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Discoid Eczema, not responding to triamcinolone?

The spots are getting worse, and I'm not sure what to do. My doctor gave me the triamcinolone, and when I told him it wasn't working, he said "Well, I don't know what to tell you." I don't have insurance, so I can't see a dermatologists. Any ideas on a treatment?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope this helps

    (my sisters bf uses these methods and it seems to be helping :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Cure Eczema Easily Naturally Forever

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    a book can't cure eczema.

    info in the book might help you but that info is probably found elsewhere.

    best advice: look to testimonials from others that have your same condition, see what works and doesn't work. Share knowledge.

    What worked for our child, and in a big way, was a British made product, Salcura Dermaspray Gentle. it's now available from a USA distributor.. or get it over the counter at a British Chemist . There's some people with hand eczema that cleared up after using salcura. Look for the testimonials on line.

  • 5 years ago

    Cure Eczema Easily Naturally Forever -

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  • 6 years ago

    Home remedies for eczema may be as simple as changing your laundry detergent or fabric softener or as difficult as moving to a new climate or changing jobs. Removing whatever is causing the allergic reaction is the easiest and most effective treatment.

    Prevent dry skin by taking warm (not hot) showers rather than baths. Use a mild soap or body cleanser. Dry yourself very carefully (pat yourself dry, instead of rubbing vigorously) and apply moisturizing skin lotions all over your body. Avoid lotions with fragrances or other irritating substances. (Avoid wool/mohair and other irritating fibers)

    See more :

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I have the same problem a week ago but now mine is already OK. I stayed in room temperature area not to cold not to hot just normal temperature and most important"avoid scratching" .etc. Get the best way to get rid of Eczema:

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If you're tired of all the scratching, oozing, ugly skin rashes caused by eczema and you're ready to show off the beautiful skin you know you have, you need discover this book.

    A digital book that shows you how to cure eczema in a few days.

    It provides you answers to practical, homemade and natural solutions, that anyone living in any part of the world can easily perform!

    Hers a List of what you will Discover:

    + Eliminate eczema without the need of any medication.

    + Treat your child's eczema

    + Stop the itching

    + Eliminate dry skin for good.

    + Totally free from the pain and sleep at night.

    + Create younger, toned and firm skin.

    + Unleash your body’s own natural ability to heal itself from all skin problems.

    Discover right Now -

    A 100% all natural remedy to Relieve Eczema Symptoms and treat the underlying problem.

    Source(s): You Don't Have to Live with Eczema Any Longer -
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