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Is there any way of making my boobs smaller?

Ok well I'm 16 and recently my boobs have grown a lot like dcup size I work out at the gym every day and am quite skinny everywhere else and don't understand why they're so big? My mum and sister both have A cup boobs and having boobs of this size makes me look really overbalanced. I have to buy like diffrent sizes for my top half and lower half and was just wondering if there is any way without surgery to make them just slightly smaller, and why they would be this size.

Most appreciated thank you :)

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They probably just appear to be big since you're so skinny, but then again, they could just be big. Your moms boobs may be small, but look at the other women in your family, do some of them have "oversized" breasts? If not, maybe you were just blessed.

    You can't make your boobs smaller without surgery. I mean, you could tape them down or something, but that's it.

    Source(s): smarticles
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    First of all, your breast size could be due to sooo many different things. It is not an exact science. Second, many girls would kill for your figure (skinny, dcups). I understand where you're coming from though. I have had large breasts since I was very young and not only does it look funny, it's not always comfortable either! I've started having back problems, skin problems on my breasts, etc. (I'm 20, if you're wondering) because they are so big. Unfortunately, you can't really make them shrink without surgery. I have considered the surgery, but finding bras that fit correctly and shirts that help them look more proportionate has been a huge help. Check out some different places online that suggest clothing styles for your specific body type. There is a lot of advice out there for girls with your figure. I hope that whatever you choose works out for you!

    Here is a great place to start:

  • 10 years ago

    Nope, just surgery. Weight loss too.

  • 10 years ago

    sux for your mom and sister. Congrats :)

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