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When shall we be free from diabolical domestic politicians exploiting people?

A Gandhi helped us to mobilise our energies to fight the foreign political exploiters in the last century. But who will deliver us from the more cunning domestic exploiters ruling us?

The govt connives with the petro marketing companies to hike prices by allowing falsely hiked ''under recoveries" repeatedly! They connive with foreign Govts to help their mega business houses to earn hefty profits without any liability in case of defective supplies ending up in a disaster (Nuclear Liability Bill)! Earlier they supported the US based Union Carbide to get away with just 15% of the damage claims during Rajiv period, at the cost of the poor victims killed and maimed by the greatest industrial disaster in the world! They now go to the court after quarter century to claim increased compensation after public pressure mounted on them!

The PM talks about his Govt's committment to fight corruption, but supports all corrupt leaders and delays action on them! The culprits are given abundant time to destroy evidences before the case is given to cbi! TRAI and law depts go back on their earlier versions to help the 2G culprits! The HM's involvement in the case is shamelessly played down to prevent elaboration of the findings!

On the economic front also, the PM talks of committment to Agriculture but cuts the outlays while granting generous tax reliefs to corporates already earning good profits! The thing came to such a pass that former Planning Commission member and doyen of Agricultural Revolution Dr Swaminathn said that ''a second Green Revolution would never come in India''!

And this man is still parading like saviour of India and an equally inept opposition MPs are getting all the lavish allowances of Govt and fighting shadows instead of real vipers in every statute and in every scandal, poised to kill any remnant of ethics in public life! Do you hope that there would be any deliverance from these politicians here?

do share your views.

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sir, all the politicians are mountebank. They very well know the idea of bamboozling. Cognizant people like yourself and others on the forum might understand the deceiving and duping, but the govt is well versed in capitulating on the weak nerves of people and thereby amassing votes. As elections approach, they are ready with sops. The govt has planned to increase the income limit for the creamy layer in OBC qouta. All sorts of efforts to appease the minorities like anti communal violence bill are doing rounds. There have been proposals of setting up new states and districts. Of couse these proposals pop up at the eleventh hour , a few days before the model code of conduct comes into place.

    So sir, please don't accept any freedom from diabolical domestic politicians exploiting people, at least for the time being.

    Source(s): -GB
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

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  • 10 years ago

    I heard of a proverb ''people get the govt they deserve''! It may be extended to say that ''people should deserve liberty to enjoy it'' Basically our elite leaders are totally subservient to the western aristocrats and they go to any extent to please them.

    We had not deserved this Govt anyway. Apart from the vote bank numbers and the play of other factors like multiple contests splitting dissent votes, there was no chance for this group to even get simple majority! But if someone else takes over? Which of these political groups is brighter? But yes I would go with those who would challenge that any other party would be much less evil than the UPA gang!!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    What to do? Wait somehow for 30 more months. Then elect the Government of your choice. You have all the Powers in your hands.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    The answer of g.c.s. (who is a known Congress supporter in our forum) is really disheartening. May be, this is answer you expected to get from the Sonia, MMS & Co also. Peak of arrogancy !!!!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    When obummer finally gets out

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