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What is asexual......?

It will sound stupid to ask but is it not being sexually attracted to people? or being like..frigid?

how can asexual people have relationships? do they have sex at all? what about having babies?

how does someone know if they're asexual?

what age can you know from? because some questions on here, people claim their bf/gf is asexual and they're only like..14/15

any help is appreciated :)


So can they only be in relationships with other asexual people? Cause I would get far too frustrated without sex.....

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    An asexual is simply someone who does not experience sexual attraction to any gender. It's different from celibacy in that it's not a choice: asexuality is a sexual orientation just like heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, &c. Some asexuals may choose to be celibate, but this is a personal choice. Others may choose to have sex for a variety of reasons, including to please their sexual* partner. Some may even enjoy sex, but this does not invalidate their asexuality, as sexual orientation is determined solely by feelings of sexual attraction.

    Similarly, some asexuals do have a libido/sex drive and some do masturbate; this varies on an individual basis. Again, this does not by any means invalidate their asexuality, as sexual orientation is not determined by one's actions, but rather one's feelings of sexual attraction (or lack thereof).

    While asexuals do not experience sexual attraction, they may experience other types of attraction, such as romantic attraction, aesthetic attraction, and emotional attraction. Romantic asexuals do desire a close, loving relationship with another person (this can be with people exclusively of the same gender, opposite gender, or all/a mix of genders). Aromantics, on the other hand do not desire such a relationship; they are perfectly content to be single.

    Romantic asexuals might form relationships with other asexuals, which vary on an individual basis, but can generally be characterized as being the same as a normal relationship between two sexual* people, only without the sex. Other romantic asexuals might even form (or find themselves in) relationships with sexuals*. In this case, the partners might compromise in order to figure out a situation regarding sex that they will both be comfortable with: this generally means either the asexual partner agreeing to have sex or the sexual* partner agreeing to go without it. Asexuals in relationships with sexuals* or even other asexuals might choose to have children of their own or adopt children for the same reasons other sexual* people might choose to do so.

    As is shown by the fact that many asexuals do compromise and have sex, asexuals are not necessarily opposed to sex. In fact, the anti-sex viewpoint is widely frowned upon and discouraged within the asexual community; acceptance of all sexualities is encouraged.

    Separate from this opposition to sex is the feeling of disgust regarding sex. A number of asexuals are "sex-repulsed", meaning that the idea of having sex is repulsive to them personally. However, this does not necessarily affect how they view others: many if not most "repulsed" asexuals are actually fine with the idea of other people having sex so long as they themselves aren't participating in it. In contrast, there are "non-repulsed" asexuals who don't feel at all disgusted by the idea of (them) having sex. Among both of these groups, a sex-positive mindset (regarding the acceptability of sex as an act) is often held, as is encouraged by the asexual community.

    Just like with any other sexuality, the age at which an asexual person first realizes they are asexual varies from person to person: some may discover it at a fairly young age, but others might not discover it until they are well into adulthood. Feelings of sexual attraction are hard to distinguish before puberty, but as young adults are realizing that they are hetero- or homosexual, asexuals often start to realize that they lack the sexual attraction that so many of their peers experience. While some may be late bloomers, this is not always the case; they well may be asexual. When it comes down to it, there's no one defining age at which a person can discover their asexuality.


    For more information, please visit the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN). Between the FAQs and the forum community, you should be able to find the answers to all of your questions regarding asexuality. (Links are provided below.)


    *The term "sexual" in this case is used as a general term to encompass all people with a sexuality other than asexual, purely for the sake of being concise. It is not meant to suggest anything about the behaviors of anyone (on a personal level or as a generalization).


    Source(s): The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) Main FAQ: Extended FAQ (via the AVENwiki): Forum: Also, I'm asexual. :)
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    What Is Asexual

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    What is asexual......?

    It will sound stupid to ask but is it not being sexually attracted to people? or being like..frigid?

    how can asexual people have relationships? do they have sex at all? what about having babies?

    how does someone know if they're asexual?

    what age can you know from? because some questions on...

    Source(s): asexual:
  • 5 years ago

    Andy Warhol is asexual

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  • 6 years ago

    I prefer asexuality ,I have no desire for sex, don't know what, or how to do it .because I have no feeing in my vagina .,,I tried amino acids ,and I didn,t know what to do with all this sexuall awaikening

  • 8 years ago

    I consider myself asexual. I am only sexually attracted to fictional characters, male and female but mostly male. I think real people are disgusting and I can't possibly imagine myself ever having sex with a person. I do have a sex drive though, and I get aroused by fictional characters.

  • 6 years ago

    im asexual. sex is 100% disgusting. whoever asked this question, do not have sex because all it is is just the fking man putting his fking disgusting shlong in ur body and filling ur body up with hot wet slime. his penis feels like a wet slimy slug it is nauseating. purely toxic.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Asexual is a sexuality meaning you don't experience any sexual, physical or emotional to anybody of any gender.

    Asexual's can definitely live very full and satisfying lives - its fine to Just be Friends.

    Like being gay, you do have to figure it out as we are all brought up in a mostly heterosexual world :/

    It may be clear for them to know or it may take years to figure out - it depends on the person :)

    hope this helped :)

    Source(s): Lesbian :)
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    People who are asexual don't feel sexual desires, like ever. They can be in loving, romantic relationships, they just don't have sex. So yes, no babies.

    Source(s): I know a couple asexual people
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Asexual means you don't experience any sexual, physical or emotional to anybody of any gender. If you are asexual, you will know you are.

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