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Are guardian angels real?

Ive been going through a very hard time in my life and recently had a surgwey on my hand. Im only 17 and may be crippled for life if the surgery didnt work. Today I fell on my hand... And it was at school and people laughed at me.. When I could possibly never have use of my hand again... My mom tells me to ask my guardian angel for help when I do and I dont get an answer... So many bad things have happened to me I dont know if there is a god or anything..

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    God is very real and the angels he created are real. I'm sorry about what is going on in your life right now and I hope that things will get better for you soon. God never promised that life would be easy but we are to lean and depend on Him and He will strengthen us when we are weak. Just talk to God about it. You don't have to speak out loud, you can talk to Him in your mind if you want. He already knows what you need but He just wants you to come to Him for comfort and help. If you don't ask, how can you receive what you need. Try reading the bible, God also speaks through His holy word.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Are Guardian Angels Real

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Yes! U now have a difficult time as a teenagers and there's so much black luck recently, But U alone can fight it off by been positive at all time, I'm sure U don't need god or guarding angle now, But have faith with yourself and there's still hope U can recover! Think now the past has past but the further has yet to come, That's U!!

  • 10 years ago

    Ok, well this is a 'minefield' for me to answer, but here goes...

    As I am an Atheist, I do not believe in a higher power at all.

    Many people (many will be from the USA I assume as it is highly religious there) will likely flame me for that, but I have to let that be known, and I respect your right to believe in a god.

    I am sorry for your situation, and I am not going through something such as this, but I am going through a tough time now for different reasons.

    Life is tough, it is not fair, and sometimes bad things happen to good people.

    But it is through one's personal strength and resilience that allows us to become stronger people when we come out the other side of hardship.

    So do i believe that guardian angels exist?... No.

    But I believe that in life we have a choice, and I find this hard to accept still to this day... that is that we have to accept what has happened to us as fact, and move forward with determination, and do our very best to not let the shadows of the past darken our future.

    We can be our own best friend, or our own worst enemy, and there are stories of people that have overcome immense adversity to reach their goals and truly shine.

    The power is within us, we all have it, we just have to believe... in ourself.

    ... What does not kill us, makes us stronger.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Guardian angels are real. Just be patient. You can get through this. A God's helper may take some time, though. Those are the worst people I have ever heard of. Stay strong.

  • Gary K
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Where were all the guardian angels during the holocaust, Japanese tsunami, Haiti, etc, etc, etc.....

    Bad things can happen to anyone - you will find no answers in superstition. People who claim guardian angels are real are not basing their assertion on sound reasoning or evidence - it is emotion only (and a lack of critical thinking ability).

    Make sure you get the hand checked again by a doctor.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No of course not, people claim to have guardian angels but that still doesn't stop them having accidents, being sick, getting raped or any of the other million bad things that happen to people.

    Some people might find the idea comforting, but how much joy can you get out of an imaginary friend that is no help at all?

    At least science has given you some hope of your hand being cured through surgery, what has religion and guardian angels given you? - stuff all.

  • 10 years ago

    Guardian angels or Archangels(small difference between the 2 though) both have the ability to have contact with our world and help people with certain abilities to cross over spirits to there realm or protect the living.

    I call them spirits of light sense i don't associate religion too much with them.

    If you try summoning/praying(what ever you wish to call it) for one i can promise you at least one will show up. I've worked with them my self. One of the purest of all spirits known to me. And possibly anyone else. I hope you'll be able to see one your self if they let you. Its a sight to see. One of the few things i'm glad i have the seer's ability for.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    God hasn't promised that we'll never get hurt or sick, or have other problems in life. Job—who knew what it was to go through hard times—wisely said that "man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward" (Job 5:7).

    But God has promised to be with us when hard times come—and one way He does this is through the protection of His angels. You may not see them or even be aware of their presence—but they still were looking after you during this accident and protecting you from even more harm. They also have been with you to help you in your recovery. Instead of doubting God's care and wondering if He has abandoned you, may your heart instead be filled with thanksgiving.

    Admittedly, we don't always understand why bad things happen to us; someday, all our questions will be answered, but not yet. But by faith we know that God's promise is true: "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways" (Psalm 91:11). This is God's promise to every believer.

    The most important way God's angels do this is by safeguarding our souls from Satan's fury until death, when they usher us safely into God's presence forever. Do you have this assurance in your heart? Do you know for sure that when you die you will go to heaven? You can, by giving your life to Christ today.

  • 10 years ago

    yes they are everyone has them. i have a male and female guide my male guides been with me since i was a kid and my female guide just recently came into my life. your guides are constantly giving you signs and messages they can only do so much to make the most of it you need to meet them half way and welcome them fully into your life wholeheartedly

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