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Lv 5

C++ Problem (Trying to split a string)?

I am trying to use getline,cin to receive a two word string, and then split the string into two one word strings, must the same way the old text adventures of the 1980's did. However, I can't seem to figure it out. It should look like this:

What shall I do? GO WEST

Main reports that you typed

go for a verb.

west for the noun.

My result is

Main reports that you typed

for a verb.

go west for the noun.

This is the intended code.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


while (death>0){

string answer,verb,noun,separator;

cout << "What shall I do? ";

getline (cin,answer);

for(unsigned int i=0;i<answer.length();i++){ // Convert to Lowercase

answer[i] = tolower(answer[i]);}

// Split answer in 2 variables

size_t i = answer.find(separator);

if(i != string::npos){

size_t y = 0;


while(y != i){

verb += answer[y++];


y+= separator.length();

while(y != answer.length()){

noun+=answer[y++]; //creating noun string



cout << "Main reports that you typed " << endl;

cout << verb << " for a verb." << endl;

cout << noun << " for the noun.\n\n" << endl;


Any help would be appreciated.





2 Answers

  • oops
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have boost, and you should, there is a function called split. If not, then you can use string streams. Here's an example of both:

  • Carl
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Your problem is you declare the string variable "separator" but you never assign it a value. Try inserting the line:

    separator = " ";

    Another way to do it (the way I would do it) is something like this:

    int len = answer.length();

    int separated = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)

    if (separated == 0)

    if (answer[i] == ' ') // one blank space between apostrophes

    separated = i;

    else verb[i] = answer[i];

    else noun[i - separated - 1] = answer[i];

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