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How do you see the PMLA (Amendment) Bill, 2011, in Lok Sabha being passed without any discussion?
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (Amendment) Bill has been passed without discussion in the lower House of Parliament while the LP Bill was discussed for 11 hours!
While the LP Bill expects to investigate corruption and book the corrupt, the PMLA Act would verily close the doors for committing corruption from the top brass who get their kick backs from business clients etc outside the national boundary and surreptitiously bring them home later through binamis in the name of some ''business'' transaction, as white money!
So it is clear that the crorepathi MPs who predominate the House are not serious about the provisions in the critical Act! We don't know if even the LP Bill is opposed on some plausible grounds only to annoy the ruling party rather than for any genuine amendment that would make it foolproof!
OK, what is you take on the way the MPs pass the crucial Bills?
Do share your views.
3 AnswersGovernment9 years agoWhen shall we be free from diabolical domestic politicians exploiting people?
A Gandhi helped us to mobilise our energies to fight the foreign political exploiters in the last century. But who will deliver us from the more cunning domestic exploiters ruling us?
The govt connives with the petro marketing companies to hike prices by allowing falsely hiked ''under recoveries" repeatedly! They connive with foreign Govts to help their mega business houses to earn hefty profits without any liability in case of defective supplies ending up in a disaster (Nuclear Liability Bill)! Earlier they supported the US based Union Carbide to get away with just 15% of the damage claims during Rajiv period, at the cost of the poor victims killed and maimed by the greatest industrial disaster in the world! They now go to the court after quarter century to claim increased compensation after public pressure mounted on them!
The PM talks about his Govt's committment to fight corruption, but supports all corrupt leaders and delays action on them! The culprits are given abundant time to destroy evidences before the case is given to cbi! TRAI and law depts go back on their earlier versions to help the 2G culprits! The HM's involvement in the case is shamelessly played down to prevent elaboration of the findings!
On the economic front also, the PM talks of committment to Agriculture but cuts the outlays while granting generous tax reliefs to corporates already earning good profits! The thing came to such a pass that former Planning Commission member and doyen of Agricultural Revolution Dr Swaminathn said that ''a second Green Revolution would never come in India''!
And this man is still parading like saviour of India and an equally inept opposition MPs are getting all the lavish allowances of Govt and fighting shadows instead of real vipers in every statute and in every scandal, poised to kill any remnant of ethics in public life! Do you hope that there would be any deliverance from these politicians here?
do share your views.
6 AnswersCivic Participation10 years agoWhy PM went for Nuclear liability Bill that would clip wings of India’s nuclear technology?
Former chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, A. Gopalakrishnan, has said the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill will lead to clipping the wings of India’s indigenous nuclear technology capabilities.
Mr. Gopalakrishnan, a stringent critic of the India-U.S. nuclear deal, told The Hindu that the new law would open the doors for the U.S. and French nuclear industry to “extensively sell their very costly and unproven light-water reactors (LWR) to India.”
He said that back in 2008, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had, without consulting the Indian Parliament or the public, promised the U.S. administration to purchase 10,000 MWe worth of LWRs from that country. This, Mr. Gopalakrishnan claimed, was under pressure from the U.S. administration for getting the `123’ agreement passed by the U.S. Congress.
Mr. Singh had also promised French President Nicholas Sarkozy to purchase French reactors, in return for his help to circumvent the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s conditions. Without a liability law that lets the reactor manufacturers off the hook in case of a nuclear accident, these companies would not dare to do business with India, he said.
Mr. Gopalakrishnan pointed out that India is a leading country in thorium breeder reactor technology and is poised to build thorium-based reactors routinely by 2040. The country had abundant resources of thorium raw material in the sands of Kerala’s shores.
He contended that the plan to import 40,000 MWe worth reactors during 2015-35 would shelve the thorium-based breeder reactor technology currently under development. “We have two generations of top-class nuclear scientists and engineers who have been painstakingly trained; we have the technological and industrial capability; and we have abundant raw materials,” he said. “All these will go to waste if we predominantly start relying on the import of the highly expensive U.S. and French reactors.”
