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Would the Congress mend its ways to regain people's confidence or continue its wrong ways and lose the throne?
The party is not able to disassociate from the wrong leaders who had brought disrepute to the nation, loss of face to the party and incurred the people's wrath, by their corrupt practices. The Govt is in no mood to desert them in spite of its rhetoric about being tough with corruption! Had they showed grit in dealing sternly with the scamsters and the abettors, the movement of Hazare or anybody would not have drawn so much spontaneous support from diverse sections across the country!
Still the Govt had not learnt the lessons. The way they dealt with HM's case recently for example, as if it was a party affair rather than a question of serious breach of law and ethcs for which already another Minister is in jail, had shattered whatever little hope people had on the Govt that it would be tough with corruption henceforth!
Do they still hope that the sops to Minority poor or the special law to curb violence on Minorities, or the Modi / Advani bashings or slanders on Hazare and other Activists would help them, rather than a turn around in their ethical governance ?
What is your view about the continued reluctance of the Govt to track the tax evaders, the scamsters etc and hunting opponents rather than the corrupt and the anti socials? Do share your views with reasons for your claims. Thanks for sparing your time.
This is Q in Yahoo India intended for Indians. Congress here is Indian National Congress, not the US one! Many are talking of the US politics.
GCS, major exposures against the govt were from media and non BJP sources. would you not give up your BJP phobia? These fellows never exposed any major lapse of the Congress except perhaps take up issues raised by other sources!
9 Answers
- SudanLv 510 years agoFavorite Answer
Congrres on the track wich lead them to loose all creadibility even in their true supporters.
No any cunning trics will work for them, it is time for them to accept all their miss deeds honestly and live the power. Or show the honesty for people of nation by punishing hard to all corrupts. Bring the Janlokpal bill as it is to show their honesty. Than they can gain some respect again.
- ?Lv 710 years ago
Politicians are quit good, at shifting the talking point... Like a layer, & a lot of them are, never giving you a straight answer, & sense the repeal of the Fair Doctrine act, in 1986 or 87... Lying is now acceptable.... Not as if its ever been any other way, but its now legal... News organizations, can clam fair & balance, & all the while, be spreading nothing but propaganda... So many people view their political party, as a religion, & most organized religions have taken a political side... The wisest among us, have watched this, studied this, & used it to their advantage... Some what like, the little known fact... That hypnotism, & or power of persuasion, was brought to you, by religions... People in general, would rather read a tabloid, than the actual news... Gossip, falsehoods, innuendo, sensationaling anything, is always more fun, than facts... Adding to that, what your hearing from your clergy, & depending what side of the political fence he/she is, in what ever religion...
But back to trying to answer your question... Its so hard to say... The game will go on... The right will be up, the left will be up, the right will be down, the left will be down.... I sometimes wonder if its not all pre planned...
- Bala VenkatLv 510 years ago
They have gone too far into wrong ways and in evil company and there is no way they can turn back. If they dumped the few corrupt exposed so far (against many more still eluding exposure) the leaders at the top would be in danger, so they can not revert to right ways - like the alcoholic who had reached the last stage of intoxication dependence!
- Philip HLv 710 years ago
American Citizens need to educate themselves about what is Really happening.
Then they will elect a Congress that Represents the Citizens instead of keeping the current bunch in power. They are bought and paid for by Special Interests and those Special Interests are who they represent.
Support representatives who represent YOU Now, in the Primary Campaign Season, or they will never get on the ballot in November.
- Anonymous10 years ago
Congress has reached on the point of No return , thanks to the well planned barrage of adverse rumors spread by BJP, added by its own inaction in many crucial matters. Team Anna has already driven the last nail in the coffin. It has now reached on the verge of GO. Midterm Elections are not far away.
Source(s): CA/ - BrahmandaLv 710 years ago
However corrupt the congress will continue in power as no better party is available to replace it.
- MemyselfandiLv 510 years ago
Another user
Email yahoo and get that site blocked. The liberals are using it to artificially rate questions and get legitimate questions deleted.
- 10 years ago
Source(s): - Anonymous10 years ago
they have no intention of changing their ways, and there is no way to remove them from power. if it came to it, they would kill as many american citizens as was necessary to remain in power.