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  • Has anyone had chronic migraines increase after switching from Depo Provera to norethindrone (mini-pill)?

    I recently (less than 2 weeks ago) switched from Depo provera to norethindrone (also known as Micronor, Nor-QD or the mini pill) to treat my endometriosis. We also had a bad storm system start moving through the area. My migraines picked up about 4 days later after getting much better due to acupuncture. They ave been all but unstoppable since, putting me in the ER on Tuesday with what I was sure was a stroke (right sided weakness and vision impairment, slurred and stunted speech, confusion and disorientation). The ER doc said it was just a continuation of the migraine but that has never happened to me before, even during an intractable migraine. Have any migraine sufferers ever switched from Depo to the mini-pill and suffered a worsening in symptoms?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • My cat's behavior has changed a little, should I worry?

    My 7 year old female tabby has recently begun acting a little differently. It's not a significant change, it appears to be attention seeking. Last night she sat on my bed and cried. Even after being fed, she just cried. I would pet her, and she kept pushing her head into my hand much more than usual. I wondered if maybe she had a headache or earache. I felt her all over to see if she would shy away from a painful spot, but she didn't, I looked in her mouth at all her teeth and ran my fingers over her gums and she didn't react like any of the teeth felt painful, her teeth and ears look good. She is overweight, being a lazy indoor cat, but she is eating and using the box normally, she has always drank a good amount of water so that hasn't changed, and she's not losing any weight. There are no other symptoms. I was planning on taking a wait and see approach and just give her a little more attention, but when I pulled out her favorite toy for a play session today, she wouldn't play. She wasn't interested at all. She still gets excited about treats and still cuddles, she's not hiding or doing anything that indicates to me that she's sick or in pain, there's just this small change in her behavior and I don't know whether to worry about it or chalk it up to her not being in the mood to play and wanting more attention. I can't afford a vet visit (my father just died) so I will take her if there is honestly something to be worried about, but I just don't know.

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • Discoid Eczema, not responding to triamcinolone?

    The spots are getting worse, and I'm not sure what to do. My doctor gave me the triamcinolone, and when I told him it wasn't working, he said "Well, I don't know what to tell you." I don't have insurance, so I can't see a dermatologists. Any ideas on a treatment?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • My cat stopped burying her pooh?

    I've had my adult female cat for about a month now. She is 4 years old and has been spayed. She had always been very good about using her littler box, and even comes to me and meows when she thinks it is too dirty to use (although I clean it every day). Over the last few days however, she has stopped burying. I've been using a different kind of litter over the last few weeks, and she seemed to like it just fine, but could that be her problem? The pieces are a bit bigger and perhaps they get stuck in her paws? This is my first cat and I'd just like to make sure that nothing is wrong. Thanks in advance for the help.

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Question about celiacs and similar disorders?

    I have been iron deficient (but not anemic) with small red blood cells for over a year. For a while I was taking an iron supplement (ferrous gluconate) and was feeling much better (more energy, etc). My doctor ran a blood test and said I could stop taking the extra iron and just take my multivitamin. I'm on depo-provera, so I don't have a period, which would be the standard cause of iron deficiency in women, but I'm not losing any blood. I'm a meat eater so it's not a vegitarian thing. It has been a few months and I feel like crap again. I've tried taking the iron supplement again but my stomach will not tolerate it (I ended up with an impaction about six months ago because of it) and now after stoppinjg the iron I am having diarrea, bad stomach cramps, and nausea (especially after eating). I am wondering, since I seem to have a malabsorption problem if celiacs or something similar (such as a wheat allergy) could be causing my symptoms. Any feedback from people who've experienced the same thing would be great. I'm thinking of trying a gluten-free siet and seeing if that makes a difference, but my worry is going to my doctor and having the symptoms be gone so there's no proof of what's wrong. Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • When watching Buffy/Angel...?

    Should I watch them seperately or alternate episodes when Angel starts?

    6 AnswersDrama10 years ago
  • How to stop someone from personally attacking you on yahoo answers when reporting doesn't work?

    This man didn't like my response so now posted a rotten "question" impugning my intelligence. How can I make him stop?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do you feel the need to tear other people down for their beliefs?

    Was America not based on freedom -- religion being one of those freedoms? So if that freedom is truly expressed to us, than why is it so many people who take advantage of it feel the need to make others feel inferior because they do not believe the same things they do. Atheists who feel Christians are stupid and brainwashed, Christians who feel Jews are ignorant for not accepting Jesus, Everyone who feels that Islam is a "radical" religion. Why is it that we cannot all accept that we have the freedom to believe what we want and respect that others are taking advantage of that freedom just as we do.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I put video clips for download, like in a zip file on my website?

    I want to do it without streaming. Any details or help you can give me?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • T-cell lymphoblastomic lymphoma??

    Does anyone know anything about it or know anyone who's fought it? My best friend's boyfriend was just diagnosed. The doctor's told him there's an 80% survival rate. Is there anything else you can tell me?

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else see James Franco and Seth Rogan light a joint?

    On live tv? MTV Movie Awards, amazing!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • How to access private facebook profiles without being friended?

    Someone accessed my account without me friending them and I'm wondering how would you do this?

    4 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Ok guys, Us women are dying to know...?

    What is so fascinating about breasts? Why do you like them so much? Why do they distract you during conversation?

    And while we're at it, what's up with the black stiletto heels and nothing else fetish?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I get an alternative student loan without a cosigner?

    I'm 19, going into my first year of film school, and the total cost is going to be 35,000. Including Pell and SEOG Grants, Stafford loans (sub and unsubsudised) I'm still 20,000 short. My parents are both disabled and our house was forclosed on which means that they can't get a PLUS loan (which is why I get the unsubsudised) and they can't cosign and I have NO cosigner. I'm applying like crazy for scholarships but I'm going to need this loan in order to go to school. There was a mistake with my credit that I've taken care of, but it won't be off my credit report for three months, which makes for extra paperwork, but how can I get this loan on my own? I have no assets, no savings, nothing. What should I do?

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Milo Ventimiglia's Real Tattoo?

    S.L.R.S. or S.E.R.S. on his upper left arm. Does anyone know what it could stand for? I googled it and have no idea. I'm just curious.

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago