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T-cell lymphoblastomic lymphoma??

Does anyone know anything about it or know anyone who's fought it? My best friend's boyfriend was just diagnosed. The doctor's told him there's an 80% survival rate. Is there anything else you can tell me?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cancers of t-cells or NK cell origin (lymphocytes), these are a family of cells that normally protect the body from disease, such as by eliminating our own cells that are infected with virus.

    Four major types of T cell lymphoma: are peripheral T cell lymphoma, T cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, cutaneous T cell lymphoma, and adult T cell lymphoma. See Types below.

    What is lymphoma? Briefly, lymphomas result when DNA damage or changes occurs to an immune cell (a lymphocyte) that alters the behavior of the cells. The damage to DNA results in the abnormal production of proteins that prevents the cells from dying when they should, or causes sustained rapid cell division that produces more of its kind. These malignant cells then may accumulate to form tumors in areas where the normal counterparts of the cell type reside - lymph nodes, skin, mucosal linings, etc.

    Lymphoblastic lymphoma is a form of lymphoma which occurs mainly in children and adolescents, where it accounts for about half of childhood lymphomas. About two-thirds of the patients are males. A second peak is seen again in patients over 40 years of age.

    Under the newest WHO lymphoma classification, lymphoblastic lymphoma is either determined to be a precursor T cell neoplasm or a precursor B cell neoplasm depending on the type of lymphatic cells that are cancerous.

    The distinction from acute lymphoblastic leukemia is in part arbitrary, based on the degree of marrow involvement. The chief biologic difference is that lymphoblastic leukemias are predominantly B-cell diseases, unlike the extra-medullary, mostly T-cell lymphoblastic lymphomas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lymphoblastic lymphomas are high grade lymphomas. 90% are B cell type and 10% are T cell type. High grade lymphomas usually often diagnosed at stage 4 but the remission and cure rate for high grade lymphomas after having chemotherapy is quite high while most low grade lymphomas are highly treatable but are often incurable.

    Here are a couple of good web pages about lymphoblastic lymphomas.

    scroll down for lymphoblastic lymphoma at this page

  • drago
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My dad had the terrific comparable cancer. They stored treating him for sinus infections and ultimately discovered it replaced into cancer. That replaced into 6 years in the past. He went via an somewhat energetic chemo and radiation bout that replaced into very annoying on him, yet he's now in the clean. he's seventy six years previous, and nonetheless works on a daily basis. He fought it for 3 years, besides the shown fact that it replaced into nicely worth each minute of it. God Bless you and the whole kinfolk.

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