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sarahliz1624 asked in PetsCats · 10 years ago

My cat stopped burying her pooh?

I've had my adult female cat for about a month now. She is 4 years old and has been spayed. She had always been very good about using her littler box, and even comes to me and meows when she thinks it is too dirty to use (although I clean it every day). Over the last few days however, she has stopped burying. I've been using a different kind of litter over the last few weeks, and she seemed to like it just fine, but could that be her problem? The pieces are a bit bigger and perhaps they get stuck in her paws? This is my first cat and I'd just like to make sure that nothing is wrong. Thanks in advance for the help.


I spelt it "pooh" because I wasn't sure about yahoo's sensors.

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cats cover they excrement by instinct but if something bothers her in her litter box she will just try to get away as soon as she can.

    The pieces of the litter could be the problem. Many cats do not like scented litter also. Have you changed the litter boxes location? Are there anything that is scented where the box is (like soap, detergent...)? These can also be the problem.

    Try to use the litter sand you use before and observe her behaviour.

  • 10 years ago

    My kitten is the same, i think its because your cat may feel safe and secure in your home without a risk of another cat coming along and smelling her poop, so because she feels safe she may not even bother to cover it up.

    hope i helped!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    If it's scented she wants to get out of there ASAP. Fragrance is very toxic to cats.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Pooh is spelt *poo* unless your trying to sound classy and appropriate ;D

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