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  • feline leukemia virus?

    I have a 6 month old kitten..he tested negative when i got some point today i must have walked outside and stepped in cat urine. When i came home my kitten was sniffing my shoes and the floor...i didn't realize it up until that point then when i took my shoes off smelled the cat pee.

    Can my kitten catch something from this? I"m in a panic.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My cat can't use her back leg at all?

    My cat was limping a little two weeks ago..xrays were perfect so we assumed it was a sprain..this week she was falling over on the side of the bad was completely giving out..xrays were done again...hip..leg ..spine...all were perfect.

    It seems like it's more in the hip area that give out when she walks..not the foot itself.

    Any one have any ideas???...i'm going to go see an orthopedic specialist but in the mean time i feel terrible not being able to help her.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My mother has an eye infection i am assuming?

    My mom is 82..she had numerous health problems including glaucoma. I gave her drop saturday morning as usual. Her eyes were the afternoon she said they bothered her..when i looked at them there was no whites to her eyes all blood shot..i figured the shampoo that i had used irritated them earlier..(i use the same shampoo all the time..not a new one) By saturday night there was pus coming out of them and stuck shut...i bought saline and washed them being a holiday i called the eye drs emergency and they gave me an anitbiotic drop..i started them this morning but it doesn't look ANY better at all. They are getting "stuck" shut with slimy stuff.

    Should the antibiotic have started to work by now?...Could it be something more serious?..i figured if it was just one eye ti could have been a bleed or something behind the eye but it's both eyes and it does look like the pics online of conjunctivitis.. I am taking her first thing in the morning to the eye dr but how worried should i be that this is something more serious?..thanks!

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • Name of a song?????????????

    I looked on line and can't figure out the name of the's an old's a man singing's a slow song and the words in it are these are the seasons of our life or lives.

    3 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • My cat died and i can't move on..i'm terribly heartbroken?

    Only true cat lovers will understand..I lost my cat on feb 4th. He was the love of my life..he did everything with me..he slept in my arms like a baby every night. I am a grown woman..not a child so know i should be thinking clearly and i'm not. I have 5 other cats so getting another one isn't the answer.

    This cat was so different..he was only 11 years old and meant the world to me. I would have literally sold my body parts to have saved him...he had a tumor in his jaw and i even went to a specialist 3 hours away. No one could help him and i feel like the cat trusted me and i let him down...i couldn't save him. This is such a horrible feeling to know i couldn't fix this and the poor cat didn't understand this...i keep thinking on that last ride to the vet how i i killed him. I am so heartbroken and will never get over this...i literally can't function. I don't know what to do to stop this horrible heartbreak.

    13 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • How do you deal with losing a pet?

    My Tigger is only 11 years old..he is such a beautiful cat. I am sitting here hysterical as i am writing this.

    Tigger wouldn't eat the last couple of weeks and after tons of blood tests and ultrasounds..xrays etc..there was nothing wrong...everything was perfect.

    He had some bad teeth and we assumed that was the problem...after pulling the teeth Tigger would still not eat....Tigger has squamous cell cancer...his entire jaw deteriorated when new xrays were done.

    I drove 2 1/2 hours to see a specialist for a 2nd opinion..There is nothing they can do....i am heartbroken...i have never loved any animal in my entire life like i love this cat ...i will never get over this...and i have to sit here and watch him knowing he has cancer and i don't have much time left.

    11 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • my cat wont eat...i've been foce feeding for a couple of weeks now.?

    I'm just putting this out here out of desperation hoping someone might come up with something.

    My cat is 11..he started vomiting about a month ago for a few days..then he just refused to eat after that.

    blood work was perfect

    xrays were fine

    pancreatic test was negative.

    ultrasound showed gallstones...further testing and a follow up ultrasound this week showed no blockage and the gallstones were just there not causing any problems.

    I decided this past tuesday to have his teeth done because we just couldn't figure out why he would not eat...4 teeth were bad and pulled this past tuesday.

    The cat still refuses to eat,..he has no interest in food at all..won';t even look at it if i put it in front of him

    I am getting a can of prescription maximum calorie food in him a day by force feeding.

    I had a board certified internist look at him...everyone is just at a complete loss of why he has no appetite.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • my cat is sick...i need help...only serious answers please?

    My 12 yr old cat has been sick for almost 2 weeks...i took him to the vet at that time thinking he had a bad tooth...(he wasn't eating as well as usual)..the tooth was bad but fast forward..before the tooth surgery the cat started to vomit..and never stopped..he was sick for 5 days and the end result is the cat has gallstones...cats do not usually get the meantime my cat has 3 of them,,,he is nauseated..doesn't want to eat and just isn't himself...i am force feeding high calorie foods and giving sub q fluids..he is on nausea medication but at this point i'm really confused...there really isn't a good treatment for this as far as i can find..there isn't much on this at all being it is so rare...i am going to see a board certified internist after the cats next ultrasound next week but has ANYONE...ever had a cat with gallstones????...thanks.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • eye brow waxing question?

