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Senior Citizens US: Are there any New Year Resolutions you'd like the President to make and keep?

19 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To admit he is in office fraudulently, and will resign his position immediately!

  • 9 years ago

    STEP down in favour of Hilary C - and let her go head-to-toe with Mit, Newt, Rick or other funny-named Rep Presidential CANdidates.

    One-term O'bama must know the game is up - his 'Yes we can' rhetoric proven to be persuasions only to the dull and ignorant - FALSE, unfulfilled promises.

    If this current President really wanted his socialist ideals to prevail - he'd hand the baton over to a female more likely to succeed. (And is much better informed/aware of US foreign policy - where O'Bama's LIMP-wristed approach has been little short of disastrous.)

    As happens, I'd prefer a Rep President voted-in Nov 12 - even though the current contending candidates don't exactly cut the mustard. Mit 'looks' more Presidential than Newt or Rick - and would probably build a a better team of advisers than O'Bama has,

    (Any C-i-C who argues with his Generals in the field - and is NOT a Winston Churchill - ought to bow out, stage left - before being allowed to perpetrate even more harm on our American cousins.)

    Source(s): UK observer.
  • Kini
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Keeping resolutions is usually beyond his control since Congress has the real power but

    1. Close Guantanamo prison, end the lease on the naval base and get out of Cuba, end the embargo

    2. End the secret renditions and having people taken to black sites and tortured

    3. Stop threatening Iran and end the trade embargo and establish diplomatic relations

  • 9 years ago

    Spend holidays and vacations at the White House or Camp David and leave Air Force I in the hangar except for legitimate government business.

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  • oldman
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    For Obama personally: Get the hell out of Dodge. For presidents in general: take this country back to it's roots, translate the constitution as it was meant, not how you want it to read. There is enough writing around what was said by the men who wrote and signed it, to not miss the meanings of what was written to serve your selfish ambitions. And if you don't like what it says, just step down because you have no business being in the highest position in this country.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Wow, read the answers on this one as I don't have an immediate answer. I just hope he keeps not smoking.

    Source(s): Happy New Year all!!!!
  • 9 years ago

    No, but here's some people who have some 'resolutions' regarding The Banks, Wall Street and the disgusting way they are all behaving...

    (This takes place in Oakland, sent to me by Michael, a good friend)

  • 9 years ago

    To resign!

    I think Joe wouldn't be any improvement. They all seem to be cut from the same cloth.

  • 9 years ago

    Too not write any more books and avoid the 'lecture circuit'.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I would seriously hope it would be for him to resign and just go away never to be seen or heard from again.

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