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Is Cameron's Rabble The Vilest Bunch In Living Memory?

What i mean is the fact it looks like Cancer patients will have to face Work Capability Tests after all. Its bad enough the Disabled and sick are facing these dodgy tests by poverty pimps IT firm ATOS 48% of appeals get there money back after huge stress making the use of such a firm a waste of tax payers money. Eton boy Cameron and his lackeys propped up by joke Clegg seem to want to beat Thatcher as the nastiest piece of excrement by pinching the little money the disabled have now they want harass cancer victims i mean what a bunch of scroungers so you get cancer can you walk ? hold a pen? then surely you fit for work! can he get any lower? What happened to dealing with the bailed out banks ? of course its easier to pick ob the vulnerable don't want to upset his rich mates scum of the earth agree?


Pasta i would agree with you if there where dealing with the bailed out banks and the tests on disability where done by qualified NHS practitioners which take note of doctors etc opinions . I do not agree with focusing on Cancer patients i find that putting stress on people on a scary time of there lives.ATOS are wasting tax payers money in fact with all the appeals it looks if it would cost the taxpayer more .

Update 2:

Ok i agree with those mention war criminal phony socialist Blair he was a disgrace and turned the Labour party with help from slimy Mandelson into a elitist joke sucking up to Bush.But Cameron and his cronies are out to create a massive class division where the most vulnerable will be on the margins with a little safety net.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The politics of greed and envy started with Thatcher and has continued with every government since,now cameron and his shower don't bother to sugar coat the pill or wrap it up in fancy language.They only care about the very rich and will do what it takes to keep them in comfort and the rest of us don't count for anything. they wish we would all just go away but what a surprise they would get if we all went on strike ,who would be looking after their needs then -the country would grind to a halt and they might then realise we all have a part to play and out labour is more use than all the bankers and big businesses , the country worked long before banks existed and long before theseenormous companies and we can manage without them .The world wont stop turning .

  • 9 years ago

    No, you'd have to put that fairly and squarely where it belongs - at the doors of Blair and Brown - they're the cretins who were left with a treasury full of money and after 13 years left this country in a worse state of debt than after the second world war.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I wonder how Cameron will spend his "thirty pieces of silver" when he returns from Brussels in a couple of days time? Once a Tory always a Tory - Scum.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I am sick to the back teeth of these multi millionaires hammering the most needy in our society whilst they and their banker cronies take bonuses I can only dream of. How much longer will we sit here like sheep being led to the slaughter - how many elderly have to die from cold, or because their meals on wheels have been cancelled? How much more of a drain on the NHS because our kids are obese due to the sell off of our playing fields and closure of our leisure centres? Why don't the public wake up and see what is happening instead of reading the Daily Mail and targeting immigrants, benefit claimants etc. The rich need to pay their taxes, simple as that! UK SPRING!

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Being an outsider from the USA but having some UK connections still residing there it seems to me that the conservatives are just trying to get the country back in order after the recession. Many of the people whom I have spoken with in the region where I had a house & where my wife was brought up is Cheshire & Merseyside. A lot of the youth & working class are pro labor (rightly so), but many also think the government owes them anything they want. Here in the US our leftist president from Indonesia also wants the government to be part of everyone's life. Many Americans feel that there should be some sort of protection for the poor sick & indigent and there actually is, we just want the government to tell us what to do and what we can't do when it does not affect them. The european social system can make people lazy & cynical. It might work well in small countries like Scandanavia, but too many people "work" the system & never learn to strive to make themselves better.

    Do I think Cameron is an elitist, just listen to how he speaks (that would be a yes), but I don't think he or his staff are evil. They want to turn England around taxes are too high, too many don't pay taxes & to many people "work" the system for their own benefit. America may not be perfect (we are far from it), but anyone, yes anyone can make a better life for themselves & that goes for the blacks, hispanics & immigrants from a bunch of countries. Basically a country like a person has to get their priorities in order. You have 60,000,000 people to sort out in the UK we have 315,000,000 to sort out. Some will fall thru the cracks. some will use the system for their own benefit & some just don't know how good they have especially when you compare it to the 1930ies depression & following war. You all have to pull together. We all know it ain't easy if you are out of work but focus not just complain.

  • 9 years ago

    I can still vividly remember the last lot of inept, thieving bastards that we had in

  • No that would be Tony Bliar's mob who took our soldiers to war on a lie!

    Make no mistake Gordon Brown created the current division when he swiped 5 bilion off private pension funds, these are the funds of workers, yes ordinary workers in the private sector in shops, factories and offices and he has ruined their pension expectations, that is why people are so fed up, they still have to pay for the public sector to have better pensions than themselves but cannot afford extra contributions to make up the shortfall on their own pensions because of all the tax they have to pay!

    Gordon clobbered the workers from every direction possible and you all sat and just took it because it was Labour who by the way are no friend of the working man, they cheated you from every possible angle and you all let them do it like an apathetic flock of sheep!

    After what Blair did it is reasonable to suppose that Labour supporters have the morals of the gutter I despise them for re-electing that disgusting man!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think it is a tie with `Maggies` dysfunctional crew.

  • 9 years ago

    No. Mr Blair qualifies for the 'Greatest Living Scottish War Criminal' award, for using RAF planes flying from RAF bases to supply illegal cluster bombs, to those who then dropped them on Lebanese housing estates.

  • guiri
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Aye! Vote Labour. Form an Axis with North Korea and gallant little Cuba!

    Call anyone who disagrees with you , "A bigot" like the Evil Scotchman Gordon Broon did.

    Ruin the economy again. Nationalise everything!

    Source(s): Bigotry! :-)
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