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sunshine10 asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago

How do you deal with losing a pet?

My Tigger is only 11 years old..he is such a beautiful cat. I am sitting here hysterical as i am writing this.

Tigger wouldn't eat the last couple of weeks and after tons of blood tests and ultrasounds..xrays etc..there was nothing wrong...everything was perfect.

He had some bad teeth and we assumed that was the problem...after pulling the teeth Tigger would still not eat....Tigger has squamous cell cancer...his entire jaw deteriorated when new xrays were done.

I drove 2 1/2 hours to see a specialist for a 2nd opinion..There is nothing they can do....i am heartbroken...i have never loved any animal in my entire life like i love this cat ...i will never get over this...and i have to sit here and watch him knowing he has cancer and i don't have much time left.


chemo or radiation doesn't work..only removing the cats jaw and i would never do that to him.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm so soooo sorry!!!!!!!! I understand exactly what you're going through and it ranges with one of the worst feeling I've ever felt..

    My 7 year old kitty cat just died in September suddenly and unexpectedly from straddle thrombus. It was from some underlying heart disease. We were all so shocked that our little tiny buddy was whaling and dragging her back legs. We brought Dewey to the emergency vet within half an hour and she had to be put down cuz there was nothing that could be done but end the tremendous pain she was in. I hated to see that scared look in her face and eyes. The hopelessness in her how. I could sense that my baby girl wasn't going to make it and jut made sure I was in her sight the whole time kissing her and making sure I was in her sight when her eyes started to droop after the shot. I was heartbroken and never cried so hard in my life. Not even when my dad died in '04. This kitty was so special to me and loved everything about her and her weird ways. She got to me heart. You know you really love something that when they die, it not yourself you feel sad for for having to lose your loved one, but the fact your buddy had to die alone with out you there to guide them to their next stage.

    The first two weeks were awful. I couldn't listen to music or even dream. I felt alone when I went back to college because no one would ever understand the sadness I was in or ever got to meet my loved one. Everywhere I went in my house I kept thinking of her or how she'd jump in the shower with me. Then I felt bad for my other cat we have since they were cuddle buddies and playmates.

    Since my college/dorm is only 10 minutes from home, I could keep coming back home to be with my mom and brother since they could understand the pain I was feeling. College kept my mind busy though and the distractions really helped me get through the first weeks. I talked to many friends about how it was when their pet died or read internet forums. Talking and venting HELPS A TON. I wrote about all my memories with my Dewey, looked through photos. Our other brother was in Afghanistan at the time so when he heard about Dewey through a message he sent flowers out to our house with a personalized message on it. I would visit Dewey's buried site in our back yard and sit there with my other kitty just talking. A very good friend of mine knew how much I adored my cats like a total sap and felt horrible. She secretly bought me a new kitten! I wasn't ready for a new cat ye, since it had only been two weeks, but it really helped my mom who was still living home alone.

    A month later, I didn't feel as agonized. Now, a little over 3 months later, I feel much better. I still miss my baby girl but it doesn't hurt as bad. I've gotten use to her not being here or waking me up in the morning by nibbling my nose. I keep her in my thoughts and look through precious videos of us together that make me feel better. I've gotten a lot closer to our new kitten and I only wish they could have met each other.

    In all honesty, time heals the pain. I'm tearing up writing all of this but really, it is not the same pain I felt back on September 17th, 2011. And you really know who your closest friends or family members are when they talk you through it and really listen and try to help. Like my one best friend that bought me a kitten.

