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majnun99 asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 10 years ago

What's the deal with wearing hats backwards or sideways?

Some folks seem to hold special significance in the way someone wears a hat. Why is that?

I was in a band some years ago. We played for a festival in another state. When it was our time off we went to a bar. One of our members was wearing a baseball cap backwards. There was a sign that indicated "no backwards hats." He was told he had to turn his hat around or they wouldn't let him in; which he did.

What difference does it make?


Yeah, it does seem to be something about being "cool" or disrespectful.

Once when I was in college another student was wearing a cowboy hat. The teacher told him to take it off. He asked why, and the teacher said "because it makes me think you are showing me your defiance." He understood and never wore the hat in class again.

I have seen night clubs that have a dress code, you can't go in wearing a tee shirt or whatever. Some bars in my home state of Missouri had "no colors" signs which meant if you were in a gang, you weren't supposed to wear your gang insignia. If somebody from a rival gang was there, it might lead to a fight.

I guess it was just a dress code thing.

Update 2:

I had band gigs where we were supposed to dress up, wear ties and such. Some guys would complain about it. I just thought it was immature to complain; if they were paying me and expected me to dress a certain way, I would dress the way they asked. One guy didn't know how to tie a necktie so I tied it for him. He never untied the necktie and would put it back on whenever we had a gig where we were supposed to wear them. I told him "thank you, I always wanted one of my works to last."

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The backwards cap-look has become more offensive. It used to be an innocent, 8yr old kid-thing to wear a cap backwards, but it has since taken on a more unseemly side; associated with disrespect; even has a sexual connotation re: performing a sex act on another, using a baseball cap. Like,NO SHiRT NO SHOES NO SERViCE rule for biz's. The grungy, ballcap-look would be seen as intentionally not adhering to a biz's dress code and offensive to other guests.

    In sports, a college athlete, even pro athlete, may be reprimanded for a backwards cap, by a coach. It has to do with the powers that be trying to emphasize that maintaining a pro look & vibe is critical to the team's success. It's a negative for a team when a player has tats all over their bodies (especially neck and face), have multiple piercings, wear logos or clothing that can be viewed as disrespectful or offensive to the masses. In the case of a wanna-be pro athlete who's seeking success, their coaching staff want to make certain they don't have a loose canon, or anarchist on their hands. They don't want to select a ball player for their big market, big budget team, that is caught up with trendy, non-pro, and self-serving manners of dress, behavior or personal choices. This may be a detriment.

    Charley Sheen being fired from CBS = big dogs & suits who are the exec producers can't sit back and allow their star to continue to act out. They opted to take a pass on renewing his contract, because it was detrimental to the entire show. The cast and crew members have quite a bit at stake. In that case, it's all about profits and losses. The big dogs will ALWAYS hire and remain loyal to the "team players", who get it. The ones who VALUE their position, who realize they can be replaced, so straighten up and fly right when one is representing them..(or tv show, product they are endorsing, team for which they play, etc.)

    A while back, there was talk of a coach who was addressing a player and saying

    " won't dress like such and such..will you"..? Respect this ball club, maintain a pro look when you are are a reflection of this team-kind of thing. No tats if you want to be on this team. Everyone wanted to weigh in on this re: sports radio. To some, ridiculous. No one should ever expect grown men to edit their clothing or style. To others, it's key. Important to make a good impression when one is representing whatever position they have.

    I've worked as an actress since early childhood and there are agreements one has to sign, (be completely on board with), when being cast in a certain commercial, tv show, or production. The devil-may-care types aren't going to be valued by the suits, because they aren't respectful of them, nor the production, by behaving, dressing or looking a certain way. Their insurance rates will climb if the person hired doesn't keep it together.

    If you were one of the big dog endorsers, and you hired someone to be your spokesperson; be the face of your product, you would insist on this. Their agreement: maintain a certain look, vibe and attitude bc they're representing their product. One stands to lose the endorsement, or otherwise may be passed over when casting comes, contracts are about to be re-newed..if it's time for a draft pick..or one has the opportunity to succeed with landing a fantastic job..millions of dollars at at stake..then dressing sloppily, or messy..going out and being seen drugging or behaving in a lewd manner..being with and around the "wrong" crowd, and repeatedly getting into trouble (whether trouble finds them, or they find trouble) then it is the wise person who is able to understand how important it is to manage ones life in the way they are expected to live it, while under the contract they have agreed to.

    Once one has achieved their own personal success and has become whatever it is they set out to do, THAT's WHEN they can incorporate their own personal style. Until then, it's jump when the big dogs say HOW HiGH.

    As far as being in a just means that you were playing a venue that was teetering on the "high end". It was the desire of the bar, itself, or the hotel, to maintain a conservative, non-rowdy vibe. They must've felt it would be off-putting to the other patrons if one isn't dressed right. Clubs and restaurants CAN and will ask their patrons to dress according to what their dress code is and that's their prerogative entirely.

    Some clubs, insist the patrons (men) wear a sport jacket. Staff is ready, willing and able to supply the patron with an appropriate, sport jacket. That is their prerogative. Some establishments have a dress code. It wouldn't make THAT big of a dif to some. But this is how they choose to run their biz. Some clubs have long lines of wanna-be patrons, waiting for the go ahead to even enter the club, if they aren't appropriately dressed then they are simply not admitted.

  • 6 years ago


    What's the deal with wearing hats backwards or sideways?

    Some folks seem to hold special significance in the way someone wears a hat. Why is that?

    I was in a band some years ago. We played for a festival in another state. When it was our time off we went to a bar. One of our members was wearing a baseball cap backwards. There was a sign that...

    Source(s): 39 deal wearing hats sideways:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Baseball Cap Backwards

  • 10 years ago

    "Some folks seem to hold special significance in the way someone wears a hat. Why is that? "

    It's all about image. Wearing the ball cap backwards portrays being "cool" or "laid back" or "chilled". It's the same thing with wearing the ball cap to the side for some people.

    Should it have made a difference to management? Not really, other than a certain image management wants to establish in the bar- which he's entitled to do to a certain point.

  • 5 years ago

    what retard over 10 wears a ballcap to begin with? The fact that you have to be even more stupid looking wiht the backwards or sideways cap .... well no wonder America lost all its jobs and professionals are largely immigrants.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    I remember a quote from someone in a movie; "The baseball cap should be worn in the direction that your life is travelling" And backward baseball caps are nothing new - check out "Spanky and our Gang" movies from the 1930's

  • 10 years ago

    In my opinion, there will always be a new way for young people to show their individuality and "rebellion" against the norm. This is just part of finding their own way and own identity. Unfortunately, what you wear and the way you wear it, does reflect on you and your family, business, team, etc. I've seen forty-fifty-sixty year old men who are so focused on looking young or cool, they fail to see how ridiculous they seem. This culture appears to be obsessed with youth. I'm not sure if it will ever change, but it does make me sad that it people, young and old, are more interested in being cool than having some character.

  • Smitty
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    A man should take his hat off whenever he enters into a home, establishment or business, that's what a gentleman would do. But that just sound like the rule of the bar.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    ok first of all i live on south side and wearing your hat sideways means you kill pimps and hate black people

    and wearing it backwards means you like black people not trying to be racist so usually if you come where i live and you were your hat sideways u gonna get yo *** shot!!!

  • 5 years ago

    Its simple...its all about control, they want to control you. frankly I think they should live in a communist country. then they can have all the control ova the masses they want....

    If I dont like a dress code then I just dont go to that place. its that simple , like the other person said if you want certain things ya gonna have to do certain things, depends how bad u waNt it.. some will sell thier souls, some will sell thier mothers..

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