there.

    I've also been to funerals for my grandfather, and my cousin. I wasn't terribly close to my grandfather (he was a cold man), and my cousin was only an infant so I never really got to know him. Both funerals were very sad, but I did my best just to suck it up get through them.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, I have been to 2 funerals in my lifetime. One in 2009 and the other in 2011.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes! It was my best friends mom. He had a hard life he was poor and was beat by his dad. His mom was also getting beat by the dad. His mom was trying to take care of her son. His dad was a bad boy.

    Now his mom is dead and he is with his dad. :'( I have moved away cuz I had family things going on also. so now I do not talk to him as much. But I went to his moms funeral It was very sad I was with him through it all. He has a older brother and I was there for both of them. But is was sad. I still wish I could have done someting to help them out.

    And my grandma had died just a few month ago. I did not know her well. I was adopted so yeah don't know her.

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My best friend's , I actually have became better thinking about it now . I was very depressed for over a year and lost over 20 pounds but I got better and was seeing a therapist but I reached out to God my real therapist and now am back and normal on my feet . I also have gone to my cousins girlfriends funeral who was extremely sad because I was super close with her even though she had a really hard life everyone used to treat her like crap , and my cousin used to beat her all the time . Long sad story . My best friend died of a car accident he was the passenger and my cousins girlfriend died of a bad Ecstasy pill . Well if your having trouble with a death of a person you may email me for help at .

    Source(s): Carmela Acostaa ,
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I recently went to my great grandpa's funeral. I didn't know him very well, but for some reason for a short time before and after the funeral I would hold back tears/ cry

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    yes i have been to 2 funerals before and both were my grandpas' funerals. the 1st one i had a support during the funeral (i sat in the back with my cousins, they were my rock) and the 2nd one i was forced to sit in the front w/ my parents and gma, it was horrible cuz i also had to sing at that one too. luckily for both i had my friends who were there with me and helped me through the ups and downs.

  • 10 years ago

    A bunch. Only 3 really stand out. 1. A cousin. He was robbed at gun point while playing b ball. Smh. 2. The brother of a little girl I used to babysit. He was mugged.

    The worst: 3. My uncle. Stroke. Died two days before my birthday. One of the worst days of my life. I cried and spent time with close family. We sang his favorite songs and watched old videos of him.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No my parents wouldn't let me say my goodbyes to my cousin who was like a brother to me. Other than that I'm lucky there's not been a funeral I've had to attend

  • 10 years ago

    yes I have and it was very hard to go through, I haven't been to a funeral in over 7 years now

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