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Senior Citizens UK: Are there any New Year Resolutions you'd like David Cameron to make and keep?

I have a few, but doubt the integrity of today's politicians to keep any resolutions or promises.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Deport illegal immigrants immediately, instead of letting them out on appeal, thinking they will report back when the appeal has been heard. Like their going to !! Also to stop tampering with peoples benefits who are entitled to them and sending the disabled for interviews which have no medical doctors/psychiatrists on the deciding panel.

    I also support every single word Grey Tower has written. The situations in NHS hospitals and care homes regarding the elderly and vulnerable is appalling and at it's lowest ever. We need Matrons back and more Ward Sisters to oversee the staff to make sure the vulnerable patients get the proper care. We have gone back more than 70 years in this respect and it was well past time something was done!

  • 9 years ago

    Fulfil his pre-election promises - to clamp down on immigration (in particular from Africa and Asia) - clamp down on tax evasion (in particular the asian-run 'corner shops' specialising in counterfeit/contraband alcohol & tobacco goods) - root-out the suspected 1 million illegals AND those aiding/abetting their residence in the UK - and reclaim our loss of sovereignty from Brussels (in particular bogus 'Human rights' claims which prevents us from deporting convicted rapists/murderers back to from whence they came.)

    God bless Her Majesty - long may she reign - but she was in gross error 3 (?) years ago, when her Christmas Speech underlined Gorgon Broon's belief in the UK becoming even more MULTIcultural.

    This crook used cheap foreign immigrant labour to suppress wage inflation - betraying the British 'working classes' he claimed to represent. He hoped this would curry favour with the 10% New British voters - and validate his unelected Prime Ministership.

    Instead, he got rejection - a split vote and a dodgy Coalition - DISproving Her Majesty's message - that "Diversity means strength - not division".

    This is a CULTURAL not RACIAL matter. For centuries, ignorance of the Law has never been a defence before a Judge & Jury. Nowadays, inability to speak/understand Plain English is the refuge of many undesirables currently resident in our once United Kingdom - good business for lawyers like Cherie Blair and interpreters - but of LITTLE benefit to my children and grandchildren.

    If little Nick the Flick can't hold his 3rd party ragbags 'together' - we can but hope Cameron will have a SNAP General Election come Autumn 2012 - after the Olympics etc - catching both Nick and Red Ed on the back foot - giving the Conservatives a good working majority - to satisfy the global movers & shakers that the British economy can be relied upon.

    As might WELL be followed, come November 2012 - when high-spending/borrowing O'Bama gets removed from the White House.

    That ought to settle the markets - as was the case - when Thatcher and Reagan coincided in office.

    We can but hope.

    ; ))

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Just give us a Referendum on continuing membership of the EEC.

    Rescind those parts of the so called Human Rights treaty

    that allow foreign criminals to remain here.

    If he made those two resolutions and stuck to them that would help.

    But he like so many others, never give the electorate what they want.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Apart from making old-age pensioners exempt from paying income tax on their meagre State pensions, I would ask him to help elderly and vulnerable people who are suffering from abuse and lack of basic care in homes and hospitals.

    Over here in the U.K. the media has recently exposed the disgraceful treatment of elderly and vulnerable people who live in nursing homes. Most of these nursing homes are privately owned because the British Government handed over responsibility for this type of care to the private sector supposedly to save the tax payer. It would therefore be unfair to lay the blame entirely at the door of Government, although it is true to say Government does not seem to care what happens to elderly and vulnerable people in our society. They do not condone this abuse, and I don't think they have been deliberately turning a blind eye to it, but their lack of interest is iniquitous.

    Another area for concern where the Government is fully responsible, is the treatment of elderly people who have to go into hospital. Nursing staff have failed to provide even the most basic care - like making sure they can eat food or drink enough to prevent dehydration. Elderly people have been left unattended for hours on end, in soiled garments and in pain. The disregard for human dignity is appalling. These are National Health Service Hospitals and so everything that goes on inside them is the responsibility of Government. As usual, all they seem to be concerned about is saving money, and those persons least able to defend themselves or find a voice suffer the most.

    It is a shocking indictment, not just of Government, but of a society that couldn't care less about vulnerable people. Children, after they grow up, don't want to know when it comes to taking care of their elderly parents. The family unit has broken down and society is suffering accordingly. It isn't just Government that should be held to account, although a great deal of blame must be placed at their feet.

    It is a disgrace and the public should hector, badger and get on the case of their Parliamentary representatives. I dread to think what will happen to me if I'm left on my own and become senile and/or suffer from dementia. I only hope my twin sister will still be around so we can take care of each other. I've paid income tax and national insurance for almost 45 years and yet I dread ending up in a home or a hospital.

    Gosh, I feel better for that! Thanks for asking this question.

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  • 9 years ago

    Look after the sick and elderly a lot better than they do , keep the NHS, as it will surly be a thing of the past this coming year ,work for half the salary they get, and stop immigration and chuck out those who shouldn't be here,

  • 9 years ago

    None at all as everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie ,,,,,,,Iwill not touch NHS .More for armed forces ,Jobs ,I could go on and on but then so could we all I think people forget the last tories that we had .This may not be the answer that you where expecting but I think that it answers the question.

  • 9 years ago

    Promise never to let Michael Savage into the country, ever. No apologies, no explanations needed. You guys do not need more hate-mongering over there.

  • 9 years ago

    To tell the truth ! He's a politician so there's not much chance of that !

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Hi jerry, hope your keeping ok, to answer your question i'd like my freedom of speech back , to be able to say what i like when i like, and not be arrested like emma west [hope she had a lovely christmas with her kids]. -- best wishes for new year everybody!.

    Source(s): Freedom in all its form!!!
  • Bazza
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Halt all foreign aid. He won't of course. He borrows to give it away. Total insanity.

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