Mr. Gopalakrishnan thinks that had Prime Minister Singh’s secret promise (in the form of a letter by India’s Foreign Secretary to the U.S. Under-Secretary of State) on September 10, 2008 been made public at the time, the Opposition parties and the public would not have perhaps let the India-U.S. nuclear deal through.
The PM and his govt had repeatedly proved that national interests are of least concern to them. The low compensation agreed against the Bhopal tragedy with US based Union Carbide by Rajiv in the past, is typical of the present sell out of our interests "to adhere to the Convention on Supplementary Compensation (CSC) for Nuclear Damage..." whereby the national law should legally channel the liability for all nuclear accidents in India absolutely to the `operator’ of the nuclear facility!!!
What are your views on this suicidal deals of the UPA govt?
4 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoHow do you view the comment of Justice Markandeya Katju about the "transition phase" in India?
The learned Chairman, Press Council of India said among other things "Everything is in flux, in turmoil. What was regarded good yesterday, is regarded bad today, and what was regarded bad is regarded good. As Shakespeare said in Macbeth “Fair is foul and foul is fair”!
He qualified his statement with reasons like " I mentioned that 80% of our countrymen are living in horrible poverty, there is massive unemployment, skyrocketing prices, lack of medical care, education etc. and barbaric social practices like honour killing, dowry death, caste oppression, religious bigotry, etc. Instead of seriously addressing these issues 90% of the coverage of our media goes to entertainment, e.g., lives of film stars, fashion parades, pop music, disco dancing, cricket etc, or showing superstitions like astrology. What were the values he had in his mind? How do you feel about his peceptions of the current situation in the country?"
Do you feel that the European and American examples about fighting feudalism and ushering modernism hold good now? Was the learned Judge trying to evade the major issues - that still lent strength to his views on Media - and bring other factors for sake of 'comfort' !
Do share your views.
2 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years agoHow do you see the protest of Dr Ramadoss against the closure of nuclear power stations?
The leader of PMK, a regional party committed to the caste interests of a community in Tamilnadu always protests against critical programmes of rulers, whether friendly (coalition partner) or otherwise. His efforts to throttle the creation of satelite towns around Chennai to decongest the city in the past by various Govts had much complicated the situation in the city with multiple problems related to over crowding!
He wa against measures to expand the airport. He is now against the age old Nuclear Power plant at Kalpakkam, near Chennai. People say that earlier he mobilised people (his community is near majority in most northern districts, including chennai) against mega projects by DMK or ADMK because his party aspired for the throne and any mega project by the Dravidian units would enhance their prestige and popularity affecting his vote banks!
Now the power crisis is acute and any success of Power Plants like Kudankulam and Kalpakkam (to be strengthened for increased capacity) would further strengthen popularity of rulers at the cost of his dreams to seize power in the next term at least! I don't know if it isso, because already his vote bank had shrunk in the recent elections due to his unpopularity caused by his open nepotism, shifting loyalties and antagonism of rulers etc!
What do you think about the reasons for his movements (even the earlier anti alcoholism, anti tobacco campaigns etc were least popular since most people in rural particularly had got addicted to the evils) against Power Plants or forming satelite towns etc? How can govt solve the serious problems getting more acute due to shaortage of space, energy etc if takes up agitations against every measure ?!
Do share your views.
6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoHow often would US apologise for insulting Dr Abdul Kalam?
Dr Kalam the soft spoken, learned and dignified Rashtrapathi of the world's largest democracy is no non person whom the US airport officials would not know of! Still they again had him alight for 'searching' like an unkown foreigner or a suspect! This was a second time, the earlier one was in 2009. The apology and assurance for 2009 insult was forgotten in 2011 and again there is a formal apology! Leave alone the niceties, what a breach of basic decorum toward the former first citizen of a friendly cournty?
