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Lv 7
Matt asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

Why do the OWS fleabaggers not see Michael Moore(worth 50 Million), Oprah and university presidents as?

part of the EEEEEVVVVILLL 1 percent? Aren't they being duped by that fat guy, Oprah and all the university presidents who make hundreds of thousands to millions a year?

Also, when will these people start taking baths and using indoor plumbing for their bathrooms instead of defecating on cars?


Michael Moore has given back??? He has exploited simpletons through lame, alarmist and sensationalistic movies which take severe liberties with reality. He is worth over 50 million dollars and has a fan base of people not strong enough to think for themselves.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ha ha! Fleabaggers!

    Michael Moore cracks me up. He's always talking about how greedy corporations are and how bad capitalism is. But he's suing Harvey and Bob Weinstein because Moore thinks they cheated him out of some of the profits from Fahrenheit 9/11. Even though Moore already received 21 million for the film! But he wants more? Oh I know, maybe he is planning on giving all his money away to poor people!

  • 10 years ago

    It's not being rich that's a problem. It's the control of Congress and our tax laws by the investment groups who think they are entitled to more than they justly deserve in our economy. Executives that make bloated salaries with bloated benefits just because they can collude with their boards and can set their own incomes and then lobby Congress for tax breaks and tax dodges. These are the neo-robber barons controlling the neo-trusts. They are locking up wealth that is supposed to, under normal circumstances, cycle through the economy. They are pouring millions into the investment and financial systems which is destabilizing them and causing prices to rise. Imagine the effect on a casino if it filled with high rollers. Pretty soon the casino, with just normal probabilities of winning and losing at all the tables, would go broke paying out.

    The myth of no bathing, etc. is just that, a myth. And the defecating on the police car happened in Canada and has already been debunked. And the high-end food was donated. Would you turn it down?

    Speaking of taking liberties with reality. You should work for Moore but Breitbart is probably more your style.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    They don't feel Moore is a rich guy because they are not even critically thinking about what they are doing. They are responding to emotion and silliness without a plan, a bath, or any common sense. They attack people and babble about wanting a dialogue. When you ask them what they want, they just look dumb and shake their heads.

    Moore does exploit these people who cannot think for themselves. They are silly enough to think that because it is in a Michael Moore movie-it must be true.

  • 10 years ago

    Your willingness to engage in vituperation compares unfavorably to their choice to take action against the oligopoly that has replaced democracy in the U.S.

    When the country is governed by the wealthy and for the wealthy, these people look pretty good calling for a return to democratic ideals.

    Who cares that some of the good people are doing well? Tax them adequately along with the rest of the fat cats!

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because Mike & Oprah have souls & give back cheerfully & responsibly. We've been **** on for years, maybe now it's the rich folks turn.

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