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Bye pals asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

How often would US apologise for insulting Dr Abdul Kalam?

Dr Kalam the soft spoken, learned and dignified Rashtrapathi of the world's largest democracy is no non person whom the US airport officials would not know of! Still they again had him alight for 'searching' like an unkown foreigner or a suspect! This was a second time, the earlier one was in 2009. The apology and assurance for 2009 insult was forgotten in 2011 and again there is a formal apology! Leave alone the niceties, what a breach of basic decorum toward the former first citizen of a friendly cournty?

Why are the US officials so arrogant? Would they dare to do so with a leader from even smaller country in the gulf and go away with a casual apology? Do they take the natural softness of INdia Govt for a ride so often?!

Earlier the way they treated Indian students cheated by their fake US Universities by unheard of suveillance like tying monitors to their heels! They refused to extradite Anderson to face legal process for the greatest industrial tragedy in Bhopal by his company!

They eye the Indian markets and big business like nuclear installations for their Corporates without any tag of liability for damages, but show least sensitivity to our interests and dignity. What is the difference between the sinister Chinese who play double standards ever so often, the Pak who extend more words than action and the US at all?!

What are your thoughts on this crudity of the big brother? Does it augur well for continued cordial relations between the two countries at this rate? Do share your ideas.


Leave alone high handed US contributors, the surmise of MS is flawed seriously. If Dr Kalam had suffered no official immunity after retirement, neither India govt would have protested, nor the US govt apologised. He is not Mr Sharukhan who may be considered as a lay citizen! And I don't think that the media are so naive to highlight the decency in the name of security against a respected person!

As for the College students, it is clear that you had decided to support the wrong side as usual. I had not objected to the action on students whohad been duped but the fact remains that the way they were treated was unprecedented.

It is a pity not a single sane US citizen cared to respond and the tone of the contributors display more anger than reason! Just because their former Presidents are no more in office, would they like them treated like ordinary travellers in other countries?!!

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the only 'solution' is to treat their VIPs...past and 'commoners' when they alight at Indian Airports. We are also under constant threats by terrorists...more so, in fact, than the US of A.

    We need to be extra vigilant...and should stop giving any special treatment to American dignitaries!!!

    PS: For those commentators who wish Dr. Abdul Kalam stay away from USA....let me tell them that the 80 years old Eminent Indian scientist and the Ex-president of India gets invited all over the world for events. YOU should learn to respect dignified people. Your ignorance is simply APPALLING!!!

  • janaki
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Passengers are already checked while boarding, why should Dr Kalam be asked to alight and frisked by authorities? The same thing was done on the international Air lines in 2009 at Delhi also! Indeed it doesn't appear to be routine ''law of the land'' as sought to be made out!

    It is strange that some contributors speak in rude tones here, without realizing that all who bear muslim names are not terrorists! Perhaps his being an ex nuclear scientist casts doubts on the overcautious administration at some level! After all they missed the deviancies of the Pak scientist years ago, when the nuclear techy was passed on to other countries!

    But their Intelligence is said to be of high order and they ought to know who Dr Kalam was, if they kept tab on the air ports! The authorities should have thought twice before having him unseated and searched, as media felt at large.

    But he is so humble and simple and never makes any fuss about breach of protocols. Only the media raised the issue over the lack of decorum toward an ex head of Indian Govt. The people felt bad that a friendly country was so rude with their respected leader!

  • 10 years ago

    The American intelligence surveillance are nuts, they are the dumbest dumb persons on the face of earth. why?

    Because they dont know what they are doing at the first place. The way their intelligence react to the former president of India doesn't give any sense at all. So now America thinks the president of other countries are terrorist. Is Abdul Kalam insulted because he was a rocket scientist, is it because he tested a nuclear arsenal when every country has one. If that so, the American authorities who wage war unnecessarily are the one to be double checked. Because they are the threat to every country on this earth. They wanted to establish a new world order so they use many means to achieve in every country possible? What have UN done all these years, do they prevent war, no they don't. They secretly fund the illegal you remember Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc....and most atrocity was done on the name of fighting evil....and i probably know they are not fighting evil, they are funding evil and destroy those who have their own.

    DR. Abdul kalam was a simple man, he was a man of virtues, but they couldn't believe him because he conducted a secret test underground....and what about Americans who tell the world they are conducting voyage to mars, venus...but actually putting a nuclear arsenal in those satellites. They think people don't know about what they did in 9/11.....I know its the biggest terrorism event in the world, which probably done for their selfish needs to bring a downfall in global economy. And they get back to OSama bin LAden who is a former CIA. The story of 9/11 is very well manipulated and i doubt the way Columbia space shuttle crashed. Do we not live in 21st century and why did they make a mistake of weak shaft, even though they know 8 people are inside, including an Indian, Kalpana Chawala.

    I would rather believe my toaster than believing in America. They dont care for human lives, only thing they care about is government, and its secrets that should be guarded and their soul purpose to establish the NEW WORLD ORDER.....I am sure they will make it. And everyone will know when they do.....i would say to you all "I TOLD YOU SO"!

    Source(s): own
  • 10 years ago

    The news does say that US confirmed the non adherence of the procedures, in their apology letter:

    US apologises for frisking Kalam in New York

    By Indo Asian News Service | IANS


    US government extended its apology that appropriate procedures for expedited screening of dignitaries had not been followed. 'We are actively working to prevent similar incidents in the future from occurring,' it said.

    This is the second incident of frisking of Kalam by American authorities. On April 21, 2009, the former president was boarding a Continental Airways plane at the Delhi airport when the airline authorities frisked him, clearly breaching diplomatic protocol.

