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Ok guys, Us women are dying to know...?

What is so fascinating about breasts? Why do you like them so much? Why do they distract you during conversation?

And while we're at it, what's up with the black stiletto heels and nothing else fetish?


For the record to the woman who answered about loving her breasts, trust me, I love mine too. I was just curious to hear what men would have to say on the subject. :)

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off, guys like soft things and we don't have soft breasts.

    Second, stiletto heels make women look taller and more slender. And it also makes the woman stick out their breasts and rear end.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Don't know about the heels part, except that they do tend to make legs longer and more shapely. And you know where legs meet, don't you. That's our center of interests.

    As for breasts, they are a symbol of a womans sexuality and possible fertility. Some like 'em bigger because they are soft, warm, and fun to play with. I have no preference in that department. Small to large are the same to me.

    The thing is that if they are prominent, the do tend to draw a guys attention. It is not a choice, it is automatic. If you don't like that then take measures to minimize them. A considerate man will eventually look you in they eye, but one who keeps looking down at the twin peaks is just a lout. Either deal with it or get away from him.

  • 5 years ago

    i pretty much only read the first like 3 sentences and knew where this was going ok 1 not everyone is like that please don't be ignorant out of the 6 billion people on earth and about half being guys pretty sure there's 1 nice guy......... 2 even though some...ok a good majority of males do hit not all of it leads to death and if it does...hello and welcome to earth people die every day and murders happen daily have been happening like that for a lonnnnnng time and plus if someone hits you...just leave, i know, easier said than done, but get help and it'll be better (i know this part sounds pretty bad but you are over reacting alot about domestic violence) and 3 about diseases lol you think every guy has a disease most diseases are only contracted without safe sex implented you really need to get out and learn a bit more fact also just neeeed to say this, you think that only black girls have this happen to them? please don't think this mainly happens to black females no one can be that bad at their facts seriously... and should it even matter a hit is a hit a death is a death you're just working off of one races statistic

  • 1 decade ago

    Breasts make a woman a woman.

    Flat chested abhorations like Keira Knightly and Natalie Portman actually make me throw up in my mouth a little.

    Men like Women to be Women.

    They only distract in a conversation if there's a fair amount of cleavage showing. If taht's the case then it's warranted. You show cleavage, expect to get it cased.

    High heels make a womans buttocks stick out more and increase height.

    I wouldn't say it's a fetish. it makes it easier doing her from behind if she's short though (which most women are).

    easier tahn standing on tippy toes

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the only thing that attracts woman's breasts to men is the fact they are always covered

    in the countries where the women are naked by culture, guys aren't interested in there breasts

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The thing about breasts is that almost ALL males from the time of puberty on do nothing but let their glands do their thinking for them ,,,, 99 % of the time their mind is on nothing but sex and there's simply nothing for it ,,,, They will stare and think nothing about making a person feel selfconscious ,,,, They are the prime reason why the porn industry is so successful ,,,, Simple entertainment for simple minds ,,,, I could go on for hours about this but I think I"ve said it all already ,,,,, LOLOL

  • GH0ST
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    huh? I am a female and I love my breasts. Shoot. If I stare long enough even I get turned on. The girls that actually eat have beautiful soft curves and round supple breasts....whats not to love about a soft sexy curves? Guys are all square shaped and muscular..they love what they don't have. I even love what I have.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a guy but I can answer that question, Guys like breast because they don't have any.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Guys dont have them. So we like to play and look at them whenever we have the chance.

    Stilettos...Not really my thing. I'll take a nice smile being the only thing worn.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok so i love curves and i love breasts. i love to grab them and touch them and kiss them mmmmmmmmm i love them!

    They are so attractive! They are perfect! They are what make you a woman! your curves are what make you sexy and desirable its just amazing!

    I love the female form! And the thing with stiletos, its just hot!

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