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Question about celiacs and similar disorders?

I have been iron deficient (but not anemic) with small red blood cells for over a year. For a while I was taking an iron supplement (ferrous gluconate) and was feeling much better (more energy, etc). My doctor ran a blood test and said I could stop taking the extra iron and just take my multivitamin. I'm on depo-provera, so I don't have a period, which would be the standard cause of iron deficiency in women, but I'm not losing any blood. I'm a meat eater so it's not a vegitarian thing. It has been a few months and I feel like crap again. I've tried taking the iron supplement again but my stomach will not tolerate it (I ended up with an impaction about six months ago because of it) and now after stoppinjg the iron I am having diarrea, bad stomach cramps, and nausea (especially after eating). I am wondering, since I seem to have a malabsorption problem if celiacs or something similar (such as a wheat allergy) could be causing my symptoms. Any feedback from people who've experienced the same thing would be great. I'm thinking of trying a gluten-free siet and seeing if that makes a difference, but my worry is going to my doctor and having the symptoms be gone so there's no proof of what's wrong. Thanks.

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's definitely possible. I had low b12 and foliate when I was in my teens. I ate a good diet and there was no obvious reason for my deficiencies. I took tablets to help, but it did nothing.

    When I was 17 I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. My Mum had an iron deficiency for years and was diagnosed with Celiac Disease too.

    Since going gluten free my deficiencies have gone, and my Mum has had a few problems with deficiencies, but overall it's been much better.

    Do not try a gluten free diet! That's the most important thing! Go and see your doctor and ask to be tested for Celiac Disease. Any good doctor would order this test when someone was presenting with a deficiency. If you're eating gluten free before the test you risk having a negative result even when you have it. The antibodies that are tested are only elevated if you've been eating gluten. You also probably wont notice any difference being on a gluten free diet, it took me at least 6 months to feel any better and after 1 year I started to feel that this was the right way to eat for me.

    If your blood test comes back positive, you'll probably be referred to have a biopsy. It's not pleasant, but it confirms the damage. If your blood test is negative it doesn't mean you don't have it. The blood test is about 90% accurate. The biopsy is said to be the 'be all and end all', but there have been cases where they've missed the damage. There are also people who are sensitive to gluten, but don't have Celiac Disease. Some doctors suggest if your tests are normal you can try a gluten challenge. This involves eating a gluten free diet for a set amount of time and then reintroducing it. If your symptoms come back when you eat gluten, then you have a problem with it.

    Go to your doctor and have the blood test ASAP!

    Good luck!


    Source(s): Diagnosed with Celiac Disease 4 years ago.
  • 10 years ago

    Celiac is not very well diagnosed especially in this country. It is better treated and diagnosed in Europe. There are also various degrees of gluten intolerance, short of celiac disease. I quit eating gluten foods months ago and I feel better. Never had any diagnosis. Gluten is found in wheat barley and rye, and one has to be aware of ingredients on labels, "modified food starch" for example. Anatto. Teryaki. KFC roasted chicken has flour in it. I don't trust in restaurant corn chips. I read labels.

    Iron is difficult to take. Too much iron is even poison. Get iron from liver or some food like beans. Check food labels for iron content.

  • JP
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    See your Dr. Record a history of what you eat and what happens with your stomach after wards.

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