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Bonfire + alcohol + girl = ?

Allright, gang; I've been friendly with this young woman -"A" from here on out- that I met a month back at a university; she's very shy and reserved, but can also have a good time. It came to my attention that she was interested in me.

Last night, "A", her roommates,and a few other pals and I all gathered for a bonfire. Of course, there was alcohol. At first, I was excited to bond by fire and socialize with these friends of mine. When the alcohol came out, I was not in much of a hurry to drink.

"A" and her roommates started drinking and were buzzed after only half an hour of being at the fire. Myself and the other two guys that came with us were maintaining the fire. After a bit, "A" walks up to me and starts trying to dance with me, and also offers me alcohol. After some resistance, I pick up a Mike's Hard Lemonade (great stuff, by the way). I hadn't had half of it even after three minutes, and already "A" was pressuring me to down it and chug more with her.

After more partying, music, and drinks, "A" began to flirt a bit with me -I knew it was the alcohol, because she would not flirt as openly as she did had she been sober-. She sat on my lap, wrapped an arm around me, played with my hair, ear, all that. At this point, I was only a bottle of hard lemonade into the party. She continued drinking, and before I knew it, "A" and I were being pressured to kiss each other. After a cheesy kiss on my part, we were soon in each others arms.

I began talking to her as we held each other, and I asked "A" if she was drunk yet. She replied "kind offff..." and poked one of the dimples that occasionally appear on my cheeks. I told her that I didn't want to continue or return any of the affection she was trying to show me because she was drunk. She acknowledged that I did not want to take advantage of her, but continued the intimacies anyway.

After some peer pressure, I had downed a third of a bottle of HPNOTIQ (good ****, btw). At this point, I was dizzy. I could still think straight, but boy was I dizzy. We held each other, only a few feet away from the fire; the both of us keeping ourselves stable and preventing each other from falling into the fire or onto the various pieces of scrap metal and random burnt **** that lay around the fire pit. We began to make out, I began touching (mostly her stomach, hands, and breasts), and kissing her neck and the back of her neck as I pulled her closer to me from behind her and I couldn't quit thinking whether or not this was fair. She was drunk, probably had lost her sense of judgement, but assured me that she was fine. More people showed up, and as they did, "A" and I continued doing our PDA only feet away from the fire, and not paying mind to the others that were showing up. Among the things we shared with each other...

"I want you to want me." - "A"

"I really, really like you. A lot." - self

"You're a natural." - "A"

"You make an excellent kisser." - self

After what seemed like eternal bliss, everyone began packing up and we all got into our vehicles. The next twenty minutes down the road was comprised of my resting my head on her lap, our hands interlocked, my feeling her face, her playing with my hair, ear, etc.

It was a great ******* night, man.

Right, the question. After that novel, you're wondering what my point was.

My question... after the passion, affection, the intimacy, the wonderful connection we experienced that night; I must force myself to question the legitimacy of it all. She was drunk, I was heavily buzzed (let me remind you that had I been sober, I would not have let any of this happen). I want to pursue an actual relationship with her, but I don't know if the alcohol forced her to open up more or if she used it as an excuse to have fun with me. I really, really am fond of this young woman... but based on the fact that alcohol was involved...

...can I really remain this close to her in sobriety? do I have to go through all the steps in order to begin a relationship again? How do I approach her the next time I see her? Do I kiss her? Hug her? Slap five?

I am awarding best answer, your input is greatly appreciated.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Too long, didn't read it.

    But to answer your equation Bonfire + alcohol + girl = Shagging

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Wow too long for a stupid question just let the chips fall where the may

    Source(s): Uggggh
  • 10 years ago

    Did she give you her number? Maybe you could call her back and ask if she wants to see a movie or get an ice cream cone.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    1 + 1 = 2

    me + your mom = you

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