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Question for Cod Players who have Battlefield 3?

if you were originally a cod player (and i mean an experienced one who enjoys the game) and decided to get bf3 for a new experience, i have a question for you. What do you think of Battlefield 3 compared to Call of Duty Modern Warfare1-2/Black ops? Heres my story.

Im one of those people that can play cod for hours and hours and still have fun getting killstreaks, watching cool kill cams and all that other adrenaline pumping things u can do in cod. but theres also the times when i can go through multiple matches getting only a few kills because of the noobs and campers.that is why i decided that i want to play something new and more strategy based like battlefield where there are no noobs and campers. so i went out a few days ago and picked up battlefield 3. sadly i was devastated that my 60 dollars that could have gone towards a copy of mw3 was wasted entirely on battlefield 3. heres what disappointed me. First off the campaign was very good in my opinion and that is the only positive of this game for me. Not to diss battlefield or nothing but i hated the multiplayer so much. not that the game sucks, but i just didnt like it at all, this game just isnt for me. In multiplayer i went probably 2-30 on my first teamdeathmatch. heres why. my squad was running all over the map none of them working together as id hoped the game would be like. there was noone there to revive me ever and no to supply me with ammo. i was constantly spawning at the initial spawn and had to run all the way back to the actual fight which was usually at least a minute of sprinting away. also the campers were endless. death after death, all i saw on the screen was a sniper camping at least halfway across the map just sitting there waiting for their next easy kill. i even tried sniping and it was even worse. i was sniped even more easily. the air vehicles are too difficult to use and the ground vehicles get blown up before u even see anyone. speaking of which, it always takes me at least a min to find someone on these endless maps. there are no killcams and the radar doesnt help me at all. ive played online for at least 4 days now and ii dont believe ive ever come close to getting a positive ratio. in cod, its easy and fun to play. in cod i can actually feel good about getting things like last kill of the game/round, getting cool killstreaks or even taking out groups of enemies all on my own. battlefield has none of that. i mean it doesnt even have private or custom games. i mean seriously? campaign and multiplayer and thats it. once i finished the campaign i was saddened by the fact that all i had left to play was the boring, frustrating multiplayer. in cod u have a good campaign, a good multiplayer with many game modes unlike bf3, custom games, private matches, prestiging, customizing player cards, an easy way to make good classes and even extra things like spec ops and survival mode in the new mw3. to me battlefield is worth mabye 15 for campaign and 10 for multiplayer. and it breaks my heart that i wasted 60 dollars to be playing a combat arms like game. actually combat arms is on the same level as bf3 online to me. just as boring. cod is filled with excitement and fun to have with friends. u cant even have split screen on bf3. it sucks. i quit bf3 today and played black ops again. and let me tell you, it was a blast playing with my cousin in splitscreen in zombies and all the online game modes like cap the flag,demolition,domnation,search and destroy teamdeathmatch, etc and we even messed around and plaayed custom matches and did things like making our own cool emblems and playercards. i mean it was all around fun. we even made sure that his parents would let him come over next week so that we can have a blast playing mw3.

i know its long but i was just writing down what came to mind about battlefield 3 and cod. honestly i am going to trade in my battlefield 3 copy for 30 dollars toward mw3, i know gamestops cheap and will only give me that much (and thats a promotion theyre having) but id rather have an extra 30 for mw3 than having a 60 dollar case of regret sitting on my shelf for the rest of my life just collecting dust. this may be because the games just not for me, but i dont see how people have fun with it. so whats your opinion on battlefield 3 and cod mw3.

i know mw3 isnt out but im just using that since its bf3's competitor. when i say mw3 i mean the cod franchise.


14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your first issue is you played TDM first. Second of all,this game takes some amount of skill. Flying vehicles are gonna be a pain to fly. Stick with land vehicles. Snipers,yes,are a pain,but avoid that area,OR get friends together and play. Get a guy to counter snipe.

    To address sniping,unlike CoD which you seem to love,sniping requires accuracy,and over long distances,you need to compensate for bullet drop. They arent always a 1 hit kill,(even with bolt actions) but its a finesse weapon.CoD is for relaxed people. Radar is built so that you have to mark targets to see them,not a UAV that sees everything. (Later in recon,you can get a MAV,which is a controlled UAV,and even then,you mark targets.) I admit that BF has a small learning curve,but honestly,just play with teams and play smart. Dont rush around like its CoD.

    BF3=/= Cod tactics.

    Playercards are just a gimmic that you have bought into. Honestly,NO ONE pays attention to it.

    In BF, you are the killstreak. You want an airstrike? Mark the target and get a jet to take it out.

    Fanboyism is annoying,and honestly,you rage alot. Are you 12?

    Well,enjoy CoD...

