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How do you look at the Rs.25,000 crore illegal mining scam in Congress Govt of Goa?

The drama enacted at the Centre over the PAC report on Spectrum scandal is repeated in the Congress ruled Goa also! The Speaker dis allowed the PAC report submitted by the Chairman (opposition leader) on the ground that majority members (congress and allies) had not signed it - because the report had documented the role of CM himself with solid details!

He had also since changed the Chairman of the PAC without consulting the opposition leader! And this party talks loud about democracy and constitution being mauled by Azare team!!!

Also see:

What are your thoughts on the pervading corruption in the Congress led govts?


MS is trying to hijack the subject to his pet Modi bashing business which is not strange! The subject had already been discussed by him and answered by me already. Does he raise Qs on the Spectrum or CWG? Do we question is right to choose his own subjects for discussion?

And he pats himself as Nightmare (read: self proclaimed bully) who had already eliminated dynamic young contributors like Aryan, Logician, etc by his style of hurtful comments! But he has the knack of keeping some supporters by pampering them in his own style (I was also once his fan as long as I was in RS section mainly. The moment I came to Politics and started criticising Congress I became a rival!). OK, we get side tracked by his crafty accusation of contributors unfortunately!

I thank Bala for the right and decent rejoinders! Since there is no major visitors any more, I wish to close this discussion. Thanks all for your views!

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is nothing compared with scams in other Congress ruled Governments.It will run crores in lacs.Congress party is responsible for corruption in India.Late Indira Gandhi was pioneer in this respect.Cash for vote,illegal mining etc are her contribution.Now it has increased manyfold beyond their control.

  • Consulting leader of opposition? Are you kidding me? Leader of opposition himself was PAC chairperson who was ousted by the speaker and that is the right of chairperson.

    Second, PAC report did not indict CM but Mr. Parrikar in legislative assembly said that CM might be involved.

    Third and the last, who is Mr. Manohar Parrikar? A politician who himself was accused in IFFI scam.

    Common give me a break, how can you even talk about such political findings when you don't even bother to mention 26953 crore fraud by Gujarat government as found by CAG? However you will surely find fault at congress based on political allegation by leader of opposition who happens to be PAC chief in Goa and was accused of corruption himself.

    Edit: Some users might be getting nightmare of the user ID M.S. They also have intentional habit of bypassing any question that puts their politically affiliated party on spot, but I am sure some genuine users would surely remember that I had raised question on CAG report against Gujarat Government and the questioner of this question was awarded the best answer. I just hope while ranting Sheila, Sheila very soon those users will start singing Bollywood special song that starts with "Sheila". LoL.

    Also users don't understand the process of appointment of PAC in state Vs national parliament, and try to educate others. Wonderful, but who cares? At least not me.

  • 10 years ago

    I understand from the post that you had verbatim gone by the views of the Dinamani editorial which I also seem to agree with since Mr Vaidhyanathan is well known for his candid views on all parties, including the belligerent BJP, volatile Dravidian parties, vociferous communists or the degraded Congress!

    A congress fan charges that you had not raised the PAC report in the forum! Why not he raise it, if he has info about the five digit ''corruption'' being referred without details to comment upon? If only details were made known as in CWG or the Spectrum or the Adarsh, the media would have filled the columns with anti Modi comments already! I am also interested to know it, but why should he indict the Asker for not raising something of interest to him? Does he discuss the skewed routes of Spectrum investigation or the absurd explanations of Pranab on the Finance Ministry note?

    I genuinely feel that the CAG may have objected to some financial expenses on less lethal grounds but not spoken of scandals! Otherwise the details would have come a long time ago in the media, with experts arguing how evil was this Modi and his cohorts! And even if the objections were just procedural deviations, the govt is bound to address them as per PAC recommendations and punish the guilty Minister / officials, or itself resign on moral grounds!

    The Delhi CM flaying the Committee appointed by PM himself to look into the CWG scandals that corroborated the CAG report with bigger dig at the CM and the Governor, is sample enough of the integrity of Ms Clean, who ought to have faced the allegations. Whatever reply she is said to possess after exposure of the wrongs, would at best reduce her own culpability but not justify the extravaganza infinitum of govt resources in the name of CWG!

    A PAC can not be appointed by the Speaker but he/ she can only ask the opposition to propose one to chair the PAC. Does the user know the procedure or simply trying to confuse the members? What was done in the parliament after the term of former PAC ended? Was not the opposition asked to name its member to chair the next one? OK, he knows lot but acts like a lawyer deliberately misleading people around!

    As for the Goa govt, it is the same replica of the Maharashtra or Delhi govt that are steeped in corruption. Trying to compare with some other corrupt govt is all that they can attempt to protest their corrupt govts!

    Edit: some users pat themselves as great contributors and as a 'nightmare' to other contributors! We avoid arguments with drunkard on the road, not out of fear but out of caution to avoid indecent responses! Even so in the forum, some haughty users would indulge in personal attacks when cornered on any issue! The ref to selection of PAC chief in the state is not mine per se but taken from the criticism of a reputed media only! Nobody cares if someone would not brook their points. It is the liberty enjoyed by all!!

    Instead of countering the points I am sick that these "top" users repeatedly irritake and insult the seniors just to scare them away (tryhing to be fake ''nightmares'') and not reply their half digested points. I know this would also attract the reaction of the incorrigibly belligerent user but i shall not respond further to such personal attacks in this post (i however have to answer once because they link their abuse to some wrong premises which need to be cleared as well. But we have to get away once clarified).

  • 10 years ago

    Even politicians are lured into these entrepreneur's vises. The little known person draws on attention while trying to get attention to his claim. Whereas the well known person is scrutinize for every effort.

    The CONSUMER PROTECTION AGENCY is supposed to be the WATCHDOG that protects Americans from the "Bullshitters".

    Having thus said... More power to reasonable government and away with allowing the Bullshitters" to flourish. [ Like child molestation, eliminate the practice of the "Bullshitter".

  • 10 years ago

    Congress is Party of Traitors ( just look at Digvijay Singh - A Rajput & Arjun Singh - also rajput ) , just look at their quality. Both of them dont have any standing of their own , they are dependent on Nehru Gandhi Dynasty .

    Congress high command actually gets share of the revenues. Many Cabinet Ministers from Congress have literally BILLIONS of US Dollars in Swiss Banks & other Havens across the world

    Answer this question


    Does Congress Party receive Funds from Pakistani ISI & Arab Countries ?



    Verily Possible

    School student abducted, raped in Lucknow



    LUCKNOW: A 16-year-old girl was allegedly abducted from a posh residential area here at gun-point and raped by two unidentified youths, police said.

    The victim, a Class XII student, was abducted from Indira Nagar at gun-point last evening by the youths.

    The duo took the victim to a secluded spot in Gomti Nagar and sexually assaulted her, police said, adding that the two then left her at the spot


    Their names are being supressed by the The Times of India , under pressure from Congress, since Both of them are believed to be muslims ( & Congress workers )

    Source(s): Congress is Anti Hindu
  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Disclosed scams are in trillion but think about un- earthed scams and I think the figure will be astronomical and super computer will have to be installed for its calculation.

  • 10 years ago

    Cannot be done.

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