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CJ asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

I have a Min Pin he appears to have a over eating problems?

H e receives so much good dog food am and pm but in the mean time he will steal everything in site he will go to great means to get it he is a small dog but this morning somehow he got on top of the stove and got a entire loaf of bread and ate it all, he will tear tops pff of containers to eat what is inside jars with say cookies inside with screw tops will literelly chew the top off until he get inside, I just do not know what to do any longer with h im I reallty do not leave any food out of any sort but he will still search it down until he finds it and tears it apart ffor whatever might be inside, it really doesn't matter he even stole a box of corn starch and tore it open to eat it, sick


Peole on here have rather insulted me over this situation, I have been a Min Pin owner for 13 years and also Foster I have 15 Min Pin in Foster over the last 15 months have never had this problem until this dog, so please do not judge me or insult like I know nothing,

Update 2:

After reading all of these answer and ideas all of these have already been done in advance, you people act like i am a stupid moron and do not know my *** from a hole in the ground, I wished I had never posted my questions but thought maybe someone out there could give me some added suggestions but aLL i GOT WAS INSULTED SO EXCUSE ME ALL TO HELL

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you don't leave the food/items out, how in the world can he get at it? How can a small dog like a Min Pin get on top of the stove? I just don't get it. Make sure you push your kitchen chairs all the way in, or even turn them upside down and put them on top of the kitchen table like they do in some restaurants at the end of the day. Put the bread in a bread box or your fridge. Put all other edibles up high in your cupboards or a pantry closet, and put the dishes and cookware in the bottom cupboards. Just start rearranging your kitchen, I guess. This is not a Great Dane, it's a TINY dog! When you catch him in the act, give him a FIRM correction! I have a 20 month old Doberman who can easily reach my kitchen table, counter tops and stove, and she wouldn't even DREAM of touching a raw roast if it were within her reach. Yes, I HAVE tested her on this.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My stepmother had a min-pin who did similar things. She would climb all over stuff to get to any food she could. You will probably have to keep him in a crate during times that you can't watch him. When you are able to watch him, he'll need some discipline when he's getting into food that he should not, or climbing onto counters, etc. If he eats something that's poisonous to dogs he could end up very sick, so this is quite an important issue. I would also recommend looking into dog training, or at least reading up on some dog training concepts, so that you can learn how to better work with him.

  • anne b
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I am laughing at some of these answers.....

    Minpins are famous for being stomachs on four legs. Another story is that if you allow them to eat anything they want, they will explode like the head in that old movie "Total Recall". LOL

    The dog is not addicted to anything. He is simply taking advantage of your lack of control, and has picked up the bad habit of counter surfing your home.

    If you want to own this breed, you need to learn how to "pinproof" your home. That means you don't leave stuff out on your counters for the dog to eat. Period. If you can't do this, your poor dog will die a horrible death from diabetes or pancreatitis. Or could even be poisoned by eating something that dogs should not eat.

    You have a simple choice. Put the food away, or crate the dog so he can't get at it.

    ETA: Sorry, but if you are locking up the food, how is the dog still getting at it? Obviously you are not doing it well enough.

    And if you really are fostering for an organization, why are you not asking your regional coordinator? That is what they are there for.

    By the way, did I forget to mention that I have been a Regional for two Minpin rescue groups in the past? Neither of them had 15 dogs go through one foster home that quickly, as they do not adopt out that fast. The average foster dog in my home was adopted out in four to five months. Hmmm......

    And yes, it is a violation of Y/A to swear at people because you don't like the answers.

    I recommend you either go to your group with this issue, so they can educate you, or stop fostering.

    Source(s): Current owner of FIVE Minpins. None of them ever get anything I don't want them to. Have fostered many others over the years, and they didn't get anything, either.
  • Andra
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I really don't think you need to do anything. The paper is very thin and should probably pass on its own in a day, maybe two. Just keep an eye on the stool for signs of it. He may or may not throw it up. As long as he doesn't get lethargic or start screaming if he moves wrong, he'll be fine. If the wrapper doesnt make an appearance by Friday morning (today's Wednesday), take him to the vet.

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  • 9 years ago

    If this behavior is recent, have your dog checked by a veterinarian.

    Almost sounds like he also has a lack of exercise problem. Make sure that you are feeding this dog a good quality meat based diet with few grans and no dyes or sugars. This must include any treats that you give. Do not allow this dog freedom outside your presence. Crate him when you are gone. Try and make the kitchen off limits to this dog if possible. Do some training so that your dog learns some self control.

    Remember dogs are scavengers as well as hunters. This dog is scavenging as well as hunting. You need to give him another outlet for his energy.

    Source(s): old balanced trainer
  • 9 years ago

    what you have is a carbohydrate addicted dog. Just like us, if fed to many carbs a dog will crave them ( ever had a pasta craving?).

    Sadly most dog food ( sold in supermarkets or even pet stores) are very high in carbs. Corn is 18grams per 4oz, sweet potatoes are 17gms, and the whopper? tomatoe pumace a ingredient listed as " healthy and holistic" on many high end dog foods? 49gms.

    Just as a example.. I took the ingredients of inova's lamb and rice holistic - a good food touted by many here. the carbs given are per 1/4 cup of the item. the higher on the list the more of the item in the food.

    Brown Rice 12 mgs, Potato ( white) 15gm, Rice ( white) 32mg, Flaxseed 2gm( per Teaspoonfull), Apple 7gms, Carrot 8gms, Pumpkin 3.5gms, tomato 49 gms

    thats a 118gms total..and thats alot

    Now concider your dog needs ZERO... 0.. none. there is no requirement for carbs in a dog or cats diet. a human on a 2000 cal diet needs no more then 300gms a day.

    What you need to do is take a hard look at his diet and dog food. Then Secure all carb containing items behind closeable doors- even the corn starch ( 117 gm per cup of that stuff).. switch him to a more natural diet mostly meat based instead of all the fillers and carbs. its going to take a week or two of dealing with a dog in withdrawel. But its worth it. Vets and dogfood manufactures have known for years that the carbs in the food cause diabete's and other health problems, but they figured the animals would die of other causes first.

    Source(s): Research and needing a healthy food for my dog
  • 9 years ago

    I believe he's missing something in his diet and he's going after everything to try and get it. Try and feed him a more fullfeeling diet, perhaps mixing some good stuff with his dog food and of course make sure he doesn't have worms that makes a dog hungry all the time.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    He is a dog , you are a human how hard can it be to keep things where he cant get to them ? Store food in high cupboards with the doors closed . Dont leave food around where he can get to it . Put him in the other room when you eat . Common sense really

  • JenVT
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You need to feed him less and supervise and exercise him more. If he is properly supervised he can't get into all that stuff.

  • 9 years ago

    In the UK we have cupboards and larders and we keep our food in them. If he is opening your cupboard doors, get childproof locks

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