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? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 10 years ago

how to win over the popular older guy from a slut lol?

so there's this guy i really like. only, he's a very popular sophomore & i'm a not-that-popular freshman. i mean i'm not a nerd or anything i have a lot of friends but i'm not really popular. this girl i'm kindof friends with i guess is a total slut, and everyone knows it. she knows i like him, & she still plans to go after him on monday, as do i.

how do i get him to choose me over her?!

i can't approach him without her since she's at school early, and he gets there late, so we're together. i try to get away from her but i cant. & she's sooo social, always talking to guys, and i'm social, but not THAT social.

but we both havent even talked to him yet..but he knows who she is by her reputation..but he doesn't know me.

any ideas are appreciated, please help?!


even she admits it, & we're friends but it's the truth. God, she gets every guy, I just want one.

Update 2:

we have noo classes together

9 Answers

  • Fall
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    all the tips here are crap

    Listen, there are many sluts everywhere. If he doesn't go for your friend, he could go for another slut cause there's most likely more than one. But, a fun, down to earth, self-respecting, confident and sexy but classy girl is a lot more rare.

    I suggest you talk to him only a little bit with your friend at the same time, but not more than that. Obviously if your friend is a slut, she'll fight hard to get his attention. If you fight even harder for his attention, he'll see it, think you're just one of those other girls, and not be interested. You need to be mysterious, get him to have interest in you, without being shy though.

    Take for example the way people dress. If a girl dresses slutty all the time, you pretty much know what she looks like. I used to have a player as a friend in my tomboy days and that's exactly what he told me "leaves less place for imagination". If you didn't get what the meant, it means she shows so much skin that there's nothing really more to "discover". Why would he go for a girl that's degrading herself that much? On the other hand, if a girl wears respectable clothing but still nice fitting and flattering, that's more intriguing.

    Then again, that guy may be different. I've met players who are just horn dogs and will get the with sluttiest girl they can find. Other players (such as my friend) will look for the biggest and most interesting challenge they can find.

    So you need to play your cards right. Be bold, confident and independent. Keep repeating to yourself that you are these things (if not permanently then just before you go talk to him). Trust me, you start believing what is constantly repeated to you. It's been proved. Believe and show him by the way you act that if he doesn't like you, it's his loss. But don't throw yourself at him just yet. Guys like a little chase (as long as the girl is not just messing with him, that's annoying).

    A thing you should think of is HIS reputation. If he's popular, why is that? Does he usually go through girls, go for whores, stay in relationships, stay exclusive? You need to think about that before you want to get into it and you have to remember what it is that YOU want out of it.

    As I mentioned earlier, guys have different taste in women. Sorry but if he likes whores, you'll just have to forget it and go for another guy. If you start acting like a whore just to get with him, you won't be yourself around him so you won't be comfortable AND he'll just throw you out when he finds another whore. You may like him, but again it's important to think not only with your heart but with your brain when it comes to this, or else your heart can get broken.

    You need to show that you're interested in him but without asking him out or being too obvious. If you don't know how to flirt, it's natural. If you're worried, google it.

    Remember to be CONFIDENT. That's the most attractive trait there is and it makes a whole difference. Be confident in what you say, how you show your interest in him and how you walk, and he'll see that if you're THAT comfortable with yourself, then you must be an interesting person. Don't forget to smile to make yourself accessible.

    Good luck

    Source(s): my experience and what my player friends have told me
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Wow. You sound like an amazing person.

    You know, by calling your friend a slut and competing over a guy who you'll probably never end up with.

    (not trying to be mean)

    You should probably just move on with your life.

  • 10 years ago

    She's your friend and you call her a slut and want to steal her boyfriend? Wow, that is immature. If she's a slut, why do you want her hand me downs?? You don't get a boy to choose you over someone else. He has to like you on his own.

  • Sounds like the plot of a teenage movie from the 90's lol.

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  • Lauren
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Why the hell are you competing over a guy?

    Its not worth it, love doesn't work like that. You just sound really desperate for this guys attention, why?

    Wait for a guy to come to you, you're in grade 9? Please , you have a ton of time to get a guy but wait for him to come to you.

    This isn't a fricken competition.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Do you have any classes with him? Talk to him! Offer to help him with his homework (If your smart) or if you know any upcoming projects invite him over to work on it together. Ha ha I like this boy. He's super popular to, luckily we're kind of in the same social group. So he was in my math class and got seated by each other! Our last names are right by each other. I helped him out, and everything. And I invited him over. We went swimming in the lake, and i didn't want to get wet but he pulled me in lol. He was in his boxers, and I was fully clothed. We had other people there to though ha ha, my neighbors did however see us walking out of the woods soaking wet and him in boxers...and then he decided to get naked in my clubhouse to change! I didn't look lol, but I did go outside to change instead. And he had so much fun he came over the next day! Of course its winter now, so I have to wait till summer for that again >.< but I've been to his house twice now to. I'm waiting for the next project (Monday) to invite him over and work on it together. Its a work in progress. Your not going to win him over in one day. But love is war <3 He'll know she's a slut, so go after him.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Wow you sound like an awesome friend. Coming on here calling your "friend" a slut.

    You need to get a life.

  • 10 years ago

    after school?

    but dont just go for him because you feel pressured, go for because you like who he

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Listen, you should not call people 'sluts'. How they dress and their sex life and who they flirt with is none of your business (unless they're pushing it on you).

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