    You and your furry family member will be in my thoughts. I understand, and if you want to talk to me about your kitty, or your memories together, please message me and I will listen with an empathetic mind. Just know you won't always feel so utterly devastated and heart broken, but you will always remember your loved one and enjoy sharing their joyous life to others of your memories together. Until Tigger's last breath, give him as much love as ever and spend as much time as you can so he can die a happy kitty in the eyes of a proud and loving owner. Losing a pet that's more than a best friend is never easy, make these last moments together last. I'm not a religious person, and I don't know if there's a type of heaven or not, but I'd like to believe that their soul or energy with continue on pat their physical form. When Tigger's time comes, Dewey will be waiting for him to give him a tour :)

    Best wishes


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It takes time to get over the loss of a beloved member of your family, and that's what pets are. You need to cry and remember her and don't listen when people say "oh, it's just a CAT. Get another one and you will be fine". You will always miss her and she will always have a place in your heart. Put in "dealing with the loss of a pet" on an internet search. I have done this and was pleasantly surprised at the wonderful, sympathetic websites devoted to the subject. My last suggestion is my ultimate remedy. When you can deal with the loss of that beloved kitty, and are ready, get another one, maybe a kitten. This new feline won't replace the one you lost, but it does give you another to love and to love you back!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You give him one last good day with you. Play with him, pet him, talk to him, and make him happy. Then take him to the vet to have him put to rest and have someone go with you. Then you cry. Whenever you think you would be able to deal with it, adopt another cat from a shelter, not as a replacement for Tigger, but as a companion for you.

    Having your pet humanely euthanized is a much better option than watching them suffer.

    Source(s): I recently had to put my dog to sleep because of a slipped disc in his back, but I know that I'll never be able to replace him.
  • 9 years ago

    Sorry to hear that sunshine, I am going through rough times with my 13yr old persian right now that I grew up with.

    Sometimes you have to think if its better to let them go rather than let them suffer through constant pain and stress. It is very hard to lose a pet, especially if its the first pet loss. My first cat that passed, who I was my favorite, still makes me cry even 3 years after whenever he is mentioned.

    I grew up with 3 kittens when was 6 yrs old, now the last of the 3 cat is being hospitalized and isnt eating. I have been crying my eyes out for the last few days since she's been my sister for 13 years.

    Theres not much to do but to let time pass to heal. Cry when you need to, express your feelings when you need to. Getting a new pet may help, but we know another pet will never replace a lost one. But at the same time, we love pets for a reason: they give us joy and comfort.

    keep your head up! theres not much else I can say, but I understand how you feel :(

  • 9 years ago

    Aww, I honestly know how you feel. Everyone and everything dies in there life. I know its hard to loose a pet. But remember when he passes away he will be in peace. When I lost my cat I was hysterical. But I will always remember that hes in a better place. Do you have anything of him to remember him by, if you do keep it on a little table or something. God bless you and Tigger.

    Source(s): Experience
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I am dealing with the same problem with my cat except my cat is a female and she has abscessed breast tumor cancer. I don't have the money and do not know anyone who has the money for her surgery to cure her and have to put put her to rest peacefully by a professional so she does not suffer tomorrow. Her name is Pepper and she is approximately 15 years old in cat years and around 76 years old in human years. I raised Pepper since she was a three year old kitten back in June1995 and I love her to death because she was the only one in my family of four that she was closer to and attached and I was close to her so much that Pepper was like a daughter to me that I spoiled constantly with attention and that I let her whip me or control me.

    Source(s): experience, going through it right as of December 29 - 30, 2011
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This is one of the most heartbreaking questions to answer.All I can suggest is to hold him,love him and thank God for the 11 years of companionship the two of you have share.Then I would pray that God would give you the courage to have him humanely put to rest.Oh and please shed lots of tears.

    My prayers go out to you in a very difficult time.I know how much you love Tigger.

  • 9 years ago

    There are cures for cancer, believe it or not. If you could get him Laetrile treatment, he could probably live a lot longer. In the US they will not allow alternative treatments for cancer, for people or animals!

    If you go on you tube, watch a documentary called "Food Matters", it shows how we are not given the

    help we need by the medical establishment! I have some cancer treatment info that I bought and downloaded to my comp. If you want more info please email me at

    If it works for humans it can work for animals! I'm so sorry your kitty is very ill. I hope you can do something more than just watch him go.......

    Source(s): 35 years of cats
  • 9 years ago

    You cry.

    Trust me it is the best thing to do.

    Source(s): One of my dogs got ran over by a car right in front of me....
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    hmm... you can try treatment like chemotherapy but it doesn't always work

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