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Green Lantern asked in SportsMartial Arts · 10 years ago

Seriously,Bruce Lee vs Mike Tyson?

When I was a little kid,I loved watching Bruce Lee and his movies.So,naturally,whenever someone suggest that "Who would win,Bruce Lee vs "anyone"?" I would root for Bruce.But then someone pointed me a fact,which show that Lee had NOT been involve in any kind of professional fight or whatsoever.Sure,you could show me he had that "one inch punch" video on youtube or some hearsays from somebody that "he did this....... etc".You could go on talking about his speed on camera,but the fact is Bruce Lee was never involve in any professional fight.We never saw how did he put his "one Inch punch" or fighting speed to be used in real life.

So when I saw a thread which says Bruce Lee would beat Mike Tyson,in boxing ring or a street fight.It made me wonder why would they (or anyone else) think that Bruce would beat someone twice his size,had more than 15 years of professional boxing experience in a boxing match.Bruce wouldn't even get past Sugar Ray Robinson in a boxing match,much less fighting a boxer twice his own size in a boxing match.

You could go on about how Bruce can beat Mike on a street fight.That's another story.But then again,what makes you think that Mike wouldn't do what you think Bruce would do to him?(Like kicking in the nuts,biting(Evander Holyfiled?lol))


"Countless eye witness"

Name me one credible fighter he fought with that "countless eye witness" of yours to proof.I've heard many times that Bruce did this,did that......but no one can back up his fight record.There's no video proof,no tournaments involve and not even the press notice his fight record.All hearsay.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    this bruce lee can beat anyone stuff is really getting old

    tyson would destroy bruce lee

    i have seen nothing and heard nothing but stories from his movies of how he can beat tyson. Tyson fought elite competition

  • 8 years ago

    In a boxing ring, Tyson would put ketchup on Lee's ear and play around till he gets hungry.

    However, in a street fight, I think one kick from Bruce would be enough to make Tyson kneel, and then finish off with a fatal punch to the head.

    Let's face it, if Tyson was a kickboxer, then it would be different. Kickboxers are used to getting kicked, but Tyson has low to no experience when it comes to taking kicks. So in a street fight, I vote for Bruce.

    Don't think it will be hard for someone like Bruce to dodge punches.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    While it's true that Bruce Lee was never involved in professional match, he did do many exhibition matches. He defeated Gary Elms in the third round by knockout. He was involved in a street fight in Hong Kong in which he knocked out his opponent and broke their arm AFTER being sucker punched. He KOed a black belt Karateka named Uechi in 11 seconds in a fight in a Seattle YMCA. According to Ed Hart, the timekeeper for the match, he hit the man with 15 punches and a kick in that 11 seconds (and this was a black belt with enough standing to arrange a public match against Bruce Lee in his prime). Perhaps his most famous match was against Wong Man Jack, one of the top practitioners of Kung Fu in California at the time. It was a private match, and accounts of exactly what happened vary, but all are in agreement than Lee won the match.

    Police reports exist for a number of Lee's street fights (those things never go away). Some other witnesses for these fights include Herb Jackson, Linda Lee Cadwell, James Yimm Lee, and Bob Wall.

    Now that that's out of the way, to answer your question I think who would win a fight between Tyson and Lee would be a matter of which rules were being enforced. I'll assume we're talking both of them in their prime. In a no holds barred match or a street fight, Lee would own Tyson (wouldn't even be a fight). If you wanted them to fight under the rules of the boxing commission (ignoring weight class requirements so that the fight could actually happen) it would be a more even match. I think that one would be close, and I thing Tyson would win for the simple fact that many of Bruce Lees techniques would actually be illegal under boxing rules. That and the fact that Tyson can take a punch really well.

    Source(s): Google Bruce Lee fights.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Fight with Wong Jack Man

    In Oakland, California in 1964 at Chinatown, Lee had a controversial private match with Wong Jack Man, a direct student of Ma Kin Fung known for his mastery of Xingyiquan, Northern Shaolin, and T'ai chi ch'uan. According to Lee, the Chinese community issued an ultimatum to him to stop teaching non-Chinese. When he refused to comply, he was challenged to a combat match with Wong. The arrangement was that if Lee lost, he would have to shut down his school; while if he won, then Lee would be free to teach Caucasians or anyone else.[42] Wong denied this, stating that he requested to fight Lee after Lee issued an open challenge during one of Lee's demonstrations at a Chinatown theatre, and that Wong himself did not discriminate against Caucasians or other non-Chinese.[43] Lee commented, "That paper had all the names of the sifu from Chinatown, but they don't scare me".[44]

    Individuals known to have witnessed the match included Cadwell, James Lee (Bruce Lee's associate, no relation), and William Chen, a teacher of T'ai chi ch'uan. Wong and witness William Chen stated that the fight lasted an unusually long 20–25 minutes.[43] According to Bruce Lee, Linda Lee Cadwell, and James Yimm Lee, the fight lasted 3 minutes with a decisive victory for Lee. "The fight ensued, it was a no-holds-barred fight, it took three minutes. Bruce got this guy down to the ground and said 'do you give up?' and the man said he gave up" – Linda Lee Cadwell.[42]

    Wong Jack Man published his own account of the battle in the Chinese Pacific Weekly, a Chinese-language newspaper in San Francisco, which contained another challenge to Lee for a public rematch.[43] Lee had no reciprocation to Wong's article, nor were there any further public announcements by either, but Lee had continued to teach Caucasians.

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  • 7 years ago

    Mike Tyson. Too much power Plus Weight Advange

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Bruce, hands down. And I'm a huge Tyson fan, only 86'-88' Tyson would even have a chance. That is when Tyson was still disciplined and trying to please his master/coach/trainer/father figure, Cus. After Cus passed away, Tyson got by on what lingered from those years of training under Cus and Atlas. Don King replaced Tyson's team with a team of his choosing, men who cared nothing for Tyson. And the gameplan was always the same, knock them out! No strategies, preparation, anything. Just party until the fight starts. Don King ruined Tyson because Tyson was not mentally strong and gave into the temptations that Don King seduced him with. Bruce was very disciplined and regardless what anybody says, he backed his talk up. He really did walk into an entire building full of martial artists and challenged anyone of them and stated he would beat them in under 60 seconds. And he did. That would be like walking into a room full of MMA fighters today and issuing the same challenge, regardless of weight classes. No one has that much confidence and the skill set to do it. You can say that today's martial art's are far superior to those of Bruce's days and I won't deny that, but the point remains. In his day, he was the "evolution" of what fighting was then. You cannot knock that, ever. And countless witnessess who watched men challenge this little asian man known as Bruce and there are countless statements that Bruce never backed down and never lost. Of course with a new generation that truthfully knows nothing about Bruce, they discredit his accomplishments as acting and choreography. But if they did a little research they would soon discover that Bruce was the real deal. But of course, a boxing match with 86-88 Tyson would not bode well for Bruce, but he would still hold a tremendous speed advantage over Tyson. But I guess that's open to debate....

  • 10 years ago

    Mike Tyson would win by default.

    Seriously, dead people can't fight.

    Source(s): my brain ;)
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