Why are the US officials so arrogant? Would they dare to do so with a leader from even smaller country in the gulf and go away with a casual apology? Do they take the natural softness of INdia Govt for a ride so often?!
Earlier the way they treated Indian students cheated by their fake US Universities by unheard of suveillance like tying monitors to their heels! They refused to extradite Anderson to face legal process for the greatest industrial tragedy in Bhopal by his company!
They eye the Indian markets and big business like nuclear installations for their Corporates without any tag of liability for damages, but show least sensitivity to our interests and dignity. What is the difference between the sinister Chinese who play double standards ever so often, the Pak who extend more words than action and the US at all?!
What are your thoughts on this crudity of the big brother? Does it augur well for continued cordial relations between the two countries at this rate? Do share your ideas.
15 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoWould the Congress mend its ways to regain people's confidence or continue its wrong ways and lose the throne?
The party is not able to disassociate from the wrong leaders who had brought disrepute to the nation, loss of face to the party and incurred the people's wrath, by their corrupt practices. The Govt is in no mood to desert them in spite of its rhetoric about being tough with corruption! Had they showed grit in dealing sternly with the scamsters and the abettors, the movement of Hazare or anybody would not have drawn so much spontaneous support from diverse sections across the country!
Still the Govt had not learnt the lessons. The way they dealt with HM's case recently for example, as if it was a party affair rather than a question of serious breach of law and ethcs for which already another Minister is in jail, had shattered whatever little hope people had on the Govt that it would be tough with corruption henceforth!
Do they still hope that the sops to Minority poor or the special law to curb violence on Minorities, or the Modi / Advani bashings or slanders on Hazare and other Activists would help them, rather than a turn around in their ethical governance ?
What is your view about the continued reluctance of the Govt to track the tax evaders, the scamsters etc and hunting opponents rather than the corrupt and the anti socials? Do share your views with reasons for your claims. Thanks for sparing your time.
9 AnswersPolitics10 years agoWhy does Jaya engage in confrontation mode with the Centre and seeding in controversies day after day?
The lashing of the Centre for price rise, for the Koodankulam project, for the rejection of amnesty (recommended by HM to the President) to Rajeev murder case convicts, etc are unnecessarily inviting the wrath of the Centre which has to allott the PDS share, the power from national grid, the funds for the flood or drought in the event of their occurrence etc! Only the people would be affected by all these hostile criticism of the Central Govt which has to be kept in good humour to the extent possible. Any criticism necessitated like in petro price hike etc should be couched in more persuasive rather than bitter complaints!
Also she is in habit of irritating her own coalition members as well as the former CM in various ways that bring unwanted protests from their quarter and counters from her party leaders and herself. When the state in already facing so many problems, is it proper to waste her time and energy in triggering controversies?
Besides t he confrontation attitude spreads to party cadres who also start hate campaigns against former leaders, giving an impression to the public that the former Ministers are being hunted rather than pursued for lawful purposes!
What is your perception on the Tamilnadu CM's belligerent attitude? Is it conducive to the welfare of the State for which the people had elected her? Please share your views.
4 AnswersGovernment10 years agoWould Wall Street like protests break out in India too some day?
The Congress led UPA govt had in the name of Reforms, enriched the elite segment of the Indian community, the corporate, who virtually rule the policies of govt itself. Apart from them, the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and big business people who had siphoned off the wealth generated by people under them to foreign tax havens, are now under close scrutiny and their spoils are hotly discussed across the country.
Thanks to the calculated delays in booking the culprits among whom their own political bosses fall, the moneys are now being brought back under equally dubious ways, posing a threat to our economy and security as well. A few samples:
“This could be the mother of all scams in India” – yahoo news On Friday 14 October 2011
.. in 2010-11 foreign investor flows added up to US$ 22 bn, according to official data. The Kotak analysts did a cross-check with international sources like exchange-traded funds and EPFR Global. Their analysis shows that not more than US$ 4.5 bn came in to India. So, where did the other US$ 17.5 come from? (Is it difficult to guess even for a school student that the Swiss deposits are getting diverted back?!)
