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problem with new build?

i have a lot of problems with a new build. right now-it won't post anymore. This happened also right after installation but it started posting sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't.When it did post i was getting blue screens and sudden freezes- so i updated to a fresh win7 and formatted in the process.

asrock m3a770de

amd phenom 2 x6 2.8 ghz

F3-12800 CL9D-8GBRL DDR3 1600 pc3-12800 4gb *2 RAM

Sapphire ATI Radeon 6670 1gb ddr3 video

If i take out all RAM sticks, i get three beeps in a row followed by a short break.If i put at least one back i don't get that anymore. Once (only once) when i had CPU-RAM on but video out i got a weird error beeping message which i can't describe because I couldn't get it to happen again. Please help,. I need to know what's bad so I can fix this...

PS: on mobo's page, the RAM i have does not appear in the list/..but i have no other of that form so i can't check by inserting different ram.

I did change the power supply just to exclude that, with one I know works but no success. I also removed the battery from the mobo several times and put it back in an effort to reset the BIOS...

I appreciate your help; will update if you have any questions..

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok. First up it would help if you posted this question in Computers category. But I can help you.

    It seems that the ram is incompatible with the board. Just try a old stick of ram of maybe buy a new one (small and cheap) and that should answer that question.

    Also you might have brought some dodgy ram if it's not on the manufacturers web site so I would take it back to where you got it from.

    I hope this helps.

    Source(s): - Helping people improve thier homes.
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