    A protest from India and its parliament led to the airlines and the US government apologising to Kalam later.


    Seems the US administration is lax in their adherence to their Govt procedures. It is probable that some officials are prone to err, just as some contributors have responded carelessly!

    By insulting a person of Kalam's stature, the US airline officials had degraded the prestige of their Govt only, not the least Indian people who always respect all countries without fear or favour, right from the cold war days!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    It is unfortunate that our government doesn't have the balls to return the compliment with interest by strip searching every effing US dignitary both on arrival and at the time of departure with a few freaking friskings thrown in at the

    functions that may have been arranged in their honor.

    Have a nice day.

    Incidentally,I am disappointed that "M S" seems to have taken the issue of national honor too lightly by defending the action of the US authorities.I wonder what would his comments have been had the guest been either our PM or his boss.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    happy Independence day to all of my Indian friends the place ever they could be. I celebrated mine final month on the Fourth of July. Freedom for me has consistently been freedom of expression in all concerns. I even have witnessed in right here it rather is an ongoing experience in Indian society to boot. Congratulations and suitable desires on immediately.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He should be able to handle a few insults if he's such a special person.

    Special people need to have thick skin and let insults roll off of their back like cool gentle Spring rain, knowing with great wisdom that insults do not hurt, bullets do, so let's be thankful there is dialogue at all let alone a few verbal barbs thrown, no big deal. You know we love you, and Pakistan just recently hurt our feelings so we're a little sensitive right now.

    *taps fists*

  • First time when the incident happened that happened in India by Continental Airlines and apology was from the airlines. That has nothing to do with US government. This time because US government officials were involved and a strong letter was gone from Indian government to US government, a letter of apology was issues to Dr. Kalam's office and government of India.

    Dr. Kalam does not travel as a diplomat or bureaucrat thus he is subjected to security screening as per the land of law. And this legacy of exempting VVIPs from security check, is inherited from British rule where lords and other VVIPs were given a special treatment, no other country has this phenomenon of special treatment. As someone rightly said, if you travel by US airport be prepared to follow their rules and law. Everyone faces that. I have faced that, many of the forum who have traveled through US must have faced this. As a matter of fact a nuclear scientist from a foreign nation is a suspected personality in United States, and that is a world known fact.

    Regarding that California based university and the Indian students, the students were at equal fault as the university. The students traveled to United States on student Visa and were working full time. That was totally against US law and they are facing the law of the land. This was not the lone university, there are more in line under probe, just last month another one was uncovered, and several students were put under scanner but because that did not involve Indian students that is why no hue and cry in India.

    In summary, every nation has right to enforce its law to its citizens and residents from any nation and visitors. Any one who is present on the land should be prepared to face this.


    I again repeat, the sign of British rule that is termed as "protocol" is not followed in maximum nations, but only few that have still not overcome the days of slavery under British rule. Even UK does not have list of 20-30 VVIP those will not be screened at airport but India continues to have it. This should be eliminated. If anyone is suspected, he should be checked, may it be anyone.

    Even if President of United Status has to travel by any US airport, he has to go through security screening but he does not travel by civilian airports due to security reasons. The US embassy has not written any letter because of Dr. Kalam's stature but because of the strongly worded letter written by MEA to MEA in United States and US Embassy. Once again, Dr. Kalam is an ordinary visitor to United States not a VIP as he is in India. And security screening after boarding the flight is not something new or something discriminating it happens in US many times though not very often.

    United States has faced maximum terrorist threat through air, may it be 9/11 or may be failed attempt 2 years back on Christmas, or other attempts that were foiled before they could be implemented, and they should do everything to protect their citizens. If someone feels insulted they should follow Azim Premji who did not travel to United States for decades because he felt insulted in US. I have nothing against frisking Dr Kalam or any so called VVIP in India. It is well possible that Dr. Kalam's name resembles or matches with one of the suspect list that is why he is often extra scrutinized. He is Ex-President, and Pakistan Home Minister was frisked on 3 different airports in US just last year, and protesting that, he decided to leave US, and on his way back on JFK again he was frisked.

    I am sure, US does not want its cities to be blasted by terrorists like Delhi and Mumbai and loosen its security for anyone.

    This is emotional drama by our fellow citizens, and political drama by politicians to call it an insult of Dr. Kalam. Following a country's law where one is visiting is never an insult but a right thing to do. And Dr. Kalma well understands that and never protested to that. And of course, media needs a sensational news and TRP, after all they are in business of selling sensation, whether that is right or wrong.

    Well, those students were given bail under observation, and that is the way US keeps accused under observation, they put a GPS device on their leg. That is within law in United States, the students should have thought about that before violating the laws. Of course they will not be given 5 start treatment, they should be thankful that they were not jailed or deported. I feel all these dirt created by agents and body shoppers where Indian citizens have entered another countries in illegal ways should be cleared as soon as possible so that they do not insult India. And these folks should be dealt very strongly so that no one may dare to insult India in foreign nation by entering by illegal means.

  • The US does not need to apologize for anything.

    For all we know, this guy could have been a terrorist with bombs in his socks. We all have to be searched at airports, and so does this joker. If I had my way, entry into this country by foreigners would be banned entirely, just so we don't have to deal with this crap all the time.

    Source(s): . Gork
  • 10 years ago

    Why does he deserve an apology?

    Everyone gets security checks.

    Don't like it stay home.

    Don't like the rules.....stay away.

    It us not compulsory for America to accept foreign students.....and have found like many that pitch up in Britain, that they do not have genuine qualifications, are bogus students abd are using student visas to enter the country abd then not to leave.

    Source(s): I'd say ut us arrogant to think you or your country men are above tge law. Stay home it will cause you less offense.
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