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How can I get an alternative student loan without a cosigner?

I'm 19, going into my first year of film school, and the total cost is going to be 35,000. Including Pell and SEOG Grants, Stafford loans (sub and unsubsudised) I'm still 20,000 short. My parents are both disabled and our house was forclosed on which means that they can't get a PLUS loan (which is why I get the unsubsudised) and they can't cosign and I have NO cosigner. I'm applying like crazy for scholarships but I'm going to need this loan in order to go to school. There was a mistake with my credit that I've taken care of, but it won't be off my credit report for three months, which makes for extra paperwork, but how can I get this loan on my own? I have no assets, no savings, nothing. What should I do?


Honey, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Update 2:

Uhh, not going to school in Texas, and I have everything you listed there, you didn't answer my question.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To answer this question, I am a bit torn. I understand the value of continuing education, but sometimes the cost does not justify it. So, I will answer your question, and then give you some recommendations.

    You can get an alternative loan with no cosigner having little or no credit, and sometimes poor credit. Sallie Mae, Student Loan Xpress and College Loan Corporation all have high risk, high tier loans for people in your situation. However, the interest rate is normally between 15%-18% and 10% origination fees, if you do qualify. That is quite a chunk of change to pay back. Also, if your school has any preferred lenders, they usually have special programs for people with no credit. Also find out if your school has a loan you can take out directly with them. For my school, we offer the STARR loan. But again, the interest is out there. We start at 17.9%.

    Perhaps, as an alternative course of action, you could attend a cheaper school for the first year? That would give you time to repair your credit problem, secure stronger credit and maybe even locate a cosigner. I don't want to sway you from accomplishing your goal, but I also want you to think about the reprecussion of paying a student loan payment of over $500 a month for 10-15 years. It just may not be worth it, if there is an alternative course of action. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide

    Source(s): Me. FAO
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Low Rates Student Loans -
  • 1 decade ago

    A no cosigner student loan is necessary for their college education. The best option are the following:

    1. FAPSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

    2. Federal Pell Grant

    3. FSEOG (Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant)

    4. college work study program.

    5. Co-ops (Directory of College Cooperative Education Programs)

    6. Perkins student loan

    7. Stafford Loan

    8. noncredit based student loans

    9. The Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation or TGSL, guarantees student loans for borrowers throughout the state of Texas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you have a good repayment plan , you can ask for a loan at your credit union or Prosper. People may help you. More information at and

    You can also try your luck at online charities like Modest Needs, people may send donations, if your requirement is genuine. From

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