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My website designer asked me to come up with a list of keywords?

to program into the website to help with web search optimization. I am a wedding planner, could you give me some tips on the keywords, can I use too many? Is there certain ones I should avoid or look to use? Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    keywords are an outdated concept IMO, google stopped using them in headers a while ago. So don't overload on them ore you will be seen as a word spammer.

    But a small number are OK, especially worked into the text.

    Just imagine what someone searching for your business would use as search terms. Your location for one thing, maybe your zip code, along with obvious ones like "wedding planner". Add things like catering and floral, but don't lie.

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