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Huh were the phunk did the big bang theory come from?

did it magically appear how was the first matter formed did it magically appear huh huh scientist how were the starts formed were did the matter come from that formed the stars HUH!!!!!!! f u scientist u can try and predict how the universe came upon but u dont even know

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We do actually know. How about you just quickly look up "the big bang" on wiki even and just read for about 5 minutes. One idea states this: Quantum mechanics states that particles can appear, disappear and reappear elsewhere. Given a large amount of time, the probability of this occurrence happening goes up. So one prevailing theory about the origin of the big bang itself, and how matter came to be, follows this idea of quantum mechanics, that when the universe was an infinitely dense, and compact dot, it acted like a black hole, in that there was no time-space and these probabilities that require large amounts of time to become possible, happen. When the particles burst out, the universe began to expand. Within the first plank time, there were no atoms, no stars. Some people think (as it seems you might) that the big bang poped out all these stars and galaxies. Thats not true. The first particles in the universe made up the later elements. The way the elements work is by combining electrons, neutrons, protons in certain ways to form the different elements. However, these electrons, protons and neutrons are not the base particle. They are each made up of quarks, either up or down quarks. In turn the quarks are made up of other particles and so on. Its these particles that combine together to make the elements essentially. Stars form when giant clouds of gas, primarily hydrogen gas as it is the simplest element to create by elections and protons combining (as it is only one electron and one proton) this cloud through gravity slowly combines together, and begins to spin. As it combines, the pressure at the center of this cloud grows, and the temperature grows, until the temperature and pressure at this center become hot enough for fusion to begin. Fusion is when elements are put under such great pressure and heat that the combine together. The early stars fused hydrogen into helium, and so on down the periodic table until they reach iron. Once iron atoms are created in stars, fusion stops and the star explodes in a massive supernova. These events are incredibly powerful, and through supernova the other elements higher than iron are formed and spewed out into the universe. These elements form other clouds of gas, and over time form new stars which go through the same process.

    So this somewhat lengthy explanation is very much geared down, so I apologize to other scientists or teachers who answer on here I left out much of what happens, but Im not even sure the person asking will read the entire thing anyways.

    Source(s): Astronomy Professor
  • 10 years ago

    "Huh were the phunk did the big bang theory come from?"

    The theory came about so as to account for the available evidence.

    "did it magically appear "

    No. An astronomer-priest in Belgium looked at the available evidence and tried to account for it. Much subsequent research indicates he got things broadly right.

    "how was the first matter formed did it magically appear..."

    Big bang theory doesn't attempt to account for that. It restricts itself to the origin of this universe, not the matter, and can't presently go further back on account of the lack of evidence.

    "scientist how were the starts formed were did the matter come from that formed the stars HUH!!!!!!!"

    A valid scientific answer in the circumstances is as follows: "we don't know."

    "f u scientist u can try and predict how the universe came upon but u dont even know"

    As well as apparently having difficulties in communications, you're also confusing the origin of this universe (something big bang theory is concerned with) for the origin (if any) of the material this universe is composed of (something big bang theory isn't concerned with). Attempting to critique a theory looks rather daft, if the would-be critic doesn't even know what the theory's about.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Our present day math and equipment falls to bits at a element 1e(-40 3) seconds after the super bang journey at t0. At that element the singularity already exists, and is a million Planck length in diameter, unspeakably warm, and as dense as you may anticipate with the completed universe crammed into such an unimaginably small quantity. The 4 forces (gravity, electromagnetism and the two nuclear forces) have been before unified right into a single superforce, which would be Quantum Supergravity. we don't comprehend adequate approximately this, so we can't do to any extent further calculations to capture up with to t0. on the element the place our present day math starts off working lower back, gravity separates from the different 3 unified forces. we ought to attend till the Superunified tension is defined till now we are in a position to pass deeper. precisely what occurred at t0 continues to be cloaked, so all this is obtainable are hypotheses in accordance with different springing up innovations in very freaky maths. Branes advise, case in point, that the Singularity that shaped the universe known while 2 branes intersected at a element - the element became into the Singularity. yet another perspective in this defined the Singularity as a digital particle. those debris pop in and out of life each and every of the time interior the traditional worldwide, and such an journey on an particularly super scale could have shaped the universe. be conscious that the 'you won't be in a position to get something from no longer something' objection is already blown by using digital debris, or maybe nevertheless this manner of extensive digital particle is probabilistically unlikely, such percentages won't be a topic in a pre-universe atmosphere of no-time/no-area. there is not any thank you to make those issues a lot greater palatable. no one relatively is familiar with yet, and there are in elementary terms an excellent style of cool innovations without thank you to make certain which, if any, is the single. you will be able to as properly shoehorn God in there in case you ought to - nevertheless he's by no skill been everywhere appeared in before. CD

  • Vortex
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It is called a theory but the evidence pretty much makes it a fact. Even the Bible describes God as saying let there be and in an instant things happened. The big bang is not contrary to religious beliefs. Since matter cannot be created or destroyed only changed it had to be here before the big bang. It may have been in the form of photons that an elusive particle changed into matter. When the big bang happened all the matter in the universe was compacted into a piece of matter called the singularity. The tremendous gravity from so much matter compressed it all in the size of a pinhead or smaller. It was this tiny ball that exploded and formed everything in the entire universe. No one can be sure if this is something that happened one time before, a thousand times before or this was the first time. They also cannot describe what the universe was really like or if it even existed before the big bang.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The Big Bang theory was developed over years of observations and calculations.

    Its very well understood - the formation of the universe, how matter formed, how the elements formed, how stars are created - these are all very well understood mathematically and scientifically.

    If you don't understand something, that doesn't mean that others don't understand it. You can question anything - but you need to know what you are questioning first.

    Here, do some reading:

  • 10 years ago

    It came from decades of detailed, meticulous research conducted and agreed upon by scientists all over the world

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Your believe in magic and inability to write english leads me to believe that you are a moron, an idiot and you would not understand or accept the answer you cretin. Please find a hole to crawl into for the world can not bear another such as you.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    From the mind of Catholic priest, Georges Lemaitre, who later became a Monsignor.

  • Moe
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    since you asked ,i'll tell you.... one night i was out at this bar and i got smashed and sorry to say i took home this big girl .next thing she yells out, hey, are you trying to bang me to death...then it hit me the big bang theory..and that's how it started but don't tell no one..ok , now you know

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