    EDIT: Also,my bad if i seemed ranting. Approach BF3 in the correct manner and its amazing. THe main difference is that CoD is an Arcade game. BF is a simulator. Its going to be hard for a cod fanboy to play and adapt. Give it time.:)

    Source(s): BF3 Player
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Cod Player Cards

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I'm not going to lie I'm a bf3 player and i have to say I'm not a fan of CoD but i do have a respect for it BF3 requires strategy not just claymores and it works best if you set up your own squad and as for campers all you need to do is 1 flank them 2 blowup the building there in or 3 get one of you squad to kill them but the game is hard on new players the first few guns are useless it's not until you get into the higher ranks that you start taking out entire squads but once you get accustom to it the game gets much better and air units are hard to master and the ground units are good if you have a gunner and keep moving

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I totally agree with your points of view, I too have played B3 and I do find it frustrating and not much fun. I was converted to COD Black Ops and Medal of Honor I have to say after every multi player experience I am either smiling because I have achieved a great score or someone has taken me out a lot because I have been camping! Lol :-) but thats my fault, either way I have enjoyed Black Ops so much and I am genuinley sorry that I cant say the same for Battlefield 3, sorry EA but Im trading B3 in for MW3.

    Alan in United Kingdom 52 years young.

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  • 7 years ago

    Your problem is.... you have no skills or battle tactics... try playing the small team deathmatch (only 16 players) vs the matches with 24. I play the cq tdm alone w/o my mic on and never get more than 3-10 deaths with more than 30 kills... the other proble

    you're probably having is that you are running around like a headless chicken without clearing your corners.. common noob mistake

  • 10 years ago

    I think your problem is that your not used to bf3 game style. Try objective modes like conquest (domination) or rush (search and destroy and demolition). Objective games are the games were team work is needed. Also bf3 does also have something, co-op (which can be used for multi player . I tried it and its really fun. Also spawn on your teammates and if there not alive, take a vehicle. When moving, move with teammates and other squad members. If you want to go positive, flank. Flanking is what i do in bf3 all the time, head on attacks do not work. If you suck at vehicles, go to the first spawn point and wait for one to spawn. Dont forget this game take time to get used to.

    Back to topic..

    I started playing my first cod game online. Black ops, i was really good at it, one of the first to prestige but i got really tired of me having to carry the team every single time and the game got boring, imagine prestging 13 times, unlocking the same thing over and over again. So i tried my first bf game. BFBC2. It was really hard for me to get used to the game style, to find my class, what to do. But when i did, it was a blast. I was doing really good. I can get both m-coms, i cant drive tank and helicopters with no problem. So i decided to get BF3. The game was kinda frustrating because of the cod players switching to BF and i have to get used to the controls to helicopters ( which i crash in 3 seconds) and jets. But I really like BF3, the game style fit with me, i found my class, i know where the camping spots are, i know how to navigate the maps and i know what to do in different situations. For example, there is a room full of enemies, what do i do? Blow up the cover and blow them up. I have to pick BF3 over MW3. Why?. I think that MW2 is going to be the same as MW2, just different map and guns and same game style.. I also think the game gonna get boring in 1 month. This is why i pick bf3.

    Also you said you were trying to not diss EA but you said that they stole your money even though you bought it.


    Jurl sound like a cod fanboy because he is being a ****** about it

    Source(s): Cod player that switch to BF.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I played cod for a long time then i decided hey why not play some bf3 i was good at it but i got bored of it, i went back to cod but now im garbage at cod and can barely get to 10 kills a match now i dont know why i used to be really good at cod!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I honestly think if your unsatisfied with it, then its not your style. If i were you, I wouldve joined a platoon. That was my problem at first until i got into a platoon. There you will meet people with mics and people who work as a team.

    BF has MANY CoD players in it including myself. If you like the tactical aspect to the game in battlefield as much as i do, keep BF. Its worth the money. Wait for these idiots who run around thinking this is Nuketown killing other enemies. Once MW3 comes out, BF will be cleaned of the selfish people who only worry about their K/D. And no offense, I'm one of them players. Just not in BF. Only in CoD games.

    And Dont listen to that idiot who just said EA sucks the money out of people... Do some research kid, BF's Battlelog is free compared to the $20 a year for a subscription to some stupid stats log that BF offers for free. And plus, they made a ton of money from black ops and MW2 and they can't even change their graphics. Looks like MW2 to me.

  • 10 years ago

    here's a simple comparison for your long question that i skimmed cod games are arcade games examples no recoil no bullet drop super easy to kill and be shot bf3 is simulator there's bullet drops which means you have to actually aim and calculate where to shot and there's VEHICLES and recoil if your a cod play boy it will hard to get use to at first and if your are a bf3 play boy cod games are easier to get use to because it's so unrealistic i'm not a fan boy of either so this a third person view i have played both types of games though

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    BF3 sucks donkey deeks! Lol. Plus EA is a money grubbing whore. Bad thing about BF3 is that there is campers etc except it's impossible to find them on BF3. MW3 is gonna be Epic and Fun and totally wipe the floor with BF3. Period!

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