“Corporate socialism's 2G orgy” - Article dated March 7, 2011 in The Hindu
In six years from 2005-06, the Government of India wrote off corporate income tax worth Rs.3,74,937 crore — more than twice the 2G fraud — in successive Union budgets. The figure has grown every single year for which data are available. Corporate income tax written off in 2005-06 was Rs.34,618 crore. In the 2010-11 budget, it is Rs.88,263 crore — an increase of 155 per cent!
Unlike the illicit fund flows, this plunder has a fig leaf of legality. Unlike those flows, it is not the sum of many individual crimes. It is government policy. It is in the Union budget. And it is the largest conceivable transfer of wealth and resources to the wealthy and the corporate world
“Indian Black Money: The Swindler’s List” - From Tehelka Magazine, Vol 8, Issue 6, Dated February 12, 2011
It is almost two years since the German Government had passed on the names and bank account details of eighteen Indians who had stashed their alleged ill-gotten wealth in the LGT bank of Liechtenstein.. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee have since said more than once that this list cannot be disclosed to the Indian people..
However, once the government launches prosecutions, the name would be made public, he had said. But the cases are still to be filed on the guilty!
Would there be a Wall Street type protest in India also if the dare devils continue in their ways to protect the looters of our national wealth?
Please share your critical views!
8 AnswersCivic Participation10 years agoWas Mr Chidambaram was responsible for the generation of a 2 lac crores of black money by the mining mafia ?
Mr Chidambaram was responsible for the generation of a 2 lac crores of black money by the mining mafia due to illegal mining, low royalty and massive evasion of income tax..
The mining royalty is to be revised every three years as per section 8 of MMDR Act. It came up for revision in Oct 2004. The royalty was deliberately was kept low and fixed and not ad valorem. This was in spite of profits in the mining of iron ore having soared manifold and giving a 50% return. The royalty was deliberately kept at a token Rs 15 /tonne ( average) when the industry was making windfall profits. He deliberately did not revise the royalty on 14/10/2007 when the rates of iron ore had doubled in three years and profit was 80%. He did not revise the royalty in 2008 as long as he was finance minister.
The sales record of the iron ore miners will show that they were grossly under invoicing the sale price and under reporting the profits. Huge amount of black money was generated and salted away. There was pay offs for not imposing export duty and when imposed the duty was negligible!
Was Mr Chidambaram ignorant of the stupendous profits being made by the mining industry? Had he not served on the Board of Vedanta and been a corporate lawyer and a tax expert? It is being alleged that the entire mining lobby was favoured financially by Mr Chidambaram for extraneous reasons.
He is from an aristocratic background, well educated and trusted by people but there are very many dubious roles played by him in Govt.! Swamy and JJ accused him about the P notes allowed in the Share market in spite of serious doubts to raised by experts and the security concerns raised by NSA himself!
Even in Spectrum deal. Asks the above website: How could he have allowed Maran and Raja to sell the pan India spectrum/license for Rs1600 crores in 2007 and 2008 when Vodafone bought Hutch shares for a valuation of Rs 75,000 crores announced in Feb 2007? Can he claim to be so ignorant of the law and valuation so as to allow the deal to take place? Did he protect public interest and public revenue?
so more than Raja it is the ''seasoned'' congress leader PC who had been more corrupt comitting and abetting losses to govt and protected by Dr Singh to this day! What is your take? Please share.
3 AnswersGovernment10 years agoHow do you see Swamy Agnivesh's comment: No democracy in Team Anna..?
And no Muslim or Dalits in the following!?
Why does he want to mix up a Anti corruption campaign with communal and casteist representations, while blaming Anna of associating with communal RSS?! Is the Brahminwaad and anti democratic sentiments justified against Anna?
