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HP G60 No bootable device, insert boot disk and press any key. Help me please?

I got it from rent a center. Its paid off and they charged for repairs. What can I do to tr to fix it? I cant afford repairing it right now. So I am leaving it on all the time and not turning it off.


it was baught from rent a center it had no disk with it :(

Update 2:

the dish - windows vista and all that. i called they said they dont give them out anymore :( i will try the taking it a part checking hard drive

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your master boot record is corrupted.

    You need to use the Windows 7 CD if that is what your using, go into the setup, and click REPAIR on the bottom left, open up the command prompt and type:

    "bootrec.exe /FixMbr" without quotes...

    they say to be careful with this but your computer is already jack, can't hurt it any worse

  • 10 years ago

    Sounds like the had drive is not fully inserted on the pins, so you will get that error, or the Hard drive is dead. Either way, you need to open up you hard drive bay and see what is going on in there. The hard drive is under where your mouse pad would be on the bottom side of your laptop, under a cover held by 4 or more small screws. Make sure that the had drive is pushed in all the way. It should be on a metal 'caddy'. If not, that is where your problem lies.

    You can also hit F2 and see if you disk drive shows up somewhere in the bios in the BIOS Should say some like this-

    HDD: The name of the hard drive. It will be blank if there is nothing there.



    Source(s): Had this happened to me as well, Laptop took a hit and jarred my HDD lose.
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