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What is the best way to remove candle wax from clothing (shirt)?

I got some candle wax in a pull over jersey. What is the best way to remove it?

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Place cotton rag (like old T-shirt) on top of the clothing item with wax side up.

    Use moderately hot iron upon the T-shirt material. Hopefully, the wax will melt and be absorbed into the cotton, and out of the apparel fibers.

    No guarantee, but this might do the trick.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I dropped an entire candle all over the wall, window coverings and my carpet. Called my mother and she said to get paper bags and a blow dryer. Warm up the wax and wipe it with paper bags.

    IT WORKS INCREDIBLY I got all the wax off of everything.

    Blow dryer and paper bags :D heat and wipe it off

    Source(s): my mother!
  • 9 years ago

    Try freezing it. I've never tried it but it supposed to help get wax off things.

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