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TEENAGERS could you help me?

how do you react with your body odour? I don't know what to do since I'm facing this problems. I've got Wushu class almost everyday and I found out my clothes felt sweat and smelly I don't know what to do again cause I have put deodorant. Before I go to the training club I've make sure that I smell good but after training well y'know. So I hope you guys could tell me how to solve the probs

thank you.<3

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If deodorant isn't enough. carry around wet wipes with you so you can wipe your armpits & other areas that get really sweaty and smelly and then re-put deodorant on before, between, and after workouts in the locker room. right after you take a shower put deodorant on so your skin can soak it up and then put it on again when you're going where you have to go. try using body sprays and try Secret clinical strength deodorant sport. hope I helped!

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