Do you seriously think that Muslims already being pampered by Congress would like to join a movement projected as anti Congress?! Is it the business of Anna team to call people to join the movement from different communities? Isn't it silly? Where is the question of brahminwaad in the context of corruption?
Is he by any chance aping the ex CM of Tamilnadu who complained that Raja was being targeted for his dalithood?!!!! Are the cases of Chief Justice Dinakaran and controversies around former CJI Balakrishnan (both dalilt elites) too being looked from casteist angle rather than from legal perspectives?!
Seems the pro congress people are following the same Digvijay formula of engaging in slanders and absurd accusation of sorts in sheer hate for the campaign! What is there agenda? Is it just anti Activists, anti opposition, or simply pro corrupt strategy camouflaged with random complaints?
Do share your thoughts.
3 AnswersGovernment10 years agoDoes charge of BJP "bribing" Press / media people during Rath Yatra and the denial by BJP amuse you?
We know how film icons and big business particularly keep Press in good humour to give desired "news" in the media! There has been frank acceptance of envelopes with cash being given by top cine Actors (through their Managers / Fan Associations) to Reporters invited for giving news! In govt functions involving VIPs too, the Ministers first enquire the dept officials concerned if the Press / TV invitees have been provided refreshments and mementos (often decent mementos rather than cash is given in the venues)! So if any party denies the practice, people are not naive to accept it!
After all this is considered part of publicity expense needed to push the message among people. But bigger the hospitality and the 'gifts' the bigger expectation of the hosts about the message to be flashed favourably! Some senior staff politely do decline any hospitality but do not make big fuss about it. They are however very few and organisers do not make a big fuss because the expenses are normally a pittance for the organisers compared to the overall expenses for the function / meetings!
This is virtually a non issue raised against BJp as if the other parties do not indulge in this 'formality' that exists well over half a century! May be a retaliation for the Cash for Vote scam exposed by the BJP (which also was diverted to its own people by the crafty UPA)! The denial of BJP was also amusing!
What is your take on this non issue making a news anyway?
12 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoCould you guess the fall out of the double-tax treaty signed with the Swiss government by India?
See what Equitymaster known for its well-researched, unbiased and honest opinions on the Indian stock markets, has to say:
Under the double-tax treaty signed with the Swiss government, the Swiss will now have to provide details to the Indian government on transactions involving Indians. It's thus no big surprise that black money is quickly exiting the Swiss Alps. But then where are these illegal piles of cash going? Well, it may be coming right back to India and sitting peacefully in our own backyard. And the amount involved could be as hefty as US$ 40-45 bn. But, this is just the figure for one year, 2010-11. The actual amount of black money entering the country could be a lot more.
According to three analysts from Kotak Securites, who have been studying various data points, the numbers just don't add up. Here are a couple of examples:
Official export data shows a 79% year-on-year (YoY) growth in engineering exports in 2010-11. However, exports by engineering companies in the BSE 500 index show just a 11% growth. In dollars terms, the difference is even starker. There appears to be a US$ 28 bn shortfall in exports. Now, the probability that this amount has come in through over-invoicing or fictitious exports is higher than that it came from tiny engineering companies which are not part of the BSE 500 index.
Copper exports have also quadrupled from Rs 85 bn to Rs 367 bn. But, how is this possible in India, a country which does not as a practice export this mineral. China apparently bought the whole lot. So is the dragon nation also part of this public hoodwinking?
Also, in 2010-11 foreign investor flows added up to US$ 22 bn, according to official data. The Kotak analysts did a cross-check with international sources like exchange-traded funds and EPFR Global. Their analysis shows that not more than US$ 4.5 bn came in to India. So, where did the other US$ 17.5 come from?
