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How do you view the comment of Justice Markandeya Katju about the "transition phase" in India?
The learned Chairman, Press Council of India said among other things "Everything is in flux, in turmoil. What was regarded good yesterday, is regarded bad today, and what was regarded bad is regarded good. As Shakespeare said in Macbeth “Fair is foul and foul is fair”!
He qualified his statement with reasons like " I mentioned that 80% of our countrymen are living in horrible poverty, there is massive unemployment, skyrocketing prices, lack of medical care, education etc. and barbaric social practices like honour killing, dowry death, caste oppression, religious bigotry, etc. Instead of seriously addressing these issues 90% of the coverage of our media goes to entertainment, e.g., lives of film stars, fashion parades, pop music, disco dancing, cricket etc, or showing superstitions like astrology. What were the values he had in his mind? How do you feel about his peceptions of the current situation in the country?"
Do you feel that the European and American examples about fighting feudalism and ushering modernism hold good now? Was the learned Judge trying to evade the major issues - that still lent strength to his views on Media - and bring other factors for sake of 'comfort' !
Do share your views.
2 Answers
- ?Lv 710 years agoFavorite Answer
His views are already known to the masses at large.He should have suggested the remedial measures and pin pointed the weak areas of governance including judicial system and procedure.Most of the good projects & schemes have been stalled by the various Courts in the Country by one way or the other.TV channels are run on commercial basis and hence their agenda may be different.Let him suggest ways and means for quick disposal of pending cases in the court and to curtail the century old procedure.Fighting feudalism in the European or American way will not hold good now as the mentality of the people in general have changed. It is the positive thinking and attitude that will help fight the feudalism in the country.
- janakiLv 410 years ago
I did find his comments in tune with expected candid views of a high profile citizen who had held prestigious post and chairs the Press Council now! But I tried to see what expectation was belied in your perception... and got it!
Yes the old feudalism had gone long long ago and we have only the political feudal lords, consisting of the communal ''leaders'' keen to capitalis their popularity for political advantages, the Dadhas who were once mercenaries runnig errands for their ''bosses'' in power and now grown into rich Dadhas with a fleet of muscle men, who are all running kingdoms of their own, sans any tributory to any one! In fact they collect tributories from local businessmen, share booties with the police and power centres in the ruling wings (whoever ruled - for, they had ''served'' nearly all parties during elections in the past and present)!
But the learned Judge had spared strong refs to the deplorable state of affairs and played the usual tunes of social evils like dowry deaths and honour kills that are sporadic, rather than the more widespread drink culture promoted in the Pubs; the demeaning of the institution of marriage by the live-in relations (without a committment to their bondage as well as the probable wards they beget) or the abuse of women and children etc! Perhaps he sailed safe from being labelled as ''fundamentalist''!
The rulers betraying the people like the fence grazing the crops, by false promises never fulfilled; the neutralisation of the police by the criminals close to power centres; the high level corruptions defended by the top leaders; the lax measures to curb radicalism across the board; the witch hunt of true whistle blowers and opponents etc are carefully kept out of focus, which are the critical reasons for the total failure of economic reforms (being siphoned off by corrupt officials and anti socials), continued poverty and mounting suicides!
The Press and TV had engaged in much ''paid news'' and sensationalism which also he had rightly referred but you should have been disappointed at the absence of political / ruler devincies among the things to be corrected, which is understandable. Also you must understand that the people holding any office, autonomous or otherwise are usually wary of annoying rulers. So they restrict their comments to safe zone only!
If you had any more reasons, you have to open your mind and share with us!