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Teaching the difference between aggression and anger?

Anyone here ever tried teaching a student or fellow student the difference between getting angry and being aggressive when sparring I know a few classes where they rattle off Bruce Lee's "Emotional content "speech but not everyone will know what that means, what is important is that they understand that being aggressive is a matter of confidence in one's abilities and assessing the opponents abilities and not giving in to doubt and that anger is just a blind quick fix solution that just tires you out easily,

do you agree/disagree ? what are your thoughts on this? is it something you find students have a problem with or have your own clear explinations made sense to them?

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I teach neither. Having either complicates things for you in a fight. The mind is not programmed to multitask. It tends to go into overload. I teach mushin, no mind. Stay calm and let things happen, don't anticipate and do what you have to do. This by no means does not mean I can not attack first but it is done without agression or any other emotion for that matter.

  • Nancy
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well in reality, lots of men are alot more aloof then women are to things. Im not going to say ALL because the type of men you are describing exist, but not ALL men. A majority of men that are aloof to small things that emotional women pick up overwhelm the amount of men that punch walls and are aggressive. I'd say whichever way you look at it women are more emotional. Also, about the "He's a man" excuse, it doesn't exist.. the opposite actually. A punch of the wall or anything like that scares anyone which can lead to violence, an arguement or even jail time. Any act of violence against a woman usually leads the man to getting some sort of punishment. So overall, id say that women are more legally and generally free then men. They are also more emotional ( in general ) then men are.

  • Shaman
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I think I get what you're saying.... But instead of "aggression" (which still has a connection to "anger" for some, at least in their experience), try using the word "intention".

    You can ask the student, "In a combative moment .... What is your intention? To runaway? To neutralize the attack? To stop the attacker?" Each has a visceral "feel" to it. Running away can be literally running or it can be leaning away from an attack. But viscerally it is the feel of escaping from the attack.

    The intention of neutralizing and/or of stopping an attacker (with "aggression", as I think you mean) viscerally is more a feel of "moving into" or "towards" an attacker.

    Each viscerally feels like leaning toward or leaning away from the threat.

    Using the word of "intention" may help to communicate the idea you want to get across without confusing "emotional" attitudes. Since I can have the intention to stop an attack or attacker without having to be "aggressive" or "angry" in my efforts.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I would say aggression is being fully confident in your abilities and showing them to your full extent. Anger is becoming blind and fighting with full force but without thinking clearly.

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  • 10 years ago

    to be aggressive means you are in it to win it, you want it more than anything, you will do things with force, to overpower to opponent, but still under control, being angry sends you into an uncontrollable rage, causing you to be blind with fury and to randomly attack but this is bad since they can't control themselves, it is easier to beat an angry than an aggressive person.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think its better to stay as calm as you can. but apprently you find strngth from somewhere wen angry. go figure.

    Source(s): multi krate champion
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