Now do you realize the state we have got into? The article itself states in the end:
India really needs to clean up its act. Else even the legitimate flows of capital into the country may dry up. Greater disclosures, a strong clampdown on corruption and a complete shakedown of government frauds need to take place. Anna Hazare's movement and his 12-day fast should not go in vain. And neither should India's reputation as an investment destination!
What are your thoghts about the ''preparedness'' of the Govt to address the grim situation?
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years agoWhat are your thoghts about the Indo European Free Trade Agreements?
India's largest Trade Union, the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) had opposed the Agreement on several points. BMS Demands:
1. Indian Govt. should forthwith stop the negotiations on FTA with EU.
2. Government should publish the details of negotiations and the commitments it is going to make.
3. Ashok Mitra recommendations should be implemented in all international negotiations.
4. Government should immediately issue a white paper on the impact of FTA on various sections of the society.
5. Government should constitute an independent commission to review FTA with BMS participation in it.
6. Government should convene a meeting with BMS on the impact of FTA on labour and other sectors.
7. Decent work should be made a National goal to create Quality Jobs.
Similarly RS Narayanan, writing in Dianamani had raised issues relating to food security that is already weak, likely to be further jeopardised by the FTA Articles&artid=490115&SectionID=133&Main… ஏற்றுமதியில் லாபம் உள்ளதா?
Now what are your impressions about this agreement?
2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoWhat are your thoghts about the Indo European Free Trade Agreements?
India's largest Trade Union, the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) had opposed the Agreement on several points. BMS Demands:
1. Indian Govt. should forthwith stop the negotiations on FTA with EU.
2. Government should publish the details of negotiations and the commitments it is going to make.
3. Ashok Mitra recommendations should be implemented in all international negotiations.
4. Government should immediately issue a white paper on the impact of FTA on various sections of the society.
5. Government should constitute an independent commission to review FTA with BMS participation in it.
6. Government should convene a meeting with BMS on the impact of FTA on labour and other sectors.
7. Decent work should be made a National goal to create Quality Jobs.
Similarly RS Narayanan, writing in Dianamani had raised issues relating to food security that is already weak, likely to be further jeopardised by the FTA Articles&artid=490115&SectionID=133&MainSectionID=133&SEO=&Title=உணவு ஏற்றுமதியில் லாபம் உள்ளதா?
Now what are your impressions about this agreement?
2 AnswersGovernment10 years agoHow do you look at the Rs.25,000 crore illegal mining scam in Congress Govt of Goa?
The drama enacted at the Centre over the PAC report on Spectrum scandal is repeated in the Congress ruled Goa also! The Speaker dis allowed the PAC report submitted by the Chairman (opposition leader) on the ground that majority members (congress and allies) had not signed it - because the report had documented the role of CM himself with solid details!
He had also since changed the Chairman of the PAC without consulting the opposition leader! And this party talks loud about democracy and constitution being mauled by Azare team!!!
Also see:
What are your thoughts on the pervading corruption in the Congress led govts?
7 AnswersGovernment10 years agoHow do you like Kursheed's advise to activist Anna Hazare to leave politics to politicians & work on social..?
Why it didn't occur to the honourable Minister to say this when Activists like Arundhadi Roy spoke supporting secessionist demands of JK radicals in Delhi? Did he consider her stand a social rather than political issue?! Why these double standards even with few good people like Kursheed in the Congress?!
Associating Hazare with RSS or BJP as if only congress leaders should involve with the Activist and no other political party or group should relate to him? Actually anti graft is not Hazare's sole subject and all people from any party or Group can align with the movement. But this Hazare also feels guilty that they would project him as ''politically motivate'' and distances from the opposition party who are part of the apex law making body, the Parliament! We need every vote for the JLP anyway!
OK, what is your take on this comment of Kursheed on Hazare? Please share your views.
4 AnswersCivic Participation10 years agoWhat do you think of Law Min. Khurshid's statement: Govt will bring the anti-graft Bill in winter session?
against the earlier promise to take it up in monsoon session itself - thus provoking Hazare to campaign against Congress in the Assembly Elections!
