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When watching Buffy/Angel...?

Should I watch them seperately or alternate episodes when Angel starts?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Either way will work, you don't *have* to watch both together for one to make sense, but together it will make it easier to understand character moods when they crossover. Buffy Season 4/Angel Season 1 is the one with the most crossovers.

    Oh yeah, finish Buffy before watching Angel Season 5.

  • 10 years ago

    I First watched them separately 'cause i didn't know Angel Was anything to do with buffy but it would make more sense to watch buffy till the end of season 3 then on season 4 start watching angel from season 1. You don't need to but if you were too then do it like that. if not then ok it doesn't matter that much 'cause their both awesome. :)

    Source(s): My Brain From Watching Both Series :)
  • 10 years ago

    I like to watch Buffy and then Angel, so that I get each series uninterrupted but still have the events of Buffy fresh in my mind while I'm watching Angel.

  • 10 years ago

    You should watch them simultaneously especially in the first couple of seasons of Angel since there are a few crossover episodes. But you can watch them separately too.

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  • 10 years ago

    I love both Buffy and Angel, you should check out Charmed. I always like to watch two shows separately because I can understand them fully and won't get mixed up because Angel is actually a spin-off of Buffy. Have a great time and my opinion is that Angel gets bad after a BIG secret is revealed to Angel. Hint ----------> (Angel Jr.)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I love them as a couple! Watch them together. They are perfect for each other, (:

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