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How to Reunify Taiwan and China?

Before anyone say anything, remember the topic. The topic is not “should” Taiwan reunify with the China, but “how”? I already read both side of the issue; now, I just want to see from all of your idea on how to reunify both countries.

Here is a general starting phrase: In the future, if the reunification of both countries Taiwan and China is possible………………

Okay, now it’s up to you to decide how. Feel free to post and give us some idea! =D


cough* cough* whoever below that said something like taiwan and the mainland were never one obviously never read the history between those two. China held taiwan as its province since MING DYNASTY. Moreover, why are there Han chinese in taiwan? Answer that please.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To get straight to your question "how", there are only 2 ways that China can do,

    1. China's standard of living is super rich like the US, by that GDP per capita is high for every citizen with good and fair social protection and opportunities, and not just a few elite people in the power circle that could enjoy the wealth and benefits. A REAL strong and rich China could easily draw the hearts of not ONLY Taiwanese but talents from all around the world, just like the US. The situation though as of now even Mainlanders especially the rich and elite themselves are all eager immigrating to another country.

    2. China be transformed into a political and governing system similar to Taiwan's, it does not make sense for Taiwan people who are already enjoying a free, open and fair system to go backward by joining a secretive, corrupted, police state that only benefit the few ruling elite and their few followers. Furthermore, China's reputation is worse than Taiwan in the international arena, bad in human rights, no respect nor considerations for others, everybody is good at cheating and stealing. Comparatively, Taiwanese are civilized and well behaved and well mannered. The situation right now of Taiwan and China is like asking a well educated, senior corporate executive to join a mafia gang.

    Asker, CCP elite, thats why China at present cannot even dream about getting Taiwan back because you narrow-headed people just do not know how the outside world work! Simply tell me why you give my factual answer a thumb down, just because I'm telling the truth that are harsh to the ears of you ccp elite, you guys only used to be shoe polished by some idiotic followers that whatever ccp has to be "great"? Or you lack the confidence that the 2 ways mentioned above can never be achieved by ccp?

    I hear many stupid nonsense from CCTV and propaganda that the western system is going downhill due to the recent economic downturn and how glorious CCP's system is, this is BS. Dont be stupid and foolish. In history whenever the world claimed a lousy dictator or regime was better than the US, the remaining days of the dictator or regime is numbered, just look at the Nazi, Japan's economic power in the 80s, the USSR in late 80s and Gadhafi who have all been glorified in the past and ended up losing their might, not surprised that China is just one of them.

    The US has developed a fantastic self-healing system. For over 200 years the country has undergone many downturns, the country manages to come out of each and every turmoil and each time much stronger than before. What about you CCP? Right now you only rely on tanks and troops to suppress your own people to hold onto power, when one day all 1.4 billion rise up against you, can you still be so lucky to grab power and wealth? Why small turmoils like tax collection problems of a few shopowners can easily turn out to a major riot in the Mainland? Similar riots almost happen on a regular bases in the Mainland, it's just that not every one got reported like this time. Before worring "foreign regimes" come invade your "broken-up" country as some of you ccp followers and traitors of the 1.4 billion Chinese Nationals trying to spread rumors up on here, you better worry your own stupid ccp officials like those tax people that are so greedy in grabbing money from the people that make the people rise against you. Before dreaming reunification with Taiwan which you ccp could never learn how and what free and open society is, better learn how NOT making your own people angry at you greedy and selfish ccp officials.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


    Build a bridge, we can call it ''Golden Gate bridge'', since Kinmen(Jinmen) means ''golden gate'' in chinese. and Kinmen is the island that is very close to mainland but belongs to Taiwan(also China, since taiwan is part of china, duh! *cough cough*, i really need some of that cough syrup I always start coughing from November when the weather gets cold, i see so many people on this board are coughing now too).

    Do you think it's a great idea? The bridge will speed up the economic and polical ties and friendship between China and Taiwan, which is *cough cough* part of China(excuse me coughing again).

  • Seeker
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    When Aliens start attacking earth. The whole earth will united in to one planet nation. That is how Taiwan and China will reunify.

  • 10 years ago

    I'm going to go against the grain. Taiwan biggest threat to its way of life is not from Japan nowadays but from he mainland aka one has to only look at the first, second and third cross straight crises.

    Taiwan should militarise itself even more and secretly develop a strong nuclear armament to counteract the number of missile bases that along the coast of mainland China and to make China think twice about possible military actions against Taiwan. As well as doing that they should become more friendlier with Japan as a means of local economical independence. Japan is nowhere as bad as it was pre-WWII.

    They should also develop anti-counter measures, via its media and schooling system, to the ultra nationalism that occurs on the mainland to enforce that Taiwanese people have a right to their way their life and the dangers of change that the mainland brings about to it.

    Taiwan should also open its doors more to foreign investors from the West and especially material exports.

    The net effect of this is to enforce Taiwan interests to its people and further the point that Taiwanese independence is globally possible and globally accepted plus breaking the leverage of mainland China's politicly backwards "One China polity".

    With enough leverage China would have to rethink its polities towards Taiwan, as military inference would be bad for China even if they did win, trade sanctions would effect both West and East but at the moment China has a import food trade surplus with the USA and heavily relies on other countries for food too. A decrease of food supply in China would food inflation pushing up prices even more causing unrest among the younger generation/poor who can't afford causing a fear of a new revolution that would scare the upper power wielding classes.