    I know this is a strange question....i had my eyebrows waxed today as i have done for many years by the same after she did my eyebrows she waxed below my outer eyebrow edge on the sides of my eyes...actually next to my outer eye between that and my far as i know i had no hair i'm afraid that i will because she waxed there...will this make whatever hair i had there...which was little or none ...grow back thicker...i keep having these thoughts of waking up with hair next to my eyes.

    3 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • eye brow waxing question?

    I know this is a strange question....i had my eyebrows waxed today as i have done for many years by the same after she did my eyebrows she waxed below my outer eyebrow edge on the sides of my eyes...actually next to my outer eye between that and my far as i know i had no hair i'm afraid that i will because she waxed there...will this make whatever hair i had there...which was little or none ...grow back thicker...i keep having these thoughts of waking up with hair next to my eyes.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • cat pros ONLY please?

    Sunshine is 16...she had a tooth pulled that was broken down and she wasn't right afterwards...3 days later she was diagnosed with auto immune anemia with a pcv of 20..high dose steroids saved her life..which is when we found out she also had a heart problem...(wasn't absorbing sub q fluids)..NOW...on pred pcv is up a bit but because of the steroids she has diabetic blood values...we tried cutting back on the steroids but then the red blood count drops again...the steroids are bad for the heart and the blood sugar..without them she can't keep her red count up...i feel like i'm going in circles...The cat is eating..drinking and grooming...she looks sooo much better then she did when she got sick and was hospitalized for 5 days....she is also on heart meds now.

    Anyone ever had a cat that had auto immune anemia?

    1 AnswerCats10 years ago
  • Help..older cat with anesthesia?

    My 16 yr old cat broke a tooth down to her gum line and was in pain..she had the tooth pulled and a huge cyst removed off of her tail yesterday morning..last night she didn't or drink..i took her back to the vet this fever..incision looked fine..they said it was from pain..the tooth and the tail and it would take a few days to recover...this cat isn't moving and i'm scared. They did fluids also but she's so out of it.....any advice?

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • hyperthyroid cat not responding to medication?

    Please don't tell me to ask my vet..i know his answers..i want yours.

    My cat is hyperthyroid..he was on the equivalent of 2.5 tapapzole with a t4 of 6.0..we doubled the meds...2.5 twice a day then i retested in 4 weeks..with the doubling of the medication the cats t4 level more then doubled to 12.6. The cat is on transdermal ear gel.

    PLEASE only people who have knowledge about this answer.

    The vet changed the transdermal to the pill at 2.5 2x a day...i am really worried about the t4 being so high when i had doubled the medicine...i keep thinking it didn't respond because maybe it's thyroid cancer?

    any help please?

    5 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • one of my cats eyes seems smaller then the other?

    My 16 yr old cat is hyperthyroid...(don't know if this has anything to do with it) When she looked at me today i noticed one eye is smaller then the other...not the pupil but the eye itself...i am "assuming" it looks smaller because she either is not opening it as wide as the other one or the lid is drooping.

    She is an indoor cat only. The eye is not red...running or anything like that....just smaller.

    Will call the vet tomorrow but it's just really strange...any ideas?

    3 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • cat vomiting blood??

    Took my cat to the vet today for a recheck on a tail abscess...she was on clavamox but had been vomiting from it..they changed her antibiotic was given approx 1/2 hour before i came home...when i got in the cat vomited all over the floor..all liquid food but totally pink tinged which i know was blood...waiting for the vet to call me said they think reaction to antibiotic but i have never heard of antibiotics causing bleeding when vomiting before...i'm in a panic here.

    this is a repost to see if i can get anymore help

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • vomiting blood?

    Took my cat to the vet today for a recheck on a tail abscess...she was on clavamox but had been vomiting from it..they changed her antibiotic was given approx 1/2 hour before i came home...when i got in the cat vomited all over the floor..all liquid food but totally pink tinged which i know was blood...waiting for the vet to call me said they think reaction to antibiotic but i have never heard of antibiotics causing bleeding when vomiting before...i'm in a panic here.

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • anyone know this song?

    slow song..woman singing it..older song..not new

    some of the words are..with this ring i take a pledge of life would be nothing with you..take my hand

    3 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • cat has open sore and bleeding next to anus?

    Has anyone ever had a cat with a ruptured anal gland?...I found blood all over my floor and it seems to be an open hole NEXT to the anus.

    The cat seems to be not in pain and it doesn't seem to be bothering vet is actually on his way over to look at it but i've never had this happen before.

    3 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • girl singing a slow song with something about california in it?

    It's a girl singing it,,it's a slow song with something about california in the words.

    4 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • can't find dropped pill..i'm a wreck.?

    My mom is 81..she accidentally dropped a baby aspirin on the floor this morning..i saw it fall ..watched it hit the floor but couldn't find it....I have 6 cats and i am a nervous wreck that they will find it and eat it...i spent the ENTIRE day sweeping..vacuuming and mopping that section of the house...i can't find the damn pill...i looked through the vacuum dirt to see if i picked it up but it wasn't there...i just don't know what else to do...i lifted the area rugs..moved furniture..cleaned everything...the pill just can't be found..i know it fell...i just am afraid that one of the cats will find it...i'm a nervous wreck but can't find a solution to this.

    5 AnswersCats10 years ago