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Airheart asked in Education & ReferenceTeaching · 10 years ago

Why don't principals fire bad teachers?

I am an itinerant specialist and have gone repeatedly to at least 30 schools over a number of years. I have seen really great regular ed teaching, special ed, not so much. We have a few great teachers, some mediocre, and also some very, very bad teachers, who not only could not teach, but worse, did not develop a relationship with the children of caring and trust. These people lack empathy, make demeaning remarks about children and adults and do not teach social skills because they don't know any. Here is my question again: Why are principals allowing them to continue to destroy the hearts and minds of children year after year.

Here is an example: I saw a Pre-K special ed teacher rip up a child's picture of himself and his therapy dog, because he spilled his cereal on the way back to his seat. So why, why aren't these folks being fired? I have alerted principals to some serious problems over the years. Not very many, but those people were neither censored or fired. Go figure.

I thought that was one thing that principals got paid for.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    While I completely agree with you, it takes more than one complaint to fire a teacher - or anyone for that matter. Think about it. Lets say that one person complains against you, are you going to get fired based on that one complaint? No, the complaint would be investigated and then a warning would be given. If you fail to improve you would be let go. This is no different for teachers - tenured or not. Now, if there have been multiple complaints about a teacher and the principal refues to investigate, then it is up to the ones complaining to go to the district and have them investigate the complaint. A word of caution though, if you have complained, say 50 times about 50 different teachers, you are ot going to be taken to seriously. I would focus on your most serious complaints first for that reason. Also, in response to the answer claiming that observations are preplanned, you are not correct. The only pre arranged observations that I have ever heard of are observations of first year teachers.

  • 10 years ago

    Principals do not hire teachers, and they do not fire them. That's the role of the board of education. If a teacher has done something egregious, then by all means that person should be fired. A principal can make the recommendation that he or she be fired, but it's the BOE that does the firing.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    In order to fire a teacher, the administration must know about it first. If the administration come to a decision on firing the teacher, then it is passed down to the principal, and the principal notify the teacher - I think this is how it works. I don't think the principal has the power to fire a teacher.

  • 10 years ago

    1. Most teachers have tenure and are very expensive to fire.

    2. If they do well during there evaluation and observations (which are pre-planned, how could you not do good), then they are usually kept.

    3. One or two 'little' things aren't enough for them to want to fire them

    4. Principals have bosses too, so they can not make every decision on their own.

    5. Prinicipals get complaints are almost every teacher, so unless they are getting significantly more complains and complaints about larger issues, then it will not have much affect.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    one million. Getting scholars to put in writing at the board is a ordinary train. There's not anything particularly flawed with it. Yeah, it could imply he has to do much less, however it is truthfully serving to folks who're writing. two. Teachers are human. They're no longer going to understand the solutions to a couple matters. If he might rarely do any, then that could be a quandary. But if it is one situation - and even simply the atypical one - it is each fully typical and certainly not grounds to be fired. three. Just due to the fact that persons ***** approximately a instructor, does not imply they must be fired. If that occurred there'd be virtually no academics within the tuition. The court cases must be credible, risk-free and with reference to problems the tuition deems unacceptable. If he certainly isn't studying your solutions in any respect, that's a situation you ought to attempt to proper. But in all honesty it is very convenient to peer for those who've gotten whatever correct or flawed while it is top tuition maths. If you recognize what the last reply is meant to be, it best takes one look to peer if any one is proper. If there may be countless steps worried and multiple mark it is another tale. And is being whacked with a publication particularly that unhealthy? Does it even harm? From what you will have stated, it is just while youngsters are being brats. As for best hitting men it is quite often due to the fact that he is aware of women could make a better deal approximately it and albeit his superiors & dad and mom could come down more difficult on him for doing it to women. Sexist, sure, but additionally fact. If you particularly have a situation with it, or it truthfully hurts while he hits you, and also you are not simply making use of it to check out and get him fired, then you definitely must carry it up with a deputy or the prinicpal. But if you do not particularly brain then do not. And if not anything is finished approximately it, then simply do not misbehave and positioned your self ready wherein he wishes to hit you with a publication. Not liking any one is not grounds for them to be fired. Having stated that, he perhaps an terrible instructor. And sure, each tuition has academics like the only you will have defined. Part of the schooling system is studying easy methods to believe and paintings independently. Just do your satisfactory. And critically, for those who wish to get A's then you definitely must quite often take a look at following his instructional materials - "But he does not whack the women, he will simply inform them to take a seat down.. however I may not besides". Running round and going for walks over to others to have a talk is not precisely conducive to studying. Sorry if this comes throughout as condescending or patronising, god is aware of I used to be quite often one million occasions worse than you & your elegance pals in top tuition, however the whole lot I've stated is simply my opinion centered on my reports. And 'unhealthy' academics are simply whatever you must be trained to reside with and paintings round. A optimistic is they drive you to end up extra unbiased newcomers.

  • 10 years ago

    In many cases they can't. If a teacher has tenure it is virtually impossible to fire him or her. The most a principal can do is have the teacher suspended or transferred. This is what the unions have done.

    We had a teacher in our district who was addicted to prescription drugs. Often she slept in the classroom or didn't get to school at all. Parents complained constantly. First they tried transferring her to a lower grade, and then they eventually had to hire a substitute to be in the class with her. Finally it was decided that it wasn't safe to leave her alone in a classroom, so they assigned her to do office work. But they couldn't fire her, and she's still working. She retires in a few years and they're just waiting it out.

  • 5 years ago

    Winning Your Ex Lover Back -

  • cobra
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    If this is related to US education then it is typical of the loony system you have. Utter bollocks the lot of it.

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