    Alternately, China wants Taiwan to rejoin more that what Taiwan does, it should think about that Taiwan wants as a way of life, however its seems stunk in its ways as Taiwan has often said that it would like the mainland to become more "democratic" in its ways before it rejoins. But this doesn't mean one vote one for the worse say as many anti-democratic Chinese spout but a government where "self-expressed values" are freely encourage, debated, respected and acted upon if good within the country's political system without fear of arrest, imprisonment or singling out, even if they are highly critical or are against the government.

    Edit: Cough cough: setter colonization, much akin to Europeans and today's Americas and everywhere else, so before it Taiwan was the home of native aborigines, and still is, and not part of the mainland China.

    Taiwanese aborigines are not of Chinese origins and where living on the island before the migration in the Ming dynasty and even before Taiwan was known to previous Chinese dynasties. Even so the "Chinese" only colonised or owned half the island before WWII. Technically, if abiding by the terms of the Japanese surrender mainland China should only have half the island and the rest should be even back to the aborigines or stay Japanese. But before Chinese colonisation it was the Dutch who first founded the first settlements so maybe they should press for their claims.

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  • jonal
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    They can't be 're' unified since Taiwan has never been a part of China. They were separate members of the Manchu empire, not united.

    Chiang Kai Shek was driven out of China by the communists and went to Formosa which is now Taiwan.

    When the Japanese occupying forces left Taiwan they didn't hand over the island to the Chinese government or to the Taiwan government. They just left without any handover taking place..

    If the Taiwanese had not developed the island into the economic powerhouse it now is China would have no interest in it.

    The Chinese government is simply making false claims to try to grab Taiwan and it's money for itself.

    EDIT.........The first inhabitants of Taiwan were the Negrito, an Austronesian tribe.Tthen came the Dutch colonists and an influx of Han and Hakka people from Fujien and Guangdon but when they came the colony was still under Dutch rule.

    After the Ming dynasty had been defeated one of the defeated Ming loyalists ( Koxinga) threw out the Dutch and parts of Taiwan became associated with the Qing dynasty but not the whole island.

    During Koxinga's rule there was a lot of piracy (he was himself a pirate on the run, hence his hiding away safely in Formosa. Protests to the Manchu rulers were met with the reply that Formosa was not theirs and they had no ifluence there to stop the piracy.

    The island was ceded to the Japanese in 1895 along with the island of Penghu after the first Sino-Japan war but when the Japanese left after WW2 there was no handover.

    The KMT then took over control of the island for over 40 years until in 2000 Chen Shui Ban was elected the first president of Taiwan who was not part of the KMT.

    A lot of Han people came over with Chiang Kai Shek, thousands of them, who were members of his army and sympathisers who would not be safe staying in China. They formed around 15% of the population.

    There are also 12 indigineous tribes remaiing on Taiwan, most of whom came originaly from other islands of the Ryukyu group or from further from Malaysia and Polynesia.

    Taiwan was not a province of China although a few regions of the island were associated with the Qing dynasty for around eight years.

    When the first major influx of Han Chinese ocurred Taiwan was a Dutch colony. The Dutch brought them in to work on the plantations producing rice and sugar.

    There were some Han before that but very few, escaping from the high taxes and poverty in China.

    The name Ilha Formosa was the Dutch name for Taiwan, meaning "beautiful island"

    Here is the history. Note the last paragragh. "Taiwan has never been an integral part of China."

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I am 100% for the idea of tararabaso, on top of it, I always emphasize that China should give more efforts on empowering her military capability, because it will determine whether foreign enemies have the guts to stop the unification between China and Taiwan.

    Foreign enemies actually dont care about Taiwan, they only use Taiwan as their tools to stop China from growing strong, and to protect their own interests around that area.

    Of course, while empowering her military capability, China should continue her plans to maintain a good relationship with Taiwan to make the re-unification come into reality in a peaceful way, of course, to unify with Taiwan through military should not be ruled out but is a last resort.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I think you can get answer from CCP Central Propaganda Department. They must have a lot of people working there on this subject.

    Priority-wise, PRC is more worried about situation in South China Sea. So you may want to work on that instead.

  • 10 years ago

    They cannot reunify since they are two different countries with two presidents. The are "communicating" well with each other now.

  • 10 years ago

    china has to play it smart now, now that china's influence is growing stronger, china has to take advantages from this, china and taiwan have big economic influence on each other, china must make taiwan to get more and more dependent on mainland economy and investment.

    the problem with unification are

    1. the presence of US in pacific, is not waning in fact they has just add more troops in guam, this shows that military solution is off choice. china has to play it smart first to ensure that pro independence party will never be in power again.

    2. keeping the status quo is good enough for now, so i think china should not push it to hard, it is more important to keep taiwan away from japan, since taiwanese is pro japan, and japan is not really a fried of china, and to some extend having some kinds of cultural supremacy over taiwan.

    3. china should put more weight on south china sea, establish some military bases in chinese control islands, remember that taiwan is the only entity with strong military presence there controlling 4 main islands.

    4. china should developed its military capability especially the navy first, remember the us and japansese are 2 real threats for china in any case not just in unification case

    5. china has to develop its anti US media, the way that russia today and press tv has been doing for so long. this can help push the image of china and if used correctly in regard to this issue, china can gives many people alternative view, remember that a lot of countries dont like america, i think china should be able to gain something from that.

    i dont see any military solution to this problem economic solution is preferable

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    You can't reunify something that was never one.

    How do you reunify the sky and the ground? Bit of a silly question really.

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