There may be good reasons, but not till the last moment ! Congress is hasty in giving promises, whether to the Telangana party or the Tamil fishermen (about the end to harassment by Lankan Navy) or to Hazare about the LP Bill or whoever! But none of the promises it ever keeps except the wrong ones: like promising delinquent All India cadre officers in opposition ruled states of support if they would defame the CM; or have the Governors overstep their constitutional authority to annoy the CM in the state ruled by opposition!
The Centre is busy protecting HM; nagging Modi; supporting the fuel price hike by Petro marketing cos., releasing the suspended exports (to please the exporters).. etc, but has no time to serioiusly tackle the burning Telangana issue (of its own making), or to chase Sheila indicted for CWG scams, or control spiralling prices or bring the promised Bill in parliament in the Monsoon session!
What is your take on the Hon'ble Minister's statement anyway! Either lambast me for my doubts or agree with me on better reasons too! I wait for your responses to confirm or condemn my view!
5 AnswersGovernment10 years agoWhy does Centre ask Modi govt. to ensure security of Bhatt, family?
Earlier HM Mr Chidambaram openly declared that his Ministry would lend any help needed by All India cadre officers in the event of any problem with the state Govt, in obvious reference to Bhatt! Now the officers wife had written to Sonia about a threat to Bhatt and his family! So doors are now open for the Centre to interfere in the case! Isn't it an unprecedented event when the officer has legal avenues to protect himself if at all there was any genuine threat to him!
The officer has been out of duty for several months, obviously figuring out how to fix Modi in the 2002 case where his involvement could not be proved after years of invetigation and prosecution! There has been disciplinary cases against him in the state and the officer took this decision to invite central protection to him from the charges! His once official driver / constable whom he had threatened to sign an affidavit stating he drove the officer to Modi's house during 2002 for a meeting he had allegedly attended (against records to the contrary) had also filed an FIR against the officer of threatening him!
Such an official of dubious background is being openly encouraged by the Centre, more precisely the HM with political motive to slander Modi!
We had heard of opposition govts being dismissed in the past by misusing the Art 356 for flimsy or dubious reasons. But have we heard of the vilificaiton of a CM and the all out efforts to character assasinate him to this level and interfere in the state's role to deal with errant officers?
What are your thoughts on the series of actions against BJP leaders - in Cash for Vote to appointment of Lok Ayuth (of a known anti Modi judge) in Gujarath by the 'Governor', to Bhatt's case?!
5 AnswersGovernment10 years agoWhat do you think about the Anti-Wall Street protests spreading across U.S.?
Protests against Wall Street entered their 18th day on Tuesday as demonstrators across the country show their anger over the wobbly economy and what they see as corporate greed
City bus drivers sued the New York Police Department on Monday for commandeering their buses and making them drive to the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday to pick up detained protesters.
“We’re down with these protesters. We support the notion that rich folk are not paying their fair share,” said Transport Workers Union President John Samuelsen. “Our bus operators are not going to be pressed into service to arrest protesters anywhere.”
The city’s Law Department said the NYPD’s actions were proper.
On Monday, the zombies stayed on the sidewalks as they wound through Manhattan’s financial district chanting, “How to fix the deficit- End the war, tax the rich!” They lurched along with their arms in front of them. Some yelled, “I smell money!”...
Even in advanced countries the skewed taxation of Govt is being protested, but here in India, there is no protest on UPA giving hefty "tax reliefs" over a lakh crore year after year, to the profit making corporates!
On the other hand the FCI says it has no adequate godowns to store the food grains that rot in weather and ex Railway Minister Mamata said there was no funds to install advanced security systems to curb accidents!
The Central budget was so stingy in providing for the primary sector (the largest private enterprise consisting of farmers) that a disillusioned MS Swaminathan said ''a second Green Revolution would never come in India"!
What are your thoughts about the developments in US and the apathy we see in India?
5 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago