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What do you think of Stephanie Meyers writing?

I'm not impressed by her whatsoever. I don't know what her editor, publisher, and what not were thinking when they seriously spent time on her books. Her characters are serious Mary-Sues/Gary-Stues, or they don't have any personality at all, I would suppose to make them more "relatable." Characters like Jasper are just there to help them make it out of otherwise impossible situations, and they constantly ignore problems with the plot/consistency of the plot, ect. For example, weren't there other vampires there when Bella got bit by whatshisname? So why did Edward even have to suck the venom out if it would be to hard for him?

And I do know what I'm talking about. I read the first two books and about a quarter of the third because my friend was trying to get me to finish them before the movie came out, but I just couldn't do it.

I feel like it's only fair to mention that the very first fantasy/romance/whatever I read was L.J. Smith's Night World, and I haven't found anyone better than her yet. So possibly, because I read those books and then started seeking out Twilight with my friend, that I have become more picky with my reads, especially in that genre. It's like eating a bunch of those fancy cheeses and then taking a bite out of american. ;) My standards are just higher now. Before I would almost never say that I didn't like a book, and now only about thirtyish percent of the time do I finish a book if it's vampires or some other fantasy with romance, and about fifty percent of the time if it's just romance. (Smith excluded)

Anyways, back to my main point. What is your opinion on Stephanie Meyer and her writing? Unimpressed, neutral, or a fan? Why are you that way?

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have to admit I don't think that Stephanie Meyers writing is all that good. I love to read Nicholas Sparks and she doesn't compare to his books. But she did something right. She wrote something that an editor liked and helped her get a contract to put her books out into book stores and into movies. As a writer myself I could be jealous but actually I admire the fact she got her books out there. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a book written, published and than on the top 100 books on Amazon.

    I actually met Stephanie Meyer in an IN & OUT burger joint. She was just standing in line waiting to order and no one else seemed to know it was her. But I recognized her because my kids had me read her books and follow her blog. She was very nice when I talked to her and she even had her mother take our picture so I could show my girls.

    She is living every writers dream. I can only hope that someday my books will get noticed. I don't care to be popular like her but would like my books on the top 100 with Amazon.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    My first problem with it was the repetition. I didn't need to be clobbered on the head with how good looking Edward was, like nothing else mattered. I hated Bella because she didn't seem to have any self worth unless other people were telling her how great she is. There was nothing likable (or relatable or even interesting) about any of the characters except maybe Jacob. I felt like the plot meandered and nothing really involving happened until the end and even that was dreadfully predictable. It's not even an interesting story, not to mention Edward following her, watching her sleep and telling her what to do (and she listens!) - he just came off like a creep.

    I've read L.J. Smiths' Vampire Diaries (I have Night World on my shelf and I'll get to it someday) and I will say she is a better storyteller. Her writing isn't stellar, but I found much more enjoyable. I found it nearly impossible to finish the first Twilight book and I might have given up if I wasn't traveling without anything else to read. I wanted to see what the big deal was and in short, her writing is downright awful.

  • 9 years ago

    Well to be honest, I was 38 and it was the first book I have ever read. i hated reading up until then. I only read it because I saw the movie, so for me I was able to relate to the characters. I think with as many twilight crazed fans she must have done something right. I know there are a lot that don't like her but she had me hooked. i read all 4 books in two weeks. I've since went back and read them and have found that they are not as engaging as when I first read them. Maybe that is because I have read other YA books since then. I haven't read night world series, but I am like you. There are very few books that capture my attention from the get go and keep me want to reading more. I'm pretty picky now. But, even though the writing is not the same as most books, I still hold a soft spot in my heart for the twilight saga and it really could be from the movies too. Not real sure about that?

  • Sam
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I think she is an awful writer and an awful human being with no talent or understanding of what a healthy relationship is. She has set up thousands if not millions if wittless tween fans to get themselves into abusive, life ruining relationships because Meyer takes every relationship red flag in the book and markets it as sexy and desireable. Personally I think she should go to jail or be made to work at a women's shelter, where the victims of real-life edward cullens have to live.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    She became into writing Twilight's important different novel observed as 'night sunlight' yet her draft became into leaked onto the internet. night sunlight is Twilight by way of Edward's eyes. She stopped writing night sunlight while it became into leaked and so a great way there is not any info that she will proceed writing it. She might end it interior the destiny. even nevertheless, she has written a e book that's no longer approximately Twilight observed as 'The Host'. in case you like Stephenie's books, you will possibly prefer to attempt analyzing that.

  • beauty
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    it's very normal actually-not as bad as people make it seem-but because of all the hype she's been given i think she deserves all the negative response as well. personally i find her twilight really LAME and an amateur writing. there is absolutely nothing extraordinary or original about any aspect of her books. i feel sorry for the silly teens who drool over the pages of her books. just my opinion-don't mean to offend anyone

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Pitiful purple prose (and that's even when she's actually using words and punctuation *properly*), hollow characters, and twisted morals.

    Girls who think that Edward and Jacob's repeated acts of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse are romantic and that Meyer is an excellent writer make me sick.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    FAN twihard for ever, lol twilight si friggin awesome. everything about it is just-good.

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