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RoCkYeaa asked in HealthDental · 10 years ago

Is it bad to brush your teeth a lot?

I brush my teeth many times a day and I was wondering if it could make your teeth fall out... that's what someone told me anyway!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Brushing will never make your teeth fall out. Brushing is good for your teeth and mouth hygiene. It even is whole body ! (because an unhealthy mouth will effect your blood and thus your heart and such) It prevents you from having a bad breath, it keeps your teeth white, et cetera et cetera.

    Their are two cases in which brushing is bad:

    1. Directly before or after eating/drinking

    When you have eaten something and immediately brush your teeth, you will push food parts between your teeth, instead of removing bad spots.

    When you brush your teeth right before eating, you teeth will still feel a bit "weak" and food or bacteria will more easily infect them. (causing dental caries)

    You should wait 30 minutes between eating/drinking and brushing. Some dentist advise to wait a whole hour !

    2. Using too much force when brushing or brushing for too long

    When brushing, don't exceed three minutes of brushing per hour, nor do push the toothbrush too hard against your teeth.

    A tooth brush is somewhat rough, and when pushing too hard or brushing for more than three minutes, it will start to weaken your tooth enamel. (and again causing dental caries) You could also avoid this by buying a children tooth brush, because are softer, but they also aren't as efficient to clean your teeth.

    Lastly, make sure you rinse your mouth thoroughly afterwards to get rid of all the toothpaste you used. As long as you keep these things in mind, you can keep brushing your teeth as much as you want !

  • 10 years ago

    I would not recommend brushing your teeth more than the standard three times a day. Brushing too much will scrub the much-needed enamel off of your teeth and then yes, your teeth could eventually start to rot. Enamel naturally protects your teeth. It's great you like to have a clean mouth but don't over do it.

    Source(s): My dentist is my best friend - literatly.
  • 10 years ago

    Brushing your teeth many times a day can be harmful. First off, toothpastes have what is called fluoride. Fluoride makes your teeth whiter, but if you have too much fluoride on your teeth, they will be stained with white intrinsic stains from too much fluoride (fluorosis)

    In addition, brushing too many times can wear off your gingivae (gum) causing it to bleed, leading to infections from an open wound. It's recommended to brush 3 times a day. What you can do instead, rinse with listerine. That way your gum won't bleed, and you won't end up with fluorosis.

    Source(s): RDA 7 years
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    too plenty brushing might reason your gums to recede, that's undesirable. 2-three times an afternoon is plenty. attempt chewing gum, or mints while you're worried approximately your breath. by making use of the way, continual undesirable breath ought to show different problems, so it must be sensible to work out a dentist, or a doctor.

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  • 5 years ago

    Stop Infections Heal Teeth -

  • laaur
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    no, but with constant brushing you can badly scratch your teeth and damage your gums.

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