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Steve Jobs Vowed to destroy Android Why?

Steve Jobs said he wanted to destroy Android and would spend all of Apple's money and his dying breath if that is what it took to do so.

The BBC report

Was it because Linux Android is FREE and far superior than anything Mac iOS can do on phones and computers, That he would loose control of his widget users if they moved to Open Source Software and operating systems

6 Answers

  • DrDave
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Far as I am concerned, Apple always was a failure. 18 years of incompatible and over priced garbage. The only genius Jobs had was his ability to connive the unsuspecting public. Even today Pcs outsell Macs by 95%. People who know computers don't buy that over rated junk. The IPODS are a joke, the only media player on the market that needs special software, can only be synced so many times, etc.. Everything Apple makes is designed to dig more money out of your pocket after you buy it. Jobs Philosophy was simple. "why build 1000s of computers when you can build a few at ridiculous prices and bilk the unknowing public out of their money?". Look at the Mac. People spend that kind of money on it only to find out they need to install Windows to get it to do something. Now that he is gone, maybe someone will step up to the plate and start designing products that people want. If it were me and I wanted to make a change, I'd dump OSX and install Windows on them to begin with.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Hi Carling

    there does seem to be a lot of truth in the first five answers, they all seem to have some idea about yet another power mad American.

    they where given this idea of superiority by the same stupid people with the idea you have to pay extortion amounts of money for anything worth having in the computer field especially the home PC market.

    the main theme does seem to be it must be good because it costs money, not thinking like the rest of us with any kind of a brain, just a minute here this stuff does not need to be this expensive if some of us got together we could produce something just as viable without the expense and without such an expensive price tag. having now used this Apple product it does have it's good points but boy is it expensive to maintain it really is the same old story as Microsoft and actually more expensive to boot. I suppose it's only really selling point is as it is so prohibitive for most to purchase due to the cost not many but it so the virus issue is not a problem or has not been a problem yet.

    But here is the down side it still relies on the other Monster Microsoft for some of the most popular software to actually do anything constructive like OFFICE so it has no real gains.

    Strange i am still using this UBUNTU Software i wonder why. Oh yes i Know it is the best produced by more of the like minded folk who say STUFF IT . GATES and JOBBS.

    we are not going to pay for your expensive stuff.

    Source(s): well i must admit the apple products do rely extensively on public support and stupid children who just want the latest gadget. so there we have it marketing has it's uses and some fat dude wins some of the time. you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Jobs was a genius and talented, but he was also a megalomaniac. A greedy, power-hungry corporate glutton. Everything he did was to accomplish one thing: profit. Disgusting.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I do not question a dead mans opinion. It is what it is.

    Mac was built on BSD, no innovation, creative code copying and re-branding, if that is success, I will just sail away and enjoy life.

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  • 10 years ago

    Its all competition


    The all mighty wins again


  • 10 years ago

    read same article fm , they say its because android is copied fm iOS

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