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Aaron B asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 9 years ago

Is it against Yahoo! Answers guidelines to copy/paste an existing answer?

The question title pretty much says it all. Is this a "reportable" answer?

I can't stand when people spam 20-30 questions with answers that are the exact same thing as someone who post the answer a few hours before them.

I try to report these people, but I never seem to see their answers removed.

This user is an example of this behavior:

View this users activity and you will see that every question he answered is a copy/paste of a previous answer.


To answer my own question: I feel this violates 'spam', 'intellectual property', and possibly 'copyright' guidelines.

Update 2:

"it is also a violation to call out another user in the manner you have just done"

Why? I only mentioned that user in a factual manner. Very similar to the way I have just quoted the user above.

haha, maybe I need to create another question! ... if this one doesn't get any more answers

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1: The account is indeed violating the rules.

    2: Please let me explain what it is exactly, so you can report him correctly.

    a) It is NOT spam, as he is not using the same answer over and over, he is also Not posting commercial spam.

    b) It is NOT copyright infringement as answers given by another user are not copyrighted in the legal sense.

    c) It is however an infringement on intellectual property of another user and this should be taken care of in a special way. In such cases you should hit the "report" flag first, and on the next page mark the bottom (!) circle which is for TOS (terms of service) violations. In the box provided you should post a short explanation like "illegal copy of answer posted by "insert user name", then hit submit.

    3: Possible explanation why the answers you reported aren't dropped: your trust level may not yet be high enough, so it would take at least one more user to report the same answer before it's deleted. But keep reporting those violations, sooner or later the answers will drop, and when they do, your report will be counted too and that in turn will raise your trust level.

    4: Although your question is legit, calling out another user is also against YA guidelines, so I suggest to copy your question and the answers given, then save them to a text file on your own machine for future references. This is just a safety measure, because if that copy-and-paste user stumbles upon your current question, he could report you and your post may very well get deleted...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I've reported others that have done this many times, sometimes the answers get deleted, but sometimes they are left in. It's very annoying, and in most cases it's just one or two lines that have been copied, so the answer doesn't even make sense.

    I don't think the reports are actually looked at, if two or more trusted reporters report a violation, it will go. If only one person reports it, it's usually left in.

    For example, I once reported an answer because it was recommending that the asker commit insurance fraud, it wasn't removed and it went on to be voted beast answer.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Probably not spam, certainly plagiarism. I always report abuse on this kind of behaviour. Just in case you did not know, if they both post on the same day hovering the mouse over the 3 days ago or whatever reveals the exact time of posting.

  • 5 years ago

    We ought to cling out in different communities, because of the fact i do no longer see that from the different TC's that I run throughout the time of. for my section, i think of it quite is a splash lazy whilst human beings do this, and this is basically approximately 0.5 a step previous saying "look it up on Wikipedia". Now, I do use Wikipedia each and every so often for a number of my solutions, yet i exploit it as a handbook or a certainty examine. I take the correct techniques, and attempt to condense them to a pair of paragraphs in my very very own words. somebody would not want the total article on the Lydians whilst all they desire to renowned replaced into what replaced into the 1st civilization to apply funds. i could use the article to make constructive it is who it replaced into, approximately whilst they started utilising them, and then write the paragraph.

  • Gone
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    yes, it is also a violation to call out another user in the manner you have just done.

  • Martyn
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Most definitely it's against the guidelines.

    Just keep plugging - they can only respond so fast.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes , of course it is , keep reporting him until he gets suspended

  • 9 years ago

    That's cheating, report them.

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