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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationVideo & Online Games · 9 years ago

Explain Minecraft Server etiquette to me please? I'm a n00b that does not wish to taint the world with n00b.?

What are some common terms I should know, how do I contact admin, what's normal behavior/rules/etiquette in server worlds, etc?


Okay, I understand the rules now, but what about the rest? :D

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Grief- Generally speaking this is when you destroy something that somebody else made, or if you cause grief by some other means including swearing, trolling, and being generally unpleasant.

    Client- You may hear this term often while playing minecraft. This is the game that you have installed. when we talk about servers we often hear the world client. Client is the software that interacts with the server.

    How to contact admin- Allot of servers handle this in different ways. A good server will have somewhere on their help pages, signs, websites, and/or orientation area the methods by which you can contact an admin/moderator. This is why it is important to read all the information they give you.

    Normal behavior- Generally speaking you want to behave in a manner that makes the players around you want to play with you or at the very least be around you. Sort of like "Treat others the way you would like to be treated". Also dont waste the time of the admins and staff. If there is a means to acquire information that you are seeking try it first. Like the websites or in game help menus.

  • 9 years ago

    Common etiquettes are that you shouldn't grief, which means breaking things that other people made like statues. You usually shouldn't insult or swear at people in servers like mine, too. Another common rule is that you shouldn't plant TNT's all over the place and explode them (kind of griefing).

    Source(s): Experience
  • 9 years ago

    Don't grief, don't swear (servers either say none at all or PG-13), no breaking, no bad buildings (like 1X1 towers) there should be